Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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In your experience, does offering a monetary award for info leading to finding a missing person or a wanted suspect actually work?

Asked by Pivot over 10 years ago


If I used to cut myself, but was never admitted to a hospital or care unit and never took medications for it, as well as never been diagnosed with any mental illness, will that disqualify me from becoming a police officer?

Asked by Jessica over 11 years ago

Not necessarily.  Psychological screenings and polygraph examinations are standard portions of the hiring process, so be honest about things and things should work out.

Would it be appropriate to call 911 for assistance if a door to door salesman refused to leave your house after you declined his product and you insisted that he leave?

Asked by Citizen137 over 11 years ago


At the very least it would appear that he is trespassing.  But, do you know that he doesn't have something worse planned?  Rape, robbery, murder?

Door to door salesmen are certainly capable of committing very bad crimes.  Additionally, criminals can pose as door to door salesmen with the intent of getting in your house to rape/rob/murder you.

A stranger in your home that is refusing to leave is a serious concern and possibly a very real threat.  Make sure you communicate to the dispatchers that the man is a stranger - not a friend or family member - and he is refusing to leave.  If you have any level of fear, make sure you communicate that as well.

I have a few questions. When just getting out of the police academy what are your options for what department you work for? (like homicide, vice,ect) Also when you get a job at a police department do you have to go through specific training?

Asked by April over 10 years ago

If you go to work for a local police department, you will go to uniform patrol. It is there that you will learn a lot about the job and people. If you become really good at your job, you can earn your way into a specialized position. Some people are really good but enjoy patrol, so they stay in uniform.

When you first get to the department, you go through a field training & evaluation program that will help get you the very basic level of proficiency in doing the job.

When a police officer dies ~ who would normally receive his badge. Is there a law in PA on who can receive it?

Asked by Jamie over 11 years ago

I don't know if there is a law in any of the states specifying what happens to a fallen officer's badge.  Typically, this is covered in the department's standard operating procedures.  Most departments provide the badge to the next of kin.

an acquaintance of mine has managed to obtain numerous credit with a range of catalogs using a fake name and contact details nevertheless has used her address is that still fraud

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

Most definitely.  Since there is a pattern of fraudulent activity, this could be treated as a much more serious criminal enterprise akin to organized crime.  The specific laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

If you're traveling in the fast lane of a 3 lane thru-way, and you're passed on the right hand side by a vehicle in the middle lane. The vehicle that passed brakes hard after noticing a trooper, And you get pulled over and ticketed, What can you do?

Asked by Hilliary M. almost 12 years ago

You didn't mention if you were speeding.  I'd suggest paying the ticket if you were.  Other people were speeding worse than I was doesn't generate much sympathy from a judge. 

If the trooper was using laser, then you were definitely the person he measured going whatever speed was on the citation.  If he/she was using radar, there could be some doubt that an experienced traffic attorney could bring up in trial.

The above is not legal advice, of course.

Did you know that speed is the #1 contributing factor to traffic fatalities?