Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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Does a Cop have to show a badge or can he just Identify himself as a Police officer?

Asked by 6721dd7a@opayq.com over 11 years ago

Thanks for the question.  This has been addressed twice before, so to save a little time, here is one of the answers from above:

"In what context? If an officer is taking enforcement action, then at a reasonable time he or she should identify him- or herself in a reasonable manner. That will likely include a badge and ID card.

If someone knocks on your door and asks to speak with you it is certainly reasonable to request to see identification. Call the local law enforcement agency and confirm the officer's identity if you have any doubts.

Asking an officer to show you his or her badge in the middle of a fight, chase or in the middle of some other dangerous situation might not be feasible. It is all situationally dependent. Unfortunately, everone looks for a simple black and white answer, but life's not that easy. Reasonableness is the key to everything."

If I see a child alone in a car on a hot day.....and notice that the child is struggling....can I break a window in that car to give the child some relief?

Asked by Klondike Cat over 10 years ago

Possibly.  If the child is in actual danger, then yes, you can take reasonable actions to protect the life of the child.  However, the preumption is that you are damaging someone else's property.  You need to be able to prove that your actions were reasonable and necessary to protect the life of the child.  Calling 911 is probably the best bet in the specific scenario you described. As stated elsewhere on this page - this is not legal advice.

Hi I'm in college pursuing my criminal justice degree but I'm worried about getting hired because I used to smoke marijuana and tried ecstasy and cocaine once in high school, does that automatically disqualify me?

Asked by Jessica over 11 years ago

Depends on the department.  Cocaine and ecstacy are serious drugs and can have serious long-term consequences on your brain.  I would suggest contacting the department(s) you are insterested in applying to and speak to one of the recruiters about your situation.  Any department would require a long interval (several years at least) between hiring and your last use of the drug.

my brother just came home for out of state and been here fore about 2 weeks I did some investigation and found he has a warrant out for hi arrest in another state what should I do

Asked by froggy about 11 years ago

Will the foreign state extradite?  If so, feel free to call the local authorities.  If not, the local cops will not be able to arrest him for the warrant.

if someone has two out of state vehicles with expired everything on them, how do you go about finding out what's really going on with this person? I don't mind helping people but something isnt right!

Asked by amicrazy over 10 years ago

What exactly do you think is going on? Are expired tags considered a heinous crime in your area? If so, let the rest of us know so we can get away from real crime and move there.

In the beep test what is the expected score?

Asked by Jono about 11 years ago

No idea - What's a 'beep test'?

Can a California sheriff ask a woman out while he's on duty responding to a 911 call to the residence of the woman even though she was not involved with the 911 incident. She was just a roommate to the people who called?

Asked by sunny71 over 10 years ago

Sounds like he did, so I guess so. Is it in good taste? Maybe or maybe not - I wasn't there.