Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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When cops pull over an off-duty cop for speeding, is it understood that just flashing your badge will get you out of it? What if the off-duty cop is doing something really bad, like 100+mph or driving drunk?

Asked by Oren1 over 12 years ago

It is situational and individual dependent. The examples you gave are crimes, so "flashing a badge" would not save you. Often, the consequences are worse for an officer since he/she has a sworn oath to uphold the law, not break it. In some jurisdictions, that opens the officer to an additional criminal act of violating the oath of office. But, yes, off-duty officers sometimes get consideration that others do not. (Don't ask me to defend the ethics of such activity, because I cannot. It is what it is.)

Would you encourage or discourage one of your children to become a police officer?

Asked by Jamie K over 12 years ago

Interesting question, and one I have considered before. Frankly, I'd rather my kids do something that was much safer, was less likely to result in a wrecked marriage, didn't put them in regular contact with the ugliness of humanity and that paid better. However, if they express an interest, then I will make sure they understand what they are getting into. If they wish to continue down the path, then I will encourage them to be the best cops they can possibly be.

Do cops become cops to protect people, or because they enjoy the power? (Funny movie scene to illustrate the point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGfYX7NmYnU.)

Asked by Kooomar over 12 years ago

Generally, cops are alpha personalities. Think about it: passive people don't seek out the most violent criminal elements in society and try to stop their anti-social behavior. Some officers are more "touchy-feely" than others, but at the end of the day, you have to be more "hunter" than "nurturer" to do the job. In fact, an FBI study illustrated the more easy-going an officer was, the more likely he would be killed. I think it is very rare for officers seeking power to actually get into police work. Most people craving power are the bully-types, who are ultimately cowards. Cowards don't make it in this profession. Instead, many officers got into the job because they had a fundamental desire to try to help their community. No doubt, there are some unqualified people who seek employment as an officer. Most of these get weeded out in the pre-employment testing. At virtually all law enforcement agencies in the US, candidates have an extensive background investigation plus must pass a polygraph and psychological examination. Even with these safeguards in place, a few idiots make it through. Most of these get weeded out in the training process, but a few do make it into the ranks. As they say, there are bad apples in every profession. Unfortunately, officers have a great deal of power and bad apples in police work can cause major problems.

Is a "citizen's arrest" a real thing? What's the correct way to actually make one?

Asked by Mahoney!!! over 12 years ago

Each state varies, but yes a citizen can make an arrest of another citizen in certain circumstances. Typically it is limited to felonies that happened in the citizen's presence, but vary from state to state. Some states allow merchants to detain/arrest shoplifters, for example. Other states have no provision for a citizen's arrest. Generally, you have no civil or criminal liability protections if you attempt to make a citizen's arrest (even if it is legal in your state.)

What was the most horrifying scene or situation you ever had to respond to? (Sorry, the Miami cannibal attack is still kinda fresh in mind...)

Asked by Brooke-lin over 12 years ago

I've been to a lot, but I hope you will forgive me for not talking about them.

Have you ever been shot or seriously injured on the job?

Asked by Jonah J over 12 years ago

Shot, no. Shot at, yes. While I have been injured, thankfully, all of my injuries have been relatively mild. Only one required any kind of "light duty," meaning that I had to work a desk for a few weeks until I was seen and cleared by a surgeon due to a knee injury.

My friend rants about how talking to the cops is ALWAYS a bad idea, even if you don't think you've done anything wrong. You're probably biased, but isn't there truth to that? Have you actually ever NOT arrested someone because he was cooperative?

Asked by samsam over 12 years ago

Yes, I suppose I am biased in this. But, here is what experience (from my side of the badge) has shown me. Talking to the cops is generally a bad idea if you have engaged in illegal activity. However, being honest with the officers can help lessen the seriousness of the situation. I have genuinely worked to help out people who have committed crimes when there were mitigating circumstances and they were honest about what happened. For example, I worked a property crime recently where the accused called me because he wanted to do the right thing. Based on his honesty and willingness to turn himself in, I asked the jail to give him a lower bond (bail) and talked to the prosecutor about reducing or dropping the charges. I wouldn't have done any of that if he had not been up-front and honest. Yes, I have not arrested many people who talked to me. A perfect example is when I responded to an assault recently. The complainant advised the accused beat him down for no reason. There were marks on the complainant consistant with being attacked. A passerby advised the accused hit the complainant. So it sounds like the accused should go to jail. However, against your friend's advice, the accused talked to me and explained that the complainant had just stolen his bike. The accused advised he approached the complainant to get the bike back, and the complainant spun around to hit him. The accused said he then defended himself and was able to get back his bike. Eventually, I was able to confirm his story based on some of the particulars the accused gave me. The end result was the accused did not go to jail, but would have had he not talked to me. (FYI, the accused chose not to prosecute the complainant for theft. He felt justice had already be served.) Not talking to the cops is a personal choice. I talk to people all day; it is my job. How can I know what is going on in my patrol area if I don't talk to people, and they talk to me? Not talking to each other does nothing good - it just reinforces mistrust and barriers. I'd much rather work WITH the community than against it.

What's the hardest part of training to become a cop?

Asked by ATLuke over 12 years ago

In the academy, it seems like most people fail out because of firearms or academics (not passing tests) rather than just giving up. In field training (the initial on-the-job training), encountering violence is often what causes a lot of people to rethink their career choice. Law enforcement can be an ugly business and the environment is very toxic. Discovering that evil is something real, and not just stuff from a bad movie, is a real eye-opener. Most people never get into a fight as an adult. Depending on where you work, fighting people on a daily basis is part of the job. For some new officers, they can't handle the physical danger. Most of them decide on their own to move on. It doesn't mean they aren't great people, just not suited for police work. I don't think most people are prepared to encounter violence on a daily basis.

What was it like the first time you shot a gun?

Asked by borat over 12 years ago

I started shooting a long time before I went into police work. Shooting has always been fun and relaxing for me. I don't recall the first time I shot a gun, though it was likely one of my dad's .22 rifles. BB guns before that.

Hands down one of the best threads I've read on this site. My question: do cops and firemen get along? Thought there was a little bit of a rivalry there.

Asked by Car 54 over 12 years ago

Thanks for the comment about this thread. There is a very friendly rivalry between the cops and hose draggers (errr...firefighters) in my area. We work together all the time, and the firefighters in our city are top notch. Sometimes there are practical jokes back and forth, and always a funny jibe, but it is always friendly. Several of our officers have relatives on the fire department.

Can I become a cop if I have a couple misdemeanors on my record?

Asked by anon over 12 years ago

Depends. Some misdemeanors will automatically disqualify you, such as anything related to perjury or domestic violence. Others will not necessarily exclude you (like a bad check when you were in college, for example). However, any criminal record is going to make it difficult for you to get hired. If you have multiple arrests, it will be very difficult indeed.

The AZ law allows cops to demand proof of status when there is mere suspicion that a person is in the country illegally (even if he hasn't been otherwise detained/arrested). So I think the real Q is whether you can truly be blind to the race factor?

Asked by CarGo over 12 years ago

As far as I know the Arizona law is about nationality, not race.

If I refuse to take a breathalyzer when I'm pulled over, is that treated the same as had I agreed to it and blown over the limit?

Asked by TesstheBess over 12 years ago

Depends on where you live. Different states have different laws on the subject. Generally, there are legal repercussions for refusing the state administered chemical tests (breathalyzer, etc). Sorry I cant be more specific.

If I get pulled over for speeding, will a PBA card or windshield sticker affect whether I get a ticket?

Asked by Sherm68 over 12 years ago

No. Politeness and honesty are your best friends in a traffic stop. Many officers already have an idea of what enforcement action they will take when they stop you. However, honesty and good manners are so refreshing that many officers will cut you some slack. Rudeness, on the other hand, can turn a warning into a court appearance. On a sparate note, the folks doing the soliciting for the PBA and other law enforcement organizations are often telemarketing companies who only give a small portion of the money they collect to the organization they claim to represent. If you want to donate to a law enforcement charity, consider Concerns of Police Survivors http://www.nationalcops.org/ They help the families of police officers killed in the line of duty.

When you pull over or arrest a minority, does race cross your mind? Do you worry that you might be accused of racism?

Asked by astutegoose over 12 years ago

Race is merely a descriptor to me when looking for someone. For example, if a white male just robbed a store, I will be looking specifically for white males. Beyond that, I don't care what you look like, where you are from, etc. All people are capable of good and evil. I'm looking for what people are doing, not what the look like. Every cop, no matter their own race, is accused of racism. Criminals don't like being arrested and can make all sorts of outlandish claims in an effort to "get back" at the cop who arrested them. It is annoying, but part of the world in which we work.

Have you ever shot and/or killed anyone?

Asked by Amy S. over 12 years ago


Regarding immigration laws like Arizona's that give police the right to stop people and demand proof of immigration status, do you think it's possible for cops to apply that without regard to race?

Asked by Maria over 12 years ago

I don't work in Arizona, so I am not an expert on their laws. However, two things: 1. Police officers cannot just "stop people and demand proof of immigration status." I've heard a few people state this on various news programs, but it is a statement made for political ends or out of ignorance. The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution governs the seizure of persons, and various cases (Terry v. Ohio, et al) have clarified the legalities of investigative detentions. Investigative detentions are short-duration stops of a person where the officer has reasonable, articulable suspicion that the person is engaged in unlawful activity. For example, a subject wearing a ski mask and carrying a crowbar at the back door of a business at 3 am can be lawfully detained as the officer can articulate specific facts that would lead him to believe the subject was engaged in a burglary. Absence reasonable, articulable suspicion, officers may not lawfully stop people. So to stop someone and check his or her immigration status, the officer must have already established facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe the subject being stopped was a foreign national inside the US illegally. 2. Being an illegal alien has nothing to do with race. Being an illegal alien is about nationality. Don't be fooled by politicians with personal agendas. Citizens of other countries are (generally) not allowed to visit or immigrate to the United States without permission of the federal government. Permission typically takes the form of a visa. Absent that permission, the person is violating federal law. The funny thing is law enforcement is already required to determine the nationality of all people who are detained or arrested for the purposes of conforming to international treaty. The US is a signatory to various treaties regarding consular notification and access. Officers are required to determine if someone is a foreign national, and offer to contact their consular officers if so. By treaty, we are required to notify certain foreign governments even if the arrested subject declines. You can read more about consular notifications here: http://travel.state.gov/pdf/cna/CNA_Manual_3d_Edition.pdf It would seem that if someone was arrested, and they advised they were a citizen of another country, that INS would be able to tell law enforcement officers if the subject was in the US legally. If not, it would seem INS should get involved and address the issue. Of course, I have arrested many felons in the past who were in this country illegally and the feds failed to take any enforcement action. Probably the worst case was a subject I arrested once who was a member of an international gang, and who was a known drug trafficker. I arrested him for rape. He plead to a lesser charge and INS decided not to deport him. Bottom line: race isn't part of the issue, except for people using immigration as a political football.

What's considered to be the best and worst assignments or "beats" as a cop? For example, I could swear I've heard that if a cop is in the doghouse at work, he might get assigned traffic duty or desk/paperwork stuff...

Asked by mark over 12 years ago

Depends on the officer and the jurisdiction what could be the "worst." For example, some cops work hard to make detective, while I would hate the job. The worst for them would be to have my job, and the reverse for me. In most jurisdictions there are some patrol districts that are busier than others. Getting assigned to one of those could be considered a punishment for some people.

How much truth is there to the Blue Code of Silence? Have you ever seen a cop lie or claim ignorance to protect a fellow officer?

Asked by CarGo over 12 years ago

There is some truth to it, as people who are friends (regardless of profession) do tend to stick up for each other. You can find the same dynamic on a sports team, in a military unit, and in any organization where tight teamwork is essential for success. I've never seen a police officer lie under oath to protect another officer. Nor have I ever seen another officer turn a blind eye to unethical or criminal behavior. Does it happen? Sure - but no where nearly as often as Hollywood depicts.

Is it true that cops' benefits and pension are really top-notch?

Asked by SD joe over 12 years ago

Depends on the area of the country where you are doing the comparing. Where I started my career in Georgia, no. Our benefits, pay and retirement were significantly below what was available in the private sector. At my current position in Florida, my benefits are on par with much of the private sector, with a better retirement plan than many in the private sector. Other areas of the country, benefits and pensions vary - some significantly better than others.

Have you worked with any openly gay police officers? If you have, do they get a hard time from or get snubbed by other cops?

