Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

my friend Is being abused and held hostal in her own home by an ex boyfriend/also the father of her daughter. He moved out the apartment a few months ago he still has his key and when ever she tries to go out he doesn't let her. What does she do?

Asked by William over 9 years ago


Can I become a German police officer if I am an immigrant?

Asked by parinaz over 9 years ago


If the issuer of a restraining order (tpo/ violates the tpo to tell the prosecutor to stay 300 feet, and hours after the confrontation the prosecutor breaks the restraing order.what is the punishment for the issuer if she is a minor?

Asked by Ty over 9 years ago


If the issuer of a restraining order (tpo/ violates the tpo to tell the prosecutor to stay 300 feet, and hours after the confrontation the prosecuter breaks the restraing order.(both are minors)

Asked by Ty over 9 years ago


So there isn't an academy or course officers take on how to train the k9s then work as a k9 trainer?

Asked by Alessandro Ferri over 9 years ago


So then how should I go about getting experience for police k9 training? Where do the police officers who train the dogs get their experience from?

Asked by Alessandro Ferri over 9 years ago

Working the road. Where else?

Until you've had to make decisions on when to deploy a dog in a real-life, volatile use-of-force situation, and then justify those decisions to your chain of command, an internal affairs investigation, a city attorney and (probably) a court, how exactly do you figure you will have the credibility to tell others what they need to know?

It's one thing to know the law from reading a book or attending a training class, its another to apply it appropriately in the field. It is a bit like training in the dojo vs. a street fight. Or perhaps a better analogy is the guy sitting on the couch watching a football game who has never stepped onto the field, yet thinks he knows better than the players. 

Reality is a harsh, unforgiving mistress. Until you've danced with her a while, you simply don't know what you don't know.

I was wondering is there a way to be a police k9 trainer without being an actual police officer? I work and volunteer with dogs part time but I would love to train dogs the police but I am not sure if the only way is to become a police officer first

Asked by Alessandro Ferri over 9 years ago

Maybe. Consider, however, that your lack of experience may have an impact on your credibility both with the agencies you are providing training to and to the courts when you and they are sued for wrongful use of force. (Yes - even when you do everything correctly, you will get sued and have to defend yourself in court.)