Asked by JSB over 12 years ago

Yes, I have worked with several officers who are openly homosexual. No, they are not given any grief about that from the other officers. Most people/officers don't care about your sexual preferences. How you are treated by other officers comes down to the content of your character. Are you a hard worker? Are you honest and honorable? Are you effective as a police officer? These are the things that cops care about when evaluating their peers.

When you approach a situation where a lot of people have guns drawn, how do you determine who the bad guys are? e.g. if you show up and one guy's pointing a gun at another, how do you know he's not a plainclothes cop?

Asked by barryschiller over 12 years ago

It is very situation dependent. What information has dispatch relayed to us? Is there someone that is displaying a badge or other identifiers? What are the circumstances? Do we have prior information about undercover officers working in an area? Misidentifying a good/bad guy is always a problem, and shooting an off-duty or plain clothes officer is a very real possibility. There is no simple answer to this question and the circumstances will offer responding officers "context clues" to the nature of the incident.

What happens to the drugs that are seized during drug busts?

Asked by HGHG88 over 12 years ago

Drugs are held in evidence storage until the conclusion of the criminal trial. At that point, a judge will typically issue a court order for their destruction.

Do you and other cops actively avoid donut shops given all the stereotypes and jokes?

Asked by johnson22 over 12 years ago

Some officers avoid the places, while others don't mind. For a lot of areas, these are one of the few places open if you are working midnights. So if you need a cup of coffee, the local Dunkin Donuts might be your best bet. I'm not a huge fan of donuts or coffee, so I don't generally have cause to stop in.

What's the absolute bare MINIMUM I have to say to or do for a cop who stops me on the street? Do I have to show him my ID if he asks to see it? Do I have to speak to him at all? Can I just ignore him and walk away?

Asked by mister over 12 years ago

It depends on the circumstances. There are three tiers of police-citizen interactions: consensual, investigative detentions and arrest. Your question relates to the first two tiers. If it is a consensual encounter, you do not have to stop and talk with the officer. An example of a consensual encounter is an officer engaging in friendly conversation with a shop clerk, stopping out to talk to kids playing basketball in a park or talking to someone on a street corner. This conversation is another example of a consensual encounter. If it is an investigative detention, then you must stop and identify yourself to the officer. Depending on the circumstances, you may be required to give additional information (such as on a traffic stop, you would need to provide a driver's license, registration and proof of insurance in many states). An investigative detention is predicated by an officer's reasonable, articulable suspicion of illegal activity by the person being stopped. This is more than a hunch, but far less than probable cause (needed for a lawful arrest). Examples of reasonable suspicion that would warrant an investigative detention could include a subject hanging out at the rear of a closed business late at night or seeing someone matching the description of a person fleeing from a crime. The problem with just ignoring the officer and walking off is you don't know which of the encounters the officer is initiating. If you ignore and walk away from an officer who is attempting to stop you as part of an investigative detention, expect to get grabbed and possibly face obstruction charges. Your best bet is to stop long enough to talk with the officer and inquire if you are being detained. If the officer says no, then feel free to walk away. Of course, being friendly and introducing yourself to the officer is always an option as well. Cops are people too, and unless you are involved in criminal activity you might find that we can be quite engaging to talk to.

Do cops have monthly quotas for speeding tickets?

Asked by slowgrind over 12 years ago

Some agencies have used quotas as a method of ensuring officers maintain a high level of productivity. Frankly, quotas are unethical and are just a lazy supervisor's attempt to look good. If officers are not active, a supervisor should demonstrate leadership and inspire his or her people to provide superior service. Even if an agency employed a quota, I don't know that timing would have any bearing on enforcement. It is possible though. Maybe a topic for Mythbusters?

Does the murder of a minority gang member in the projects get as many resources allocated toward solving it as the murder of a white victim in a wealthy part of town?

Asked by billO over 12 years ago

Yes. It saddens me to see certain political "leaders" suggest otherwise for their own personal gain. It saddens me even more that their are people gullible enough to believe it.

When do you call a forensics team in to look at a crime scene? If my apartment gets robbed while I'm on vacation, is that considered "important" enough to dust for prints, or do they only get called for homicides and stuff?

Asked by jorgegrenada over 12 years ago

The severity of the crime generally dictates who will process the scene. At my department, all of the patrol officers are equipped and trained to lift prints. So, on a relatively minor crime like an auto burglary, the patrol officer is responsible for processing the scene for evidence. We also have officers in patrol that are cross-trained to be evidence techs. These officers have been through multiple training classes for advanced evidence collection and have more tools than the average patrol officer has. In your example, a patrol officer would likely call one of these officers to help process the scene. For major cases, such as murder investigations, a specialized crime scene unit will be called in to work the scene. Traffic homicide cases are handled by a specialized unit of traffic homicide investigators. Evidence collection in these cases is similar, but these investigators are having to collect a lot of physical data that will allow them to reconstruct the physics of the accident. All crimes are important. However, a finite amount of resources requires departments to ration services. The more serious the crime, the more resources a department will be able to devote to it.

What's the difference between a good cop and a great cop?

Asked by c-town over 12 years ago

Motivation. I know a lot of really good officers. But the really great ones are the ones who are self-motivated to excellence. The problem is maintaining the motivation over a career. Dealing with the stuff on the street is bad enough, but inept leadership in departments can crush morale and motivation.

In your opinion, should having a 4-year college degree be a requirement to be a police officer? Does your department require it?

Asked by ironeagle over 12 years ago

Every department is different on degrees. Some require 4 year degrees, but most do not. A college education is ok, but other than giving you general knowledge, it isn't of much use as a street cop. For promotion, it is requirement for many positions. Frankly, the problem with many new officers is their sense of entitlement and lack of worldly experience. Generally, I have found that new cops that were in the military are far better equipped to be police officers. Most of them have had life experience beyond sitting in a classroom and partying all weekend. At the end of the day, officers are required to seek out the most dangerous elements of society and confront them. When someone starts shooting, everyone runs away except a police officer, who runs toward the danger. Most colleges don't prepare people for that action.

When you respond to a domestic violence call, if the woman insists that "everything is fine" but you suspect (though cannot prove) that all is not fine, what do you do? Do you have to take her word and leave?

Asked by NOLA Brad over 12 years ago

Depends. What other evidence do I have that something criminal is taking place? For example, do I have witnesses telling me something different? Do I see injuries on the woman? Can I see damage inside the residence from a fight? If someone called 911, do I have recorded statements from the woman (or others) that give me evidence that things are not "fine?" There have been numerous cases where a woman has been standing at the door telling the officers "everything is fine," while the man is behind the door/around the corner threatening to hurt/kill her if she tells the cops anything else. Officers are obligated to investigate each case fully, but within the confines of the law. If no evidence exists, and the woman insists "everything is fine," that may be the end of it. If other evidence exists, officers will investigate as far as they legally can.

Is it true that any time a cop discharges his firearm, the objective is to KILL? In other words, are you ever trying to merely wound or incapacitate, and if not, then why?

Asked by pete over 12 years ago

The short answer is no, police officers are not trying to kill anyone when they are forced to shoot them. The long answer: A police officer is authorized to use deadly force only when confronted with an imminent deadly threat, or to prevent/stop a forcible felony (armed robbery, rape, etc). The use of a firearm is deadly force. So, any time a police officer is authorized to shoot someone, it is an emergency situation where the officer or innocent citizen is in immediate danger. The objective is to stop the threat as quickly as possible. Or, in other words, to get the bad guy to stop whatever he is doing to create the dangerous situation. Shooting is a very precise activity. In a stress situation, with people moving and other variables, putting a bullet that is a fraction of an inch wide into any specific location is virtually impossible. So, officers are trained to shoot for the torso, which is the largest target. Additionally, wounds to the torso can cause rapid incapacitation due to blood loss. Wounding someone in the arm is not realistic as it is a very hard target to hit, and it is not likely to stop the violent behavior of the suspect. So, officers are trained to shoot to stop the threat. Death is sometimes a byproduct of that, but it is not the goal.

Are there any laws that even cops think are excessive and don't go out of their way to enforce? Like someone doing 60 in a 55, or jaywalking on an empty street, etc?

Asked by iceman over 12 years ago

Of course. There are a lot of laws that police officers feel are excessive. Different cops have different views, but most officers tend to have a libertarian streak to them. (I know - it's not what it portrayed on the internet and in the media, but it is true.) So, many/most of the laws telling people what they can/can't do with their lives & property don't sit well with many of us. Things like getting permission from the local government to cut down a tree on your property or how many cars you can park in your driveway really don't sit well with most of us. Ultimately, most cops try to apply a little common sense to a situation. From your example, most of the officers in our jurisdiction won't stop someone for less than 10 mph over the posted limit.

Have you ever worked with corrupt cops? Have you ever been offered substantial bribes to look the other way at the scene of a crime?

Asked by 305mayday over 12 years ago

No, I have never worked with corrupt cops. The only bribes I have ever been offered have been by drunk idiots who probably didn't know what they were saying. Regardless, there is no amount of money that someone can offer that would make me want to risk my freedom, and destroy my honor and integrity.

You mentioned that you'd hate being a detective, but why is that? What kind of cops are drawn to detective work?

Asked by watson over 12 years ago

I enjoy working in uniform patrol as I am responding to crimes and emergencies as they are happening, not merely following up on a case later. A detective's life is fairly routine, whereas a patrol cop's day is completely unpredictable. It isn't a simple matter to quantify who wants to be a detective. Some officers make the move because they like taking a major case and running it to its conclusion no matter how long it takes. Other guys make the move simply because of a pay increase or they want the weekends off. A lot of officers transfer over just as a change of scenery. There are a lot of perks for being a detective, but its just not a job thats interested me.

Why do some cops still ride horses? Is that just for tradition's sake, or is there some practical reason for it?

Asked by naynay over 12 years ago

Depends on the department. Most agencies do not have mounted officers. However, horses are very good for assisting with crowd control. I think New Orleans and NYC still have mounted units exactly for that reason. Also, for rural areas, horses can go a lot of places that vehicles cannot. So, they also make sense for some departments that have to patrol or conduct search and rescue in rugged environments.

What kind of hazing do rookie cops experience?

Asked by Erik the Gr8 over 12 years ago

No one has time for hazing at any of the departments I have worked. The closest thing to a rite of passage for new officers is they tend to get all of the bad calls when they are starting out. This normally isn't a "dump job" on them for being the new guy, but rather part of their field training. We try to get them as many calls as possible during their first 14 weeks, which is the initial on-the-street training they get. We want them to get as many different experiences under their belt while they still have an experienced training officer riding with them. New guys are going to make mistakes, but with a field training officer with them, the mistakes are fewer and can be corrected immediately. Typically, the "first" kind of calls are small hurdles they cross. "First" chase, "first" arrest, "first" fight, "first" death investigation, etc. Once a rookie is on his or her own for a while and other officers know they can count on them in a dangerous situation, they are accepted as an equal.

Do you wear a bulletproof vest at all times on the job?

Asked by Kev-Lar over 12 years ago


Are cops allowed to lie when interrogating a witness? Like, could they say "we already have your prints on the gun, so just confess to save time" even if it's not true? How about promising a lighter sentences - can they offer that and then reneg?

Asked by darrynscholes over 12 years ago

Yes and no. Some lies are ok, but some are not. Criminals lie to cops constantly, and it is my job to figure out what the truth is. Suggesting I have more information that I actually do is one way that I can get a criminal to trip themselves up in their lies. But, with all things, a court is going to determine if an officer's actions were reasonable. Generally, promises of a lighter punishment, not being prosecuted, etc. you cannot lie about.

If you're off-duty with family/friends and you see one of them doing something mildly illegal, do you act as a cop in that instance? E.g., your 19-year-old nephew has a beer at the family BBQ, or your poker buddy drives home after he's had a few ...

Asked by Darren S. over 12 years ago

I'd never allow anything that puts the public at risk to happen in my presence. So the idea that I'd let a friend/family member drive if he/she is intoxicated is alien to me. I deal with the consequences of other people's actions all day, and I don't tolerate stupidity around me. The family and friends I associate with aren't involved in criminal activity, so it isn't typically a problem.

If you ask to search someone's veihicle and they refuse, do you assume they've got something to hide?

Asked by Slam J 74 over 12 years ago

Not really. Chances are I'd decline to give consent to an officer for search my vehicle as well. Of course, I wouldn't ask for consent to search a vehicle without some suspicion of criminal activity to begin with. So, the mere act of declining consent wouldn't affect my suspicions one way or another.

Do cops really have high divorce rates?

Asked by the bam over 12 years ago

I don't know what the specific rates of divorce are, but I suspect the numbers are higher in law enforcement than in other professions. There are probably many more people that are better qualified to answer the "why," but I can give you a few things that don't help: shift work, working on holidays, working on off days, sitting in court all day instead of taking the kids to the beach, rarely seeing your spouse due to your work schedule, the high-stress environment tends to negatively affect the home life, spouses don't like the idea of their cop being hurt or killed and pressure them to leave the job, etc. There are a lot of things about police work that negatively impact a marriage. Many cops will tell you that you're still a rookie if you are still on your first marriage. Sad, but closer to reality than comfortable.

What's the talk been in your precinct about the Colorado Batman movie shootings re: the police response, what they did well/poorly, etc?

Asked by eric over 12 years ago

There are too many questions and not enough facts for people to comment much. But a couple of things have been discussed by my fellow officers: 1. The media coverage sucks. The media seems more interested in banning guns than they do in reporting facts about the incident. I'm pretty tired of reading ignorant articles that use terms like "high powered magazine" or refer to four guns as an arsenal. The rush to get the bloodiest photos and information (incorrect is ok) on the air is disgusting. 2. Just one off duty cop or lawfully armed citizen sitting in the theater could have stopped the killing. Sure the guy was wearing body armor, but when he is now taking rounds (which will still REALLY hurt), he is going to stop killing the defenseless to either retreat or focus on whoever is shooting at him. Too bad the theater's no gun policy only applied to people who follow the law - not murderers. 3. The Aurora PD had an extremely fast response time. As far as just how the officers handled the situation - they ran toward the shooting rather than away from it. Not much else needs to be said. As the department debriefs all of the officers involved and evaluates the overall response, we may get a feeling of what could have been done better, but I doubt there is anything different they could have done.

Is there anything stopping someone from grabbing your gun right out of your holster? Do they train you to watch out for that?

Asked by Leslie about 12 years ago

Yes - there is a lot of training that goes into defeating disarming attempts. Should anyone try to take my firearm, they should expect an immediate and extremely violent reaction. Someone trying to take my firearm is a imminent threat to my life and the lives of the citizens around me, and any officer will respond appropriately to that. Also, departments generally issue or require the use of special duty holsters that also have a series of movements, snaps, levers, locks and/or other devices that prevent an unauthorized person from removing the firearm from the holster.

Is it standard for cops to be put on required administrative leave after they shoot someone?

Asked by ErinWright over 12 years ago

Yes. This allows time for the agency to investigate the incident and evaluate the officer's fitness for duty. Involvement in a deadly force encounter is extremely draining, emotionally and physically, and even when everything happend "by the book," it can be very hard on the officer.

I don't understand why some speeding violations result in just a warning while others result in a ticket. If someone's speeding, shouldn't it just be a ticket, end of story? Why is it up to a cop to make some arbitrary decision?

Asked by jonah over 12 years ago

The short answer is "That's the way the laws are written." If you believe that police officers should not be allowed to exercise discretion, work with your elected representatives to change the law. I think, however, most people want police officers to be able to exercise discretion. For example, if I stop a parent rushing to the hospital after their child was taken to the emergency room, I'm not handing them a speeding ticket. There are a whole host of reasons why I might not issue someone a citation. The point of traffic enforcement is to modify behavior. In other words, it should not be about generating income for the jurisdiction, it should be about encouraging the safe operation of motor vehicles for the purpose of reducing accidents and traffic fatalities. If I can get someone to drive in a more safe manner with an encouraging word, why should I instead drop a $200 fine on them?

In the wake of the horrible CT massacre, has your department/precinct received any new instruction or precautionary protocols dealing with schools, schoolchildren, etc?

Asked by Concerned dad about 12 years ago

No. From the information I have gotten from officers who actually responded to that incident, the responding agencies did everything right to stop the killing as quickly as possible. From the time the first 911 call was received to when the first officer was pulling on scene was less than two minutes if I recall correctly. That was an amazingly fast response time. Once on scene, the officers deployed and went straight toward the killer to engage him. The response techniques they used are the same ones we use for these incidents. While the incident will be studied and each officer's performance evaluated, as a whole, the tactics appear to have worked as designed. However, even more children could have been saved had a armed teacher or parent been on scene.

What's the career arc for a police officer? How do pay raises and promotions typically work? Do all officers start out on a "beat" and work their way up to something else? Do officers stay beat cops for the duration of their career?

Asked by Andy Sipowicz about 12 years ago

Everywhere is different. Some departments have a defined pay advancement plan (sometimes called a step plan), while others do not. My agency does not have such a plan, and we negotiate with the city for annual raises. How promotions are handles also varies. Often, there are minimum standards set for a position, such as X number of years with the department, certain training classes completed, etc. College degrees may be required for some/all advancement positions. Many police officers stay in uniform patrol for their entire career. Patrol is the backbone of an agency, and accounts for the majority of the officers. Only a few can move out of patrol into other positions. For many officers, patrol is what they like, and where they want to be. I prefer patrol over most specialty positions for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the ability to respond to incidents and help people in crisis. By the time a detective shows up to a scene, I've already done a lot to shape the course of the investigation.

Is there a quick way to tell if a badge is fake?

Asked by Marques over 12 years ago

Not really. Badges vary largely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. If someone comes to your door claiming to be a police officer, but you have some suspicion they might not be, simply tell them that you are going to call the department and confirm their identity before opening the door. This might be a slight annoyance to a real officer, but they should understand.

I live in Europe and I just don't understand when I see that american politicians won't even admit that guns contribute to deaths. Are you frustrated with that because you are the one who actually has to face the armed bandits?

Asked by santosarena over 12 years ago

I'm frustrated by politicians who push for more gun control. Restricting the sale and possession of firearms only harms law abiding citizens. Criminals, by their very definition, don't follow the laws. We currently outlaw murder, yet that law does not prevent a single murder. We outlaw rape. That law fails to protect a single woman against sexual assault. I work in an urban area where our crime rate is above that of the national average. I deal with gangs, thieves, drug dealers and other associated scum on a daily basis. I respond to suicides, homicides and accidental deaths regularly. I've seen a lot of ugly things, and here is what I know from experience: 1. The leading method of accidental death and suicide: prescription drugs. Most of those deaths were with prescription drugs handed out through various government programs (Medicaid, etc.) 2. I have responded to many more cases where a person used a gun to defend themselves, than had one used against them. For example - the woman who drew a pistol to stop two men who were trying to drag her from her car. Or how about the man who got his shotgun when three or four gang members were kicking in the door to his house? I could go on and on. Prior to joining my current department, I worked for a city where gun ownership was required of all residents. Even though the city was located near a very high crime international city, our jurisdiction had the lowest crime rate for the entire state, and one of the lowest for the entire region of the country. Don't believe the media hype. Guns save lives.

What does someone have to do in order to get arrested for "disturbing the peace"? Can't you basically use that as a catch-all to nail anyone?

Asked by Luiz about 12 years ago

For the elements of any crime, including disturbing the peace, I would suggest you research your state's laws and local ordinances. Every state has different elements for every crime and this is one law where there is a lot of variation. Additionally, many local jurisdictions have ordinances that cover this topic as well. It is impossible for me to give you the elements of this crime. In fact there is so much variance from jurisdiction to jurisdiction on this topic, that it is hard for me to even provide a general definition. Most breach of the peace type crimes involve some type of boisterous activity that serves no legitimate purpose which is likely to, or actually does, disturb the peacefulness of the citizens in the area. There may be certain activities that are specifically listed as examples, or even certain activities that are exempted from these statutes. In the past, some states and local jurisdictions have written these laws to be a "catch-all," and have been subsequently ruled unconstitutional as being too vague. Many/most of the disturbing the peace laws on the books today have withstood constitutional scrutiny. Exercising common courtesy will prevent anyone from being arrested and charged under these laws. Or as Michael Bane once said "Don't do stupid things in stupid places with stupid people."

i filled out my pba for lapd. it says, i am disqualified. I answered honestly saying i did cristal myth once, and i have done marijuana in the past. i called to see if i can still go to the testing site. I thought honesty is best

Asked by marium over 12 years ago

Honesty is an absolute requirement for being a police officer. I'm not sure if you are asking if you should lie on a background application or not, but no...you should always be completely honest. There are any number of reasons why someone might be disqualified, and a history of drug use is one of those things. Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug, and one with a high likelihood of addiction. The public is entitled to be reasonably sure that officers are not using dangerous, illegal drugs. I hope you are clean now, and stay clean for the rest of your life.

If you catch a few teens or 20-somethings smoking a joint but otherwise minding their own business, will you arrest them?

Asked by Cheech Jr. about 12 years ago

In my state, the possession of marijuana is a crime. So, yes, as a general rule, people committing crimes are arrested.

Does compassion ever get in the way of being a good cop? Like do you ever want to go easy on a guy who was clearly born into a crappy life situation?

Asked by bluefish over 12 years ago

Compassion is an absolute necessity to be a good police officer. If you cannot be compassionate, I don't care to work with you. It is a tough thing, though, as we are constantly encountering people who need help - day in and day out. Where the average person may only experience strong feelings of compassion when watching a TV program or when a friend or family member needs help, we deal with it daily. It is very draining, physically and psychologically. For example, most people will never have to try to comfort a toddler after she had been abused by a parent. On a recent shift, I did that plus work with a mother who's son was missing and suicidal, deal with multiple homeless people, and work with an elderly man who is exceptionally lonely after his wife's death. And that is a pretty typical day. A number of psychologists developed the term "compassion fatigue" that describes what happens to cops when exposed to this environment long-term. Officers can internalize much of the despair and pain they see, and develop a more callous attitude.

If you don't read a suspect his Miranda rights, I know his STATEMENTS are inadmissible, but what if he tells you where the gun is and you go get it and THAT blows the case open? Is EVIDENCE gathered as the RESULT of a flawed interrogation admissible?

Asked by Jax almost 12 years ago

Your premise is incorrect.  Just because someone is a suspect doesn't mean that you have to read the Miranda warning to him or her.  As a police officer, I can talk to a lot of suspects, and usually will, without ever reading the Miranda warning to them and the statements are completely admissible.  

If a suspect is in custody, and I am questioning them, then they need to voluntarily waive the rights enumerated in the Miranda warning.  But, even if they do not waive their rights, or if I never read the warning to them, any spontaneous statements are still admissible.

If a suspect is not in custody, i might need to read the Miranda warning to them, but it is a wide, gray area that is interpreted by the courts based on the totality of the circumstances.

If I am questioning a subject who is under arrest or otherwise in a position where I would be required to read the Miranda warning, and the subject exercises his or her right not to talk to me, then any evidence that I coerce from the individual...and anything that develops from that including physical evidence that I would not have found anyway...would be inadmissible.

Keep in mind these are generalities, every case is different, there is more than 200 years of case law interpreting this area of the law in the United States, and I am not an attorney.

Also keep in mind that "Miranda rights" do not exist.  You may understand this, but many people do not.  The Miranda case did not grant any new rights to people.  Rather it was an interpretation of the rights conferred by natural law and codified in the Bill of Rights.  The Miranda warning is merely a procedural reading of some of the rights that the accused has.  

Do you get personally annoyed when news stories about cops misbehaving or abusing their power are in the news? Do you notice people being meaner to you after high-profile incidents like that?

Asked by Sotmay almost 12 years ago

Yes, hearing stories of police officers abusing their positon pisses me off.  Cops that commit crimes or otherwise act in unethical manners are very few when compared to the number of law enforcement officers on the job, yet they bring a lot of negative attention to the profession, tainting the public's view of the honest, hardworking cops.

There are plenty of time the media doesn't get the story right, which makes good cops look bad.  How many times does the media run a broadcast of a mother who is crying the cops didn't have to shoot her son, yet never balance that against the fact that the "poor son" was a convicted felon who was trying to stab an officer to death?  (The media is in the advertising business, not the factual reporting business.  Never forget that.)

Are cops allowed to have beards? I literally can't remember ever seeing one.

Asked by Kappy.13 about 12 years ago

Some are - it depends on the department. Some agencies, mine for example, do not allow a beard except for undercover officers. Other agencies allow them. One Florida department I know doesn't allow a beard generally, but will allow them for officers that raise a certain amount of money for charitable organizations. A small perk for some that go "above and beyond" in helping others.

Do you keep tabs on the release dates of violent offenders you help convict? Have you ever been worried that one would try to track you down?

Asked by darrynscholes over 12 years ago

I'm always concerned that someone I have dealt with will try to find and hurt me. There are plenty of examples of that exact thing happening throughout the US. I even had someone try to do so once. They are back in prison, but have an upcoming release date. I do say that anyone who finds me better be ready for a fight though. I'm never unarmed, and the people around me are armed and trained as well.

Do the police ever use psychics to assist with investigations? Sounds crazy to me but have heard this more than once before.

Asked by The Missing Link about 12 years ago

Outside of the TV shows, I've never seen a department use a psychic. I'm sure there are occasional incidents, but as a general rule, no.

Did you also interrogate people at the station, or is that someone else's job? Are you ever amazed at how many people waive their right to have a lawyer present and end up incriminating themselves?

Asked by Canucks4Cup almost 12 years ago

I've interviewed people at the department's main HQ many times.  For serious felonies (rape, murder, etc.) an assigned detective would usually take over the investigation.  For less serious crimes such as theft, counterfeiting, domestic violence, etc. usually the patrol officer would handle the interview.

A lot of criminals do incriminate themselves when they should probably shut up.  I guess many of them figure they are smarter than everyone else, or that they can talk their way out of anything.

Do you think that going forward, schools should have armed guards at all entrances?

Asked by big fan about 12 years ago

Nope. I am presuming the question comes from the recent debate surrounding the spree killer who murdered many children at a school recently. I'll try to address some of the issues (as I see them) surrounding the proposals offered. More Gun Control: Banning/outlawing the possession of certain kinds of guns that look or sound scary does not lessen the likelihood of future murders or even reduce the number of deaths. I know it sounds cliched, but it seems many people don't understand that laws do not prevent crime. We have laws making it criminal to commit murder, yet that law was violated more than two-dozen times in that one incident. We even have laws against bringing firearms onto a school campus, yet that did not prevent the murders. Plus, many people seem to gloss over the fact that Connecticut already has an "assault weapon" law in place: http://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/Chap943.htm#Sec53-202c.htm So even an "assault weapon" law did not prevent the crime. Guns are not the root problem anyway, as shown by other mass murders. For example, Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people, including 19 children, with nothing more than a rental truck, fertilizer and fuel. Terrorists killed nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2012 with nothing more than box cutters. And in a buried story, the same day of the Sandy Hook murders, 22 children were violently attacked by a knife-weilding man in China, a place where there are extremely few guns in the hands of the citizens. Evil is evil and gun control laws have never been shown to reduce crime - only increase tyranny. Armed Guards - The NRA (full disclosure: I am a member) recently proposed an initiative that calls for armed guards/police to be in all schools. While I appreciate the sentiment, and the effort may actually be helpful in some instances, it is not a plan I like. I can foresee a Federal government run program like the TSA to put pseudo-police into every school for the appearance of security. Much like the "real" TSA, it would be for show only and would be a huge money pit. Never mind the civil rights violations. I guess I'm with Ron Paul on this one. Possibilities Not Talked About Many of the current school plans help murderers carry out their bloody attacks. First of all, most schools are considered "gun free zones." That means no law abiding person is carrying a firearm on campus. So, the murderer will be unmolested when they begin killing. Secondly, teachers are frequently taught to move all of their children into a confined location and have them sit and wait. Maybe it will be the murderer...maybe it will be the police...but sit and wait for someone to show up they will. Lastly, people are taught to be passive. "Just give them what they want" is what everyone is taught when confronted by violent criminals. Well, what happens if that criminal wants to kill you? In my opinion, three things can be done to enhance security on campus without spending much money at all. 1. Allow people with a CCW permit, teachers and parents, to carry on campus. These folks have gone through an FBI background check, have been through some type of training, many have law enforcement and military backgrounds and they are ON SCENE when the killing starts. They can end the murders RIGHT NOW rather than waiting on me and my fellow cops to show up some two to five minutes later. How many children will die waiting on a cop to show up? 2. Teach children and teachers to get the hell out of the area when some nutjob shows up. If a killer is shooting people across the hall, your odds of surviving go up dramatically if you and your kids run like hell to get out of the area. Sitting in a classroom and waiting to see who shows up is foolish. 3. If confronted by a killer, don't expect mercy. He wants to kill you. Don't go out without a fight. Not fighting will get you killed, whereas fighting only might get you killed. Yep, you might get shot and you might get killed, but you might also save yourself by taking the bastard out. Don't sit there waiting for the bullet, DIE WITH YOUR BOOTS ON so to speak. Bottom Line: Evil exists. You may not want to believe it, but it does. Violence is the only thing that can stop evil. People who say violence is never acceptable are fools. Violence might just save your life.

If you pulled someone over for drunk driving, but he only doing so because he was rushing someone to the hospital, would he still get arrested?

Asked by Tripp about 12 years ago

Driving drunk to get someone to the hospital is a pretty ignorant move. You should just call 911 and have paramedics respond to you. By driving while intoxicated not only are you putting the injured party at greater risk, but also putting a lot of other people in danger.

Hello Im 17 an finishing high school in 2014 well I'm going off to college in about a year and u want to know what to major or minor in.
Ps I want to be a DEA

Asked by Jose almost 12 years ago

I don't know what the DEA might be looking for, but I'd suggest a business degree or something else that has practical applications.  Criminology degrees are useless.

You might want to talk with a DEA recruiter to see what they are looking for in an applicant.

Personally, I'd suggest 4+ years of military service, then college, then DEA.  You will be a much better candidate for the position.  

Most entertainment usually depicts tension between law enforcement agencies when they have to work together. How often do law enforcement agencies work together (e.g. federal and state, city and state, etc.), and is there tension?

Asked by Ron Mexico about 12 years ago

At my department (a city agency) we frequently work with the surrounding cities and the sheriff's department on cases. We rarely have any problems, but you sometimes run into an idiot. I'm pretty sure that's the same in any job. We also work with agencies at the state level fairly frequently. I've rarely butted heads with anybody here either. For street cops, we don't deal with the feds too often. If you are in a specialized unit, it is more common. For example, our narcotics unit, gang unit, and detectives work with the feds on various cases. While I've never had any significant problems with any of the guys at the federal level, I have seen a greater tendency for their people to be a little too self-assured. I suspect that is from a lack of working the street. I've found the best investigators at the federal level started life as a street cop somewhere. Other officers at different departments may have different experiences.

What's the most split-second decision you ever had to make?

Asked by Barry about 12 years ago

Whether or not to shoot someone. It has happened many times. One time in particular, my partner and I ran on a home invasion call. A woman called at about 1 am saying a man way trying to kick down her front door. When I arrived, I saw the man trying to force entry on the residence. Pointing my Glock at him, I ordered him to stop and put his hands in the air. Instead, he looked at me and jammed a hand into his pocket, which is a move consistant with going for a weapon. Considering that he appeared to be committing a felony, I was in uniform and he had obviously seen me, he refused to obey my lawful order, and was making a move consistant with drawing a weapon, it was definitely a situation when deadly force could be reasonably applied. For those who know the Glock pistol, you know there isn't much slack in that trigger. However, I definitely recall taking up the slack on the trigger while screaming at him to stop. Just prior to discharging the firearm, he stopped moving and got an "Oh, crap" look on his face. He stopped, and ater a few tense moments, my partner and I were able to get him into custody. As it turns out, he was just an angry drunk trying to get into a residence that he thought was his own. I never knew what he was thinking when he looked at me and then made a move like he was going for a gun. If he was trying to bluff me into thinking he had a gun, he succeeded and almost paid for it with his life. Incidents like this are all too common in police work.

the hiring process for police where I live makes me really nervous because the department I apply for has 800 candidates that passed all test and there hiring about 100 how would they pick the 100 would it be like "picking 100 names from a hat"

Asked by tyler almost 12 years ago

Generally departments have a process that includes pass/fail portions (such as criminal background, polygraph) and scored portions (interviews, oral boards, physical fitness, written testing, job history, veterans preference, etc.)  

Everyone must pass the pass/fail, but then acrues a rank/score based on the other testing.  Then the hiring is done from the list.  Chances are that agency would offer jobs to the top 100, but not all of them would accept.  So, the top 150-200 might get offers depending on how many are still looking for employment with the department.

There are a lot of other factors that can come into play.  I'd suggest talking to your recruiter and asking them for more information on the department's process.

i hav the rite to ask what im being pulled over for

Asked by jo almost 12 years ago

If you are asking "Can I ask the officer why he pulled me over," the answer is yes.  Most folks probably have a pretty good idea when they see the red/blue lights.

What's a law that people are careful not to break but in reality, the cops hardly care about? (e.g. jaywalking, talking on cell phones while driving)

Asked by JT III about 12 years ago

I'm stumped on this one. Different officers place a different emphasis on different enforcement activities based on a wide range of experiences and motivations. For example, an officer who works my area of the world is more likely to be concerned about jaywalking due to the extremely high number of pedestrian fatalities we work every year. In other areas of the country/state/country jaywalking probably isn't enforced vigorously, if at all. I wish I could give you a good answer, but I can't think of any law that is universally ignored by officers.

When there's NO formal plea bargain in place, will a judge typically take a suspect's cooperation into account when deciding sentencing?

Asked by darrynscholes over 12 years ago

Generally speaking, yes. Judges have a lot of discretion when handing down sentences, and many factors come into play. The cooperation of the defendant can result in a less-harsh punishment.

Thank you for this site. I will recommend it to others. These are solid answers, and we appreciate it.

Asked by Mark Mitchell over 11 years ago

Thanks for reading Mark!

My neighbor is a police officer in anoather town. While off duty, he came to our front porch, rang the door bell, & began yelling at my husband on the porch. My husband diffused the situation, but, I was very frightened. Do we have any recourse?

Asked by dolly1925 over 11 years ago

If your neighbor was acting in some type of official capacity (Was he in uniform? Was he threatening some type of official action? etc), and you believe he acted in an unprofessional manner you can call his department and speak to his supervisor or professional standards unit.

If your neighbor was not acting in any kind of official capacity, and instead just happens to be a cop, then it doesn't sound like his job doesn't have anything to do with the dispute.  Neighbors sometimes don't get along and this might be one of those cases.

As with anyone, you can always ask your neighbor to leave if you don't want them on your property.  If they refuse, call the local department for assistance.

Keep in mind that nothing can make someone be nice to you.

What weapons police officers carry at all times?

Asked by FPS about 12 years ago

Typically, at least one handgun and two or more intermediate weapons such as oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray), impact weapon (expandable baton, PR-24, etc.), and/or electronic control device (Taser or similar).

Do police officers eat for free at local restaurants?

Asked by Tripp about 12 years ago

Not typically. Many restaurant owners choose to offer certain people discounts, such as members of the military, firefighters, paramedics, police officers, etc. Those are individual choices a business owner makes and there is no hard and fast rule. Some businesses do offer a free meal to officers, but they are an exception. Some kind of discount is more common, and most places do not offer that. I have been honored to have my meal purchased for me by a kind (and always anonymous) citizen on occasion. Those are always appreciated and humbling.

Well ok, but do your arrest people for driving 66 in a 65? Point being, when you witness a minor infraction (like smoking a joint in a park) where no one's in real danger, wouldn't your time be better spent addressing more serious crimes in your area?

Asked by Cheech Jr. (again) about 12 years ago

Speeding is not a crime, so no, I do not arrest anyone for speeding. Its not my job function to make value judgements on what is and is not a crime. Society does that through its elected officials. If you think marijuana should be de-criminalized, then I would encourage you to contact your elected officials and like minded citizens to work to change the laws.

I recently started dating someone who says he is a cop however he works in a jail I'm assuming as a correctional officer. This does not mean he is a Police officer correct? What questions can I ask him, or how do I find out if he really is a cop?

Asked by Demison over 11 years ago

Different jurisdictions have different rules & laws.  Some deputies or officers who work in a jail setting are fully sworn law enforcement officers who have the power of arrest, etc.  Some deputies or officers who work in a jail have powers limited to the jail setting.  You should probably ask him your specific questions, and if something doesn't sound right you can always check with his employing agency to confirm his employment.

Do you need to get a person's consent before you test his DNA looking for a match? Or if the person is in a public place and, for example, discards gum or a cigarette can that be collected and tested without his consent?

Asked by twotimes almost 12 years ago

The collection of DNA evidence is still an evolving body of case law, so there are few absolutes on obtaining it.  Its admissibility into a court of law is beyond my area of expertise.  Generally, however, discarded items are considered abandoned property and can be collected, tested, etc. without anyone's consent.  

Thank you for the previous answer. Just wanted to add, I did tell the lieutenant I wanted to meet in person so that I could bring someone for moral support. Now I can't. I was assaulted by someone I trusted. I had hoped he'd have been more sensitive.

Asked by Carolyn almost 12 years ago

I hope everything works out for you.

On an episode of 48 Hours an interrogator says to a kid "we know you weren't the shooter, so that's good for you," to get him to admit he drove the car (enough for a murder charge!) Not a "lie" but clearly exploiting the kid's ignorance. Is that OK?

Asked by twotimes almost 12 years ago

Not having seen the show in question, nor the actual interview (not the cut down for TV version), I don't know. However, depending on the circumstances, there are certainly times when a lie is an acceptable interviewing technique.

hello, I was just wondering what kind of person would you have to usually contact for a police ride-along.

Asked by tyler almost 12 years ago

I'd suggest calling the non-emergency phone number for your local police or sheriff's department.  The call taker should be able to direct you to the correct person.  Also, the officer/deputy working the front desk probably can help you out also.  There is typically a liability wiaver you have to sign and a background check to make sure you are not a felon or are wanted.

what would you do in the scenario of you pull over a car with 4 people you arrest one of them with only one pair of handcuffs and the other 3 gang up on you injure you where you cant radio dispatch with no handcuffs and the 3 guys coming after you?

Asked by tyler almost 12 years ago

First of all, I would never try to arrest anyone by myself in the scenario presented.  Secondly, I always carry two pairs of handcuffs on my person, and have additional restraints in my patrol car.  

However, if I found myself in a situation similar to what you describe, i.e. three people attacking me without any backup, I would treat that as a deadly force situation.  In other words, it is reasonable to believe that three people who are attacking a police officer are likely to cause the officer great bodily harm and/or death. Additionally, an incapacitated officer would not be able to prevent them from taking his firearms and other weapons to do additional harm to the public.  Since they are an imminent deadly threat, lethal force is a reasonable response for me or any other officer.  

Shooting them would certainly be a reasonable course of action.  It is unfortunate, but attacking me is the choice they made and dictated my response.


I am a Police Officer Candidate. I recently passed my initial officer selection test and physical testing. However, I am deaf in one ear. How much does this affect me?

Asked by Hans almost 12 years ago

Only you can make the decision on how much it affects you.  If you have passed the physical, then the department does not seem too concerned about it.

I will say that I have serious concerns for your safety if you are unable to hear in one ear.  If you have a radio mic plugged in your "good" ear, how will you hear anything going on around you?  At night when it is difficult to see, and you rely more on your hearing, how impaired will you be?  If someone is walking up behind you on your deaf side, will you be able to hear them?

These are questions I cannot answer.  I do not want to discourage anyone from getting into police work that has a genuine interest, but I don't want to see you get hurt or killed because of the deafness.  FYI - If it is only partial deafness and your hearing can be enhanced with a hearing air of some kind, I don't see any problem.

Do radar detectors work? Are they illegal? Have you ever pulled someone over and caught him with one?

Asked by radarrr about 12 years ago

Some work better than others - I'd suggest checking out the online reviews of them before spending your money. I'd actually rather see people drive at reasonable speeds, especially since speed tends to be the largest factor in fatality accidents. Regardless, do your research before spending your money. Some are a complete waste of dollars, while others offer some advanced notice. RADAR/LASER detectors are illegal in some jurisdictions, but not all. Check your local laws. Yep, I've stopped a lot of people with a detector in plain view. They are legal in my area, so its no big deal. Personally, I don't care one way or another about them. Sometimes people get flustered when they realize I can see it - it is mildy amusing. One guy got really angry about how his detector didn't work, even though I didn't even have a RADAR/LASER in the patrol car (he had an expired tag.) I think he had unrealistic expectations about the detector.

I'm 14 I was wondering if I can move in with y boyfriends family . Because my parents are threatening me to break up with him. Why because of racism. He said he's going to call the police on me if I won't break up with him. Can I leave home.

Asked by Stacy almost 12 years ago

You are 14.  As a child, you must obey your parents.  Running away won't solve anything, and can have negative consequences for you and the other involved people.  At your age, your intimate involvement with another person could land them in prison.

I'd suggest talking to the school resource officer at your school or a member of the clergy at your church for guidence. 

I am in college and trying to get an internship in law enforcement. Unfortunately I have made regrettable decisions 2 years ago and experimented with molly and ecstasy once each. Will admitting this hinder me getting any internships?

Asked by alex almost 12 years ago

Hinder you - possibly.  But they won't rule you out completely.  If one agency turns down your internship request, keep trying.  Everyone makes mistakes, but if you haven't been using drugs or been involved in illegal activity since then, you can likely land an internship somewhere.  If you want it - don't give up.

I am 31, turning 32 in December, a point where I want to do something with my life. I have strong interest in law enforcement and had a few questions. 1.) Do you have to attend police academy? if so how long is the course.

I am from Ohio

Asked by Joe over 11 years ago

Yes, you will need to attend a police academy.  Every state's academy is different in length of time, course of instruction, residency requirements, etc.  

Some departments run their own academy that meets the state's requirements and then adds additional course material specific to the department.  For example, a state highway patrol is likely to add in-depth accident investigation courses that go beyond the basics.  

I am not familiar with the requirements for Ohio, but it looks like your state requires a minimum of 568 hours (14+ weeks) to obtain a peace officer certification.  Check out http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/OPOTA for more information.

Good luck!

Hi I just got a car today and its Sunday an I can't go to the Mva there closed is it ok to drive the car to and from work without tags till tomorrow in the morning when I go get y tags

Asked by H. Orton over 11 years ago

Depends on your state law, and it may not be legal.  I'd definitely say to keep the proof of insurance, bill of sale & title paperwork with you if you do drive it.

I took a voice polygraph on the phone with Pacific Polygraph/. It is BBB accredited company. It is the same type as was given to George Zim. except he was present. Insurance co. use it on phone calls. I know many argue against them but is it legit?

Asked by Lee almost 12 years ago

I'm not an expert on voice stress analysis or traditional polygraph testing.  They are useful, but not foolproof according to my reading.  I'd suggest hitting Google or Bing with any specific questions or research information on the machines and testing processes.

if you ask an officer to see his badge does he have to show you?

Asked by dariansmith almost 12 years ago

If the officer is acting in an official capacity and is not in uniform, you can certainly ask to see his credentials.  For example, a plainclothes detective shows up at your house and asks to come in and talk - you better make sure you know he or she is a police officer.  If  you have any doubts - and I mean any - politely explain that you need to confirm his or her identity with dispatch first.  Then call the non-emergency line for the police/sheriff's department and make sure the person is who they say they are.

I traded a fake pair of Nike shoes on Craigslist. I was scammed, so I put them on to someone else. I never said they were authentic, nor did I forge anything. The only info the buyer has of me is my #. No receipt. Will the police come after me?

Asked by QuestionAsker123 almost 12 years ago

Possibly.  Trading in known counterfeit products, such as Nike sneakers, is a felony is many states.  Additionally, there are federal laws on the subject.  If the person you scammed files a police report instead of trying to screw over his fellow man, you could be looking at criminal charges.  I'd suggest finding a good criminal defense attorney immediately.

Oh, and your phone conversations are recorded nowadays.  NSA does that for your "safety."  So whatever you said on the phone conversation could be recalled as evidence.

When a speeding ticket says "Direct Observation" Does that mean that the Cop made a visual assessment and then Confirmed with the radar? And can a Direct Observation be taken when the Cop is positioned the same way as the flow of traffic?

Asked by Charles C. over 11 years ago

Which way the police officer's car is pointed doesn't tell you anything about which way he or she was looking.  The officer could observe you in a mirror or be turned within the vehicle to watch traffic.

Hi Blue

I'm doing research for a novel. I was wondering, if a lawyer was found murdered, could the police look through his files and cases or does attorney client privilege still apply.

Asked by John Lenahan over 11 years ago

A warrant would likely be required , and a judge would have to make a determination on what could be searched.  You would be better served talking to an attorney and judge on what could be searched and what would be excluded, and under what circumstances.

I was pulled over and told my wife in the passenger seat to record the traffic stop on her phone. When the cop came to our window he told her to stop recording and took her phone away before ticketing us. Are you allowed to record a police stop?

Asked by LA1985 almost 12 years ago

Depends on what state you are in.  Some states have laws that prohibit it.  I'd argue that such laws are unconsitutional, but I'm not a lawyer and I'm not offering legal advice.  Why not call the department and speak with a supervisor?  He or she can clarify the law, if one exists.  If the officer was out of line, they might like to know about that as well.

I just got a ticket three months ago for running a stop sign. I paid some and took defensive driving about a month ago. Well last night i received a ticket for speedin and violated my probation period. Now what will happen?

Asked by alice over 11 years ago

It depends on the conditions of your probation.  For example, if you were placed on probation in lieu of jail time, and now you have violated that probation, it is possible that a judge will revoke your probation and you will serve the balance of the sentenced time in jail.

None of this is legal advice and you should probably consult with an attorney.

I just want to know the procudures that people go through to become a police officer? What kind of records do you guys look at? What about people that have a criminal record?

Asked by mauisheriff@gmail.com over 11 years ago

The best bet is to contact the recruiter at the agency you are most interested in applying to.  He or she can give you the exact details of what they require.  

Every state and department is different.  There are some generallities.

A background check will be conducted to ascertain the general nature of your character, job history, military service, drug use, criminal history and financial history.  Depending on the department, an agency may interview your neighbors, former employers, former co-workers, relatives and other people with knowledge of your work ethic, demeanor and character.

Things like poor credit, large debt, unstable work history, etc. are not automatic disqualifiers, but they can be red flags.

Past criminal activity is a problem.  Felonies, domestic violence, DUIs and other crimes can be automatic disqualifiers.  Misdemeanor, non-violent crimes may not automatically disqualify you, but they are significant red flags.  Mitigating circumstances, the nature of the crime, and other factors can help.  (For example, you passed a bad check your freshman year in college at age 18.  You are now 28 years old, graduated college, have had a stable work history, and are an officer in the US Navy reserves.  Those factors will go a long way to show the prior criminal act was a one-time event.)

Hope that helps.

Intruders first entered home before tenants moved in--were in the process of moving in. Sheriff claimed maybe someone forgot to lock the door. Tenants knew they had locked the door. Would the sheriff take fingerprints with no proof of entry 1st time?

Asked by mjd over 11 years ago

Sounds like the tenants had lawful possession of the home, so anyone entering without their permission should be treated criminally.  The door being locked is not relevant to the crime, other than being a possible/likely point of entry.

If the situation is that the victim "thinks" someone entered the residence, and the backdoor being unlocked is the only evidence to support that belief, then no...the deputy or officer is unlikely to try and collect fingerprints.  If there is something more to the incident, such as something has been stolen, damaged, moved, left, etc, then the responding deputy would be more likely to collect evidence.

It is all going to hinge on the idea of has a crime been committed.  If the victim cannot show or testify to actions that indicate a crime happened, then there is not going to be much of a law enforcement response.  So, the victim (or witness) needs to have seen the intruders, or there needs to be some type of evidence beyond an unlocked door.  Something like dirt tracked into the residence, some trash left behind, things moved around, somethign stolen etc.

My neighbor, who I must add is currently on probation, admitted to me shes been recieving and opening my mail. there was a cop present responding BC both her & my tires had been slashed, & he did nothin. What can i do about this? Than!

Asked by SingleMama almost 12 years ago

Tampering with the mail is a federal offense and the local officer does not have jurisdiction to enforce those laws.  Contact the US Post Office law enforcement division and file a report with them.  They can invesitgate that aspect of things and take whatever enforcement action is appropriate.

Regarding the slashed tires, what evidence do you have that she (or anyone specific) committed the crime?  Just because she may have done it, doesn't mean that the officer had probable cause (a legal burden of proof) to make an arrest for it.

I accidentally passed a school bus with it's stop sign out. I feel terrible about it. No cops were around? Can i still get ticketed? I've only had my license for 3 weeks. This would be my first offence.

Asked by Brad almost 12 years ago

You will not likely get a ticket at this point.

Recently, I have encountered problems with my vision in my left eye. Due to this, my vision is permanently obstructed. However, I can correct this with contacts. Can I still become an officer in these circumstances?

Asked by Michael over 11 years ago

Many departments would still be willing to hire you if your vision is corrected to 20/20.  However, this will vary from department to department, so make sure you ask about vision requirements with the agencies you apply to.

I Iive in Ohio. I am twenty years old and living with my parents and am not asked to pay rent. My parents are threatening to kick me out. Are they allowed to throw my stuff outside without an eviction notice?

Asked by Brittany almost 12 years ago

I don't work in Ohio, so I don't know the landlord-tenant laws there.

However, at 20 years old you are an adult.  You probably should have moved out two years ago to start your own life.  Clearly they don't want you there, so why not strike out on your own instead of having someone else paying your bills?  Why do you think you are entitled to stay in someone else's home without paying rent?

pt2. It was a Stalker Dual Radar device, I was traveling at 64, moving with the flow of traffic, I was being tailgated and boxed into the fast lane. The ticket was for 73 in a 55. Not denying speeding, But not pleading guilty to 73. Can i fight this?

Asked by Hilliary M. over 11 years ago

So, you were speeding, but you don't believe you were going as fast as the measuring device stated?  Sure you can fight it, but bring a checkbook: for your lawyer and/or clerk of court.

How do you know you were not going 73?  Have you calibrated your spedometer in the last six months?  

Assuming this is your first ticket (or perhaps the first in a long time) courts often have an option to plead nolo to a reduced charge coupled with a driver's improvement course.  Depending on the jurisdiction this might keep points off of your driving record, reduce the fine, etc.  Be sure to contact the court and/or a lawyer about that.

What is your opinion on people owning guns and what’s your opinion on arming the teachers in the US?

Asked by Perfect Student almost 12 years ago

The ownership, possession and carrying of firearms is part of our natural right to self defense and codified in the US Constitution.  There should be a minimum of restrictions placed on those rights.  Keep in mind that "gun control" has nothing to do with "crime control."  Gun control is about control.

I have no problem with any citizen acting in a lawful manner, including teachers, to be armed on school grounds.  

I’m asking as a writer for a story. Would a report be made if Person A called about intruders being in their house when no one was home? This happened 2 times and the 2nd time the intruders were identified & names given to sheriff. Continued--

Asked by mjd over 11 years ago

(see below)

hello, im 17, in high school. I want to be a police officer. and I was wondering if its ok to be scared when you first start the job as a rookie knowing that you have to be physically and emotionally strong.

Asked by tyler almost 12 years ago

As I was told by a vet when I was much younger, "Only fools and liars never get scared."

Fear is merely your survival instinct telling you that something dangerous is happening.  It is all in what you do when you are scared that matters.  Combine training with a "never give up" attitude and you will be fine.

my husband has used coke in the past and i have a sinking feeling he's using again, call me paranoid but i looked in the waste basket and looked for kleenex he may have used. some had blood and others were quite sparkly, like very fine glass shards.

Asked by angie almost 12 years ago

Trust your gut.  Drug habits are tough.  I'd recommend reaching out to some resources in your community that might be able to help you.  You cannot make him quit, you can only protect yourself and your children (if you have any.)  Good luck.

Is it possible to be a Police Officer and a Realistate Agent at the same time?

Asked by Tristan over 11 years ago

Unless your state has a law prohibitting it, yes.  Most police officers have second jobs, and I've known a few that were real estate agents.  As with anything, you just have to be clear not to mix the two and do any private work on the public's time.

Does it matter median is 100 feet.

So northbound green light

Left to median westbound

Six lights in total. Two north south
Two in median east west
Two east west

Asked by Peter s over 11 years ago

(see below)

I have another question. What do you htink kabout these police shows such as the three Law and Orders, In The Heat Of The Night, and COPS; COPS in particular? Is COPS real or is it staged?

Asked by Donny over 11 years ago

The fictional TV shows you mentioned bear little resemblance to police work.  They might be interesting stories but are not accurate representations of the job.

COPS is real, but edited.  They film hundreds of hours of activity to get a few 20+ minute shows.  That means the vast majority of the job is never seen, and when something exciting does go down, that is highly edited also.  The officers shown on COPS are criticized for poor police procedure, not reading someone Miranda, atc.  The reality is all of that stuff probably wound up on the cutting room floor.

I don't watch a lot of cops shows fictional or otherwise.  I do the job, why do I want to watch it when I'm off duty?

if a man hits a woman and child what is the maximum and minimum sentance possibe

Asked by darian over 11 years ago

Depends on what state the crimes happened in, what the laws of the state are, the severity of the injuries, what (if any) special circumstances are in play and the defendant's criminal history.

For example, if a man slaps a woman and there are no injuries, prior convictions or other special circumstances, it would likely be a misdemeanor.  It would probably be up to one year in jail.

If the woman is pregnant, elderly, or significantly injured then the charge might be elevated to an aggravated circumstance and be classified as a felony.  Depending on the laws of your state, 20 years in prison is probably the top end.

Likewise, someone with one or more prior convictions for battery might also be charged as a felony.

Hitting a child might start off as physical child abuse and escalate depending on some of the prior concerns (severity, history, etc.)  Most child abuse cases are felonies, so figure up to another 20 years on that one.

It really depends on the specifics of the case and the laws of your state.

Does part of your work involve patrolling areas and 'walking the beat' or is it mostly responding to calls from a station?

Asked by Ian almost 12 years ago

Patrol - mostly in a patrol car.  I'm assigned a section of the city as a patrol zone and I am responsible for all calls that come into that area.  A portion of the time includes getting out on foot and walking through businesses, parks and apartment complexes, but most of my time is spent going from dispatched call to dispatched call via automobile.

No one really responds from the station (like a firefighter).  Sometimes you might be there for paperwork or submitting evidence and then get a call, but it isn't normal procedure.

hey i really want to be a police officer wat can i do

Asked by shadain johnson over 11 years ago

To optimize your chances at being a police officer, there are several things you can do.  These include:

1.  Stay in school, learn proper english and get good grades.

2.  Obtain and hold a steady job.

3.  Join the military, work hard, earn commendations and be honorably discharged.

4.  Complete a higher education degree.

5.  Avoid doing stupid things with stupid people in stupid places.  Or in other words, don't get into trouble, do drugs, drink to excess, go into debt and hang around with the wrong people.

6.  Join a law enforcement reserve program.  This is volunteer work that can give you valuable experience in law enforcement.  Getting into a reserve program requires you to go through the same background investigation and meet the same standards as a full time officer does.

Can a cop who is "watching" me, talk to other civilians about the case?

Asked by bobby sue over 11 years ago

I don't know what you mean by "watching me."  If you are the subject of an investigation, then yes, the police will definitely talk to other people about you.

Can a BB Gun be considered a concealed weapon? I wouldn't have it out in public, at the most it would be in my car. (I live in South Carolina.)

Asked by Emily almost 12 years ago

I'd suggesting checking South Carolina law:  http://www.sled.sc.gov/SCStateGunLaws1.aspx  If you don't find what you are looking for, contact SLED for more information.

Can an off duty officer (in plain clothes) flash his badge and threaten to arrest you? (Verbal argument, nothing physical and no threats)

Asked by Eric over 11 years ago

State laws vary, but generally a police officer, on- or off-duty, can arrest someone if they have probable cause to believe a crime has been committed.  

Is there anything that might pop up in police screening?

Asked by mauisheriff@gmail.com over 11 years ago

Can you rephrase the question?  It sounds like you are asking me to tell you if there is anything in your background that might cause you problems in being hired.  Without knowing you, that would be an impossible question for me to answer.

Are you allowed to lie about being a police officer if you're asked point-blank, like in an undercover sting or something?

Asked by Jax almost 12 years ago


Just a comment. Thank you for being available to help people. I was praying to get back my good feelings about police. Reading your answers has been very helpful to that end. You've helped restore my faith in law enforcement.

Asked by Carolyn almost 12 years ago

I'm glad I could help.  Best of luck!

If the mother of the child is 19 year old and the father is 19 years old but, the mother of the of the child lives with her parents and the father of the child liaaves with his parents and the baby goes to the father house but the father's house is an unsafe environment,and everyone knew this mother , father and grandparents on both sides and the baby gets hurt at the fathers house who will get in trouble

Asked by dony almost 12 years ago

If the child is in an unsafe environment, I encourage you to contact your local law enforcement agency or state child protection agency.  There are too many unknowns in your question to give any kind of realistic answer.

are all these questions kept confidential

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

Of course not.


Hello there! I'm writing a story in which a minor is framed for murder while on drugs. If convicted, what would the sentence be?

Asked by NutjobWriter almost 12 years ago

It depends on what state the story happens in.  Murder is a state level offense in most cases, so there is no real uniformity from state to state.  In many states, a life term with some opportunity for parole later in life is the maximum sentence.

When is it OK to ask a cop for his badge number? If you are not being arrested or charged with anything, is a cop still required to give it to you? What if the cop is off duty but still in uniform?

Asked by Mara almost 12 years ago

Feel free to ask for a badge number any time you like.  Badge numbers aren't magic talismans.  I'd suggest asking the officer his or her name instead, as some departments don't use badge numbers for anything.  In fact, a lot of agencies don't even have numbers on the badges.

One thing I always think is funny is someone who wants my badge number who is standing in front of me.  Both my name and badge number are clearly visible, as well as the agency I represent.  Additionally, I almost always introduce myself when talking to anyone.  Yet, the common courtesy of using someone's name in conversation has largely disappeared.  Now it seems everyone is just "dude" or "bro."

I had honest questions to ask about why i was being stopped and ticketed and the cop proceeded to insult me and not answer my questions. Am I legally protected? I did everything she asked but i just had some questions for her(she insulted me also)

Asked by h.g.kells over 11 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "legally protected."  If the police officer was rude and you wish to complain, I'd suggest talking to his or her sergeant.

Does the state trooper in Ohio state have the right to ask the immigration questions when somebody got pulled over for speeding? Is it legal to ask for the I.D of the Passengers in the car in ohio?

Asked by Peter Johnson over 11 years ago

I can't speak to the specifics of Ohio law, but generally yes and yes.

if you apply at a police department and you don't get hired but if you keep applying will chances be good that you will eventually get in?

Asked by tyler almost 12 years ago

Depends on why you were not hired.  Assuming you have a clean record, good job history, and don't drool on yourself during an interview, then yes.  ;)

If you have lied on an application, have criminal convictions, or come off as an arrogant SOB in an interview, then no.

Do you think unethical behavior by police officers could be acceptable in certain limited circumstances if it helps to solve a major crime.

Asked by CECE over 11 years ago

Unethical behavior is not acceptable under any circumstances.

When is it wrong to film cops; bearing in mind the first amendment? How do you or how would you respond to anyone who's filming you?

Asked by Donny over 11 years ago

Wrong or illegal?  Different states have different laws and I am not an expert on all of the laws across all of the states.

My personal opinion is that anyone in a public place can be photographed and/or video taped.  My opinion does not hold the weight of law.

I've had lots of people photograph and video me while on the job.  Its never bothered me, except when they are interfering with my job.  In one instance a man had been run over by a car and was laying in the street.  These morons with their camera phones were trying to record the man bleeding and in doing so were blocking the roadway, preventing an ambulance from pulling up.  While I personally think their actions were distasteful, my only issue was that they were preventing the man from getting medical attention.  I encouraged them to get onto the sidewalk and we didn't have any more problems after that.



3rd time tenants lived in the house and took the intruders sitting in drive as a threat, so they called to report that incident. Since nothing happened sheriff didn't need to come out? But a report could be filed on the phone then?

Asked by mjd over 11 years ago

Most agencies would probably not come out since no one was on scene, but yes, the complainant could make a report by phone.

sorry I think my first part got cut off the board...I wish to turn in info on a compony i'v ordered synthetic marijuana from my question is how should I go about it because the

Asked by Anono over 11 years ago

Generally, you cannot/will not be prosecuted if you once possessed/used a drug.  So, I personally would not worry about talking to the police about having ordered it in the past.

Is this a company that is public about their sales (i.e. they advertise in High Times, etc)?  If so, I doubt you need to tell any law enforcement agency about it.  I think most High Times subscriptions go to police stations and drug units.  

If the company is located in another state or country where the substance is legal don't expect that law enforcement can do much about it.

If you really want to stay anonymous, call one of the "tip lines" for the DEA, FBI or local police department.

Just from my own observations, the synthetic stuff is far worse than the natural stuff.  It is more akin to a crazy mix of meth and PCP than MJ.

Can I shoot my hand gun outside city limits of chillicothe illinois

Asked by Bryan Lloyd over 11 years ago

I don't know.  I'd suggest contacting your local sheriff and asking him or her.

Can estimated passing speed (over speed limit) be cited to ticket, without PO pacing car for a certain distance/time period. Say driver passed another car going 58 mph but then slowed down to 40 mph in a 40 mph speed zone. No radar involved.

Asked by Steve Davis over 11 years ago

For specific questions of law, you should contact an attorney in your jurisdiction.

Continued here: Takes place in Tucson, AZ. A 3rd time, intruder pulled in the driveway, sat in car, then left. Sheriff was called, but didn't have to come out. Would these 3 incidences be on record? This is a build-up for an additional scene. Thanks

Asked by mjd over 11 years ago

Unless the responding officers were lazy, yes a report would be made.  Uninvited people entering your hom when you are not present is criminal.  Depending on AZ law, it would likely be a form or trespass or burglary.  Depending on the circumstances and evidence available, probable cause may or may not exist for the officer(s) to make an immediate arrest.

In the third incident, did the victim make an actual report over the phone?  Many callers start to report something, then decide they don't want a report.  Reports for many not-in-progress calls can be taken by an officer over the phone depending on department policies.  Depending on how you want your story to run, you might want to make it obvious to the reader what the victim chose to do.  Was he/she frightened and insisted on a report?  Were they largely unconcerned and minimized the event?

I hope this helps.

does an off duty officer have to show you a badge, and does an on duty officer in plain clothes have to show you a badge on top of saying on duty officer or off duty officer

Asked by bea over 11 years ago

In what context?  If an officer is taking enforcement action, then at a reasonable time he or she should identify him- or herself in a reasonable manner.  That will likely include a badge and ID card.

If someone knocks on your door and asks to speak with you it is certainly reasonable to request to see identification.  Call the local law enforcement agency and confirm the officer's identity if you have any doubts.

Asking an officer to show you his or her badge in the middle of a fight, chase or in the middle of some other dangerous situation might not be feasible.  It is all situationally dependent.  Unfortunately, everone looks for a simple black and white answer, but life's not that easy.  Reasonableness is the key to everything.

Could I be in trouble for owning a electric cigaret and under the age of 18 but does not contain nicotine ?

Asked by Jerammy over 11 years ago

I have no idea what the laws of your jurisdiction may be.  Contact your local law enforcement agency.

Can a retired police officer flash his badge and threaten to arrest you or cause you trouble? Is there any legal ramifications for him doing this if it isn't allowed?

Asked by Chris over 11 years ago

It depends on the laws of the state.  In many states, a retired officer has citizen's arrest authority.  If you believe his/her behavior is abusive, contact the local law enforcement agency and file a complaint.

If a police officer is called out several times for the same incident, should a police report be made out for each occasion? Are there any rules for that? Mind you, the offender has never been around, when the officer has shown up.

Asked by Clayboo over 11 years ago

Department policies dictate when a report will be filed by a police officer.

Generally:  The same incident will generate only one report.  Multiple incidents of the same nature, by the same subject may generate more than one report depending on the circumstances.

What do you think of the George Zimmerman case? did the jury make the right call?

Asked by Anon over 11 years ago


I saw no evidence that indicated George Zimmerman committed any crime, and yes, the jury's duty was to acquit.  

Frankly, it is my belief that this was a case of wrongful prosecution for political gains, and testimony from at least one employee within the State Attorney's office stating the prosecution was withholding evidence from the defense team certainly affirms that belief.

Can't help myself as I see your Q&A approach 100 answers(!) What's the single most common question you get when you tell people you're a cop?

Asked by Jobstr Dan almost 12 years ago

Most frequent question: "Shoot anybody?"

The most annoying thing people do is loudly announce "I didn't do it!" when you walk into any store or business in uniform.  The folks making these announcements seem to think it is both original and funny.  What they don't realize is it is hardly original: I probably would hear it 10 times a day.  At that point it is about as funny as a toothache.

how will they know it is i that is braking the law does one not have to be caught innocent until proven guilty

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

Online fraud cases are pretty easy to trace and prove, even when people use VPNs, proxies, etc.  Offline fraud is even easier.  Don't expect me to tell you how.  

can a 13 year old fish by himself in the state of california?

Asked by alan carbajal almost 12 years ago

Checking the California Dept of Fish and Wildlife website, it looks like anyone 16 or older must have a license to fish.  I did not see a reference to ages younger than 16.  In the sane world, a 13 year old should be able to fish by him or herself.  California, however, has some very bizarre views on what people should be allowed to do.  So, I'd recommend contacting them directly.  


Does having tattoos affect your chances on becoming a officer? And what if im thinkin about becoming an officer and joining the navy reserve's?

Asked by Michelle over 11 years ago

Different departments have different regulations regarding tattoos.  Many have in place policies prohibiting visible tattoos, while others have policies about the kinds or locations of tattoos (nothing obscene, nothing on the face or neck, etc.)  The more visible tattoos you have, the fewer agencies that will employ you.  Something under your shirt, on your back, etc. will not hurt you.

Being a member of the US Navy Reserve will greatly enhance your application and overall success in a law enforcement agency.

So i was going 98 miles an hour in a 75 zone. Will they take my license?

Asked by Ivie Hone over 11 years ago

I don't know.  It depends on the laws of your state and your driving record.  You might want to contact an attorney.

Do police check messages received by a person who has committed suicide and contact the senders?

Asked by Frank S. over 11 years ago

Depends on the circumstances.  Are you talking about letters, e-mails, text messages, Facebook posts, tweets...?  Under what circumstances did the death occur?  Is there some indication that the death was not self-inflicted?  There are a lot of variables that go into an investigation.

If I am pull over by a police in the rural area of the city at night , is it okay to ask the officer to head to somewhere with more light before I hand them my ID or roll down the entire window?

Asked by E.L over 11 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "rural area of the city."  If you mean out in the country somewhere, how far would you expect to drive to find a lit area?  Don't expect a trooper to follow you for miles just to look for a well lit area.  

If you are in a city, you should probably pull into a parking lot/gas station whenever available to begin with.

You can ask an officer anything, but he/she doesn't have to agree to honor your request.

Is it illegal to be a Christian in the U.S now? Preachers across the country are getting arrested for preaching in public, that's why I'm asking.

Asked by Michael over 11 years ago

I'm guessing this is a rhetorical question.

There is a lot going on in this country that I don't agree with.  Arresting people for peaceably assembling or for exercising their freedom of speech in public is unconscionable.  All law enforcement officers have taken an oath, which includes upholding the Constitution.  Any law enforcement officer who violates his or her oath should be held accountable.

Can I get in trouble if I have a backpack that is decorated with weed all over?

Asked by Santi.. almost 12 years ago

Seriously, who writes these questions...?  If you want to have a backpack with images of marijuana all over it, knock yourself out.  I always like the folks who advertise their recreational activities.  

If you want to decorate your backpack with actual "weed all over," be my guest.  Depending on where you are in the world, that could be anything from completely legal to a capital offense (death penalty).  Laws inside the US vary, and unless the actual marijuana was significant in quantity, you are probably looking at a misdemeanor arrest.


I mean that they have a history of violence. I know a friend that if she gets pulled over before the officer gets out of the car they have to call backup on her. I don't really understand why it happens. Its just something that made me curious.

Asked by Aleria over 11 years ago

I'm afraid I don't know anything about your friend or the specific circumstances.

I know the law states that airsoft weapons are required to have an orange tip. My question is this. My orange tip on my airsoft shotgun broke off. Can I use orange tape or paint the tip orange or will I still get in legal trouble?

Asked by Jon over 11 years ago

There are no such laws in my state that require an orange tip.  But, I don't live in some of the overly restrictive states such as New York or California that might require such a silly thing.  You definitely should check with an attorney or local law enforcement if you are unsure of the laws in your state.

Update - It seems federal law requires anyone selling a toy gun to have an orange tip on it.  I don't know that there is anything at the federal law that requires you to replace or maintain the orange tip.  Again, local laws may be more restrictive due to the eagerness of politicians to criminalize all aspects of life.

If you have no criminal history, but you have at times in your past committed undetected crimes like taking something from a grocery store or driving home after dinner when you POSSIBLY could have been over .08, will this disqualify you in general?

Asked by tobias funke over 11 years ago

Committing crimes like theft and DUI are serious, and will be seen as such by an employing agency.  Your best bet is to be completely honest (any lies will get you immediately barred from employment.)  A department will generally take into consideration the circumstances surrounding the crimes such as how long ago did it happen (were you a 13 year old when you stole from someone as opposed to having done it last week.)

Arrested Development fan, I assume?  Funny show.


If I said I went on a police ride along when I didn't. And I didn't names and I didn't do it to get it anyone in trouble. Is it illegal?

Asked by goingcrazy almost 12 years ago

Identifying yourself as a police officer is a felony in most/all states.  Saying you rode with a police officer breaks no laws that I am aware of.  Contact an attorney if you are really concerned about this one.  

What is your home life like is it very consuming being a police officer? What can officer's wife expect?

Asked by Brandy B over 11 years ago

Working in law enforcement is a very toxic environment.  When surrounded by members of the criminal element for most of the day, police officers experience and witness violence, depravity and ugliness never shown on TV or adequately depicted in movies. 

Unfortunately, what happens at the job never really stays at the job.  A new officer will change, and must change, to survive in the environment.  If the officer fails to adapt to the violence and brutality, the officer will either not make it through training or will be killed.

Those changes will effect how the officer interacts with other people, including family.  The unprepared spouse will not always learn to adapt to the officer and conflict will arise.  

For example, a once-talkative person who is now a cop may be a lot less talkative with his or her spouse.  That's not a reflection on the relationship per se, rather is often a result of the officer not wanting to expose his/her spouse to the ugliness that he/she works in.  The spouse who wants to hear about the cop/spouse's day, however, may not realize that the cop/spouse just doesn't want to relive the child abuse call he/she investigated earlier.  So when the cop/spouse doesn't want to talk the non-cop/spouse takes it personally.

There is never enough time as a cop.  Even if the police officer isn't on any special units that require additional time and call outs (like SWAT, negotiations, etc.), he/she is always subject to court.  And courts NEVER take the officer's schedule into consideration.  More than once, I would work a midnight shift, leave the station at 7 am and go straight to court at 8 am.  Stinking from all of the fights, foot chases and sweating the night before, I then would sit in court until 5 pm or so.  Then go home, try to grab three hour's sleep before heading back into the PD.  After another night, right back in court the next morning.

Nearly every police officer I know has to work part time jobs to make the family bills.  So, on the nights he/she isn't scheduled to work, he/she is working security at a bar, directing traffic at a church, or working a security detail in a pharmacy.

Sound miserable?  It can be.  But, that is just life.  Every job has its downsides - police work just a few more than others, I suppose.

I highly recommend reading I Love A Cop ( http://tinyurl.com/krvampy ) which deals with a lot of the issues & questions you might expect.  It talks about what a family can expect if a spouse is in law enforcement, and offers solid suggestions on how everyone in the family can work to mitigate the problems the job brings.

For what it is worth, my wife has put up with a lot of long hours, very scary situations and crazy problems from my law enforcement career, but we are still happily married.

is it fun saving people lives

Asked by tayshaun king over 11 years ago

It is gratifying to know you make a difference.

my 15yr old daughter does not want to come home she wants to stay at her boyfriends house and the boyfriends mother is not realy helping she allows her to stay at her house and it is making it easy for my daughter to be there what can i do about this

Asked by renee over 11 years ago

If you know where she is, go get her.  If another adult is interfering with the custody of your child, that could be a crime & feel free to call the local law enforcement agency.

If she refuses to come home and you don't know where she is, you can report her as a runaway.

When pulled over for a traffic stop, we know you need license, registration, and proof of insurance. Should I wait with my hands on the wheel until I am asked for these documents, or have them ready?

Asked by Mark Mitchell over 11 years ago

Depends.  If you keep them all handy having them already isn't a bad idea.  If you are going to have to dig for them, leave them where they are and when the officer asks for them, explain what you are doing.  For example, "Officer, my registration is in my glove box.  Is it ok to reach in there and grab it?"  It just lets him or her know what you are doing and prevents any unexpected movement.

When in doubt, just sit tight and ask the officer to tell you what he or she would like for you to do.  It is a courtesy that can help reduce the tension.  The officer doesn't know who you are - good citizen or murderous fugitive - when he or she stops you.  

Politeness and helping to reduce the tension have even been known to change a ticket into a warning. :)

If a person is arrested and has an animal in their vehicle, what is the protocol? Does it change based on breed (i.e; pit bull vs. teacup poodle?)

Asked by Ivan almost 12 years ago

Policies vary depending on the department, but generally:

1.  If someone is there that the owner would like to take custody of the animal, they can.

2.  If no one is close at hand that the owner will allow to take the animal, the animal will be collected by whatever animal control organization is in the area.  Some jurisdictions this is operated by the government, in other areas it is contracted out to another organization.  Once the owner posts a bond, he or she can then go collect his or her animal.

When entering an intersection from a divided highway, making a left on a green.

If you are in the median and face a red can you proceed through the red to complete your left turn if it is clear?

Asked by Peter s over 11 years ago

It depends on the state.  Every state has different traffic laws.  I wish I could be more definitive.

Im curious about something, I often see people pulled over by two police cars. Is it because they have a yellow or red card? Thus backup is needed?

Asked by Aleria over 11 years ago

I don't understand the yellow card/red card reference.

Police officers do not know the driver/occupants of a vehicle when stopped.  They could be a nice family or it could be a murderous robbing crew.  Unit criminals start wearing signs that clearly identify themselves, police officers will back each other up on traffic stops and other calls.  It is a safety thing.

is it true you get to take home the k9's when your off duty

Asked by jacob over 11 years ago

The handler and dog are considered a team.  Most departments require the handler to board, feed, and care for the dog off duty.  Typically there is a small stipend provided to the officer for this time, food and supplies.  Rarely does that stipend cover everything the human puts into the care of the dog.

If I'm currently 17 years old with a Provisional Drivers License (with restrictions AG) in Texas, is it legal for me to drive my little cousins home from school? (I have car-seats and they are 6 and 7 years old)

Asked by Revitalize over 11 years ago

Contact the local Texas DPS or police department to explain your state's laws.

Is there something that can be done about a parent who lives with you taking, reading and withholding your mail that contains information about your money on it? eg. bank statements bills 401k paperwork mail from school financial aid etc.

Asked by bhlargh27 over 10 years ago

If you are an adult, they should not withhold your mail from you.  I would suggest considering some other housing arrangement if you cannot get along.

Is it more common for police cars to be manned by two officers or one? Are two-person police cars usually found in more dangerous areas? Thanks.

Asked by Jet over 10 years ago

The deployment of one or two officers to a car is largely dependent on the ingrained culture of the department.  Many years ago a study suggested officers were no less safe patroling solo as they are with a partner.  

I was walking home and saw my friend and asked for a ride. i was in stolen car for 30 seconds and he dint have a license but i didnt know, he told me he did. it was the day after he drove me that he got busted. can i get in trouble? i did no wrong

Asked by Stephen over 10 years ago

I'd suggest considering is a learning experience.  You are not likely to be in any trouble if what you have described is true.  However, it could have all gone very badly for you. 

I was in a similar situation once when I was in college. I rode in a (unknown to me) stolen car with the friend of a friend.  The driver (unknown to me) was wanted for murder.  It wasn't until two days after that ride I learned about him and the car.  It taught me a valuable lesson about who to catch rides with.

Just a follow up to last question.

Would you ticket an individual if you saw it?

Asked by Peter s over 11 years ago

If I understand the question correctly (entered on green, waited for traffic to clear to complete the turn, light turned red and then you cleared the intersection) - no.  But then, laws vary from place to place.

How does being a police officer impact a workers personal and family life?

Asked by Megan over 11 years ago

The impacts have been studied by many researchers for several decades.  The influence of the job on the personal life is significant, and few people are really prepared for it.  

Many friends, and even some family, will no longer associate with the new police officer because of the job.  The officer's spouse and other family will live in fear that this shift could be the one where the officer is killed or horrifically injured.  The officer is confornted by violence, death and evil every shift and begins to worry constantly about the safety of his/her family and loved ones.

It is a high-stress job and you are never really "off duty."  Officers with a very strong faith and solid family support tend to fare better than others, but the job has a very strong impact on all relationships, the health of the officer and every other aspect of the officer's life. 

You may have heard that officers have high divorce rates and high instances of alcohol abuse.  One of the dirty secrets of police work is a relatively high incidence of suicide as well.  All of these things obviously impact the family in a severe way.

There is a lot of research out there, but here are a few places to look:






what if a 13 year old girl ran away and she got caught how long would she have to be in juvenile?

Asked by Hailey over 11 years ago

It depends on how the judge applies the laws of your state.  There is no set answer, and much of the judge's decision will be based on the circumstances and history of the child.

what can the police do to stop an armed person

Asked by deuntae winston over 11 years ago

Dealing with a violent person is a fluid and dynamic sitation.  There is no easy, one-size-fits-all answer.  Generally speaking, a police officer is authorized to use any force, up to and including deadly force, when he or she believes it is reasonably necessary to stop an armed person who poses an imminent threat to the lives of others.  That may include shooting the violent criminal.

(2/2) the aunt then proceeded to ask my friend and I our first names we told her them and then she put it in her phone. We left right after that happened. Can she do anything with this info? She was off duty at the time.

Asked by Butch over 11 years ago

If you lie to a law enforcement officer about your age, you could be charged with providing false information to the officer.  (The exact name of the crime varies from state to state.)  Sounds like you took a minor issue and made it into a crime due to your lack of honesty.

My Dughter is 17 and has a baby with a 21 year old. We live in the state of utah and I don't want to press charges if the state finds out could he go to jail?

Asked by ... almost 12 years ago

You should probably contact a family attorney in Utah.  

Do you ever perform a traffic stop and then think of an excuse afterwards? One time I got pulled over at like 3am on a highway for "speeding", which as immaterial in nature. Seemed like the trooper was fishing, as speeding is customary in Houston.

Asked by bob almost 12 years ago

No, stopping someone without reasonable articulable suspicion would be a violation of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution and a bunch of state laws and department policies.  

Speeding, even if "everyone does it" is still illegal, hence the reason why you were stopped.  

If an off-duty police officer in Florida starts a fight and pulls out his badge afterwards presenting himself as a police officer, does that by law puts him on-duty?

Asked by Melvin over 11 years ago

On duty generally means he/she is currently being paid by the agency as part of regularly assigned duties.  So, it would sound like the officer was off duty.  

Dear BlueSheepdog, would it be considered sexual harassment if a male acquittance touched and poked my breasts when I clearly uncomfortable with it by folding my arms over my breasts? You must hear this so much.

Asked by Garnettoi almost 11 years ago

What you describe is the crime of battery, an unlawful touching.  Depending on the state you live in there may be enhancers or separate laws regarind the sexual nature of the battery.

You are clearly in a dangerous situation when someone is touching your breasts against your will, and you should take such reasonable actions to protect yourself.

I am the in the process of hiring in Virginia my question is if I passed my polygraph can I still not get hired? also my spouse has a assault and battery charge cause she was involved in a domestic does that play a role in my background check??

Asked by Mr Frazier almost 12 years ago

I don't know Virginia law, but in many (most?) states, you can pass all of the tests and still not be hired.  If you think about it, say 100 people pass all of the tests but there are only 10 positions open.  90 people passed but won't be hired.

I have no idea what your department's background investigation requirements are.  If he/she was convicted of domestic assault or domestic battery, he/she is not allowed to be in possession of firearms by federal (and probably Virginia) law.  A department might not want their firearms to be around a prohibited person.  You should probably talk to your recruiter about your situation for more information.

My ex-husband is in law enforcement how is he allowed to run every license plate on cars parked at my house even inside the garage. I live in Utah

Asked by Ginger over 11 years ago

If you believe he is doing this, and that it is not part of an official investigation, you can file a complaint with his department or with the Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training council:  http://publicsafety.utah.gov/post/inservice/decertify.html

I bought alcohol for my roommate once, I don't plan on ever doing it again, but can I get in trouble for something i did over a week ago?

Asked by Aleria over 11 years ago

I assume your roommate is underage.  If so, you can still get in trouble, but probably only if he/she does something stupid such as gets alcohol poisoning, gets hurt while intoxicated, is DUI, etc.  There could be some pretty heavy reprecusions for that.

Hi, can you explain what police sergeants', police lieutenants', and police captains' specific responsibilities are? It seems like its more than just different levels of leadership. (More info in next question.)

Asked by 123 about 11 years ago

There is no single answer to your question.  You may as well ask "what does a middle manager in a company do."  The only real answer is "it depends."  Different agencies have different rank structures and assign job duties/responsibilities in different ways.  At one department something might be assigned to an officer, while it is assigned to a captain at another department. 

What's your opinion on good Samaritan laws? Does your State have any, and do you think it's a good thing to impose criminal liability on people for failing to act or notify someone if they see crime happening?

Asked by Priya Singh almost 12 years ago

Offering protection from liability for people making a good faith effort to render aid at the scene of an emergency is a good idea.  There are a lot of dirtbag attorneys who will sue anyone, including good people trying to do the right thing.

Requiring people to act, such as calling 911, when they observe something that is obviously criminal in nature makes sense - but, I always have reservations about these kinds of laws.  In my opinion, they need to be narrowly written.

If I am studying criminal justice in California but I want to move to Tampa florida would the requirements be the same as LAPD if i want to become a police officer in tampa ?

Asked by Michelle over 11 years ago

I suspect the requirements are very similar.  Click here for the Tampa PD recruiting page.

How long does does it take to match a fingerprint at a crime scene to a person whose fingerprints are already on file?

Asked by Bailey almost 11 years ago

It depends on the priority of the case and the technology used to recover and analyze the prints.  If you already have a suspect, you can get a very fast match.  

This is a great thread. I appreciate your high ethics. Is it ethical for an on-duty cop (sgt) to ask for your phone number or ask you on a date? Is that frowned upon or okay? (Not pulling you over, chatting outside a store.)

Asked by Suzie almost 12 years ago

Thanks for the compliments.  I am not an ethical expert, but I have always tried to do the right thing.  Teaching me that is one of the many things I thank my father for, and hope to impart to my own children.

If the situation is a casual encounter, and the officer is not involved in some type of enforcement activity (traffic stop, investigating your involvement in a domestic dispute, etc.) I don't see it as a problem.  I see it similar to a UPS driver who is grabbing a soda at a store and talks to someone in the parking lot.  As with all social encounters, discretion and tact are important.

Of course, some departments might have more restrictive policies.  But, I don't see it as being an ethical problem.

I'm in college I already finished my first year. Im trying to do law enforcement as my major.I been goin some online info and it says that I have be good with listening & eyes etc,I have two ears but can only listen with one, would I be disqualified?

Asked by Adrian over 11 years ago

It depends on the agency.  Most departments will require you have at least some hearing in both ears, but this can be augmented by the use of a hearing aid in many places.

If there is a specific law enforcement agency you would like to work for, I suggest contacting a recruiter and discussing the specifics of your case with them.

How old do you have to be to purchase a gun in minnesota?

Asked by Vinny almost 12 years ago

What kind of gun?  A quick Google search shows 18+ for long guns and 21+ for handguns.  Long guns that are scarey looking are still 18+, but require a purchase permit according to Wikipedia.  I can only assume that non-scarey looking long guns do not require the same permit.  You probably want to take a look at MN §624.7131 for more detailed information.

Some kids have been coming to my house and messing around with my water pipes. Am I legally allowed to shoot them with a BB gun?

Additional info:
I live in North Carolina
I am unsure if my gun penetrates, but I will only aim for legs

Asked by Brian over 11 years ago

Why would you think that it would be even remotely ok to shoot children with a BB gun?

1.  None of this is legal advice.  Consult an attorney.  Wrongful use force against another, especially a child, can land you in prison for a long time. 

2.  The use of force is generally resricted to "reasonable" self defense.  Re-read #1.

3.  BB guns are not toys.  They can and have killed people.  Use Google and you will see multiple stories about BB guns killing people.  For example:  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/03/21/florida-boy-10-dies-after-brother-accidentally-shoots-him-with-bb-gun/

4.  BB guns can also take out an eye or do other serious injury even if they were incapable of killing.  Re-read #1.

5.  You're not Alvin York and your aim on a moving target isn't that good.  I don't care how good a shot you think you are, you can't guarantee where you would hit someone anyway.  Re-read #1.

6.  None of this excuses whatever trespass these children may have done, but shooting them with a BB gun sounds way beyond the realm of reasonableness.  What would you do if your child had been shot by an adult with a BB gun?  Re-read #1.

7.  Use of force is generally restricted to the defense of persons, not property.  Re-read #1.

8.  If someone is coming into your home and you feel threatened, things are different.  Re-read #1.

9.  Re-read #1.

I am not explaining this clearly

Traveling northbound through a green

Make a left going westbound

Facing a red light in the median which is 100 foot long.

You don't need to clear the median given it is 100 feet

Can a driver proceed.

Asked by Peter s over 11 years ago

I'm sorry, but I'm not clear on the description of the intersection.  My previous answer is based on a standard cross-type intersection.  I'd have to see the intersection and know the laws of your state to give you my opinion (which has no bearing on anything, mind you - for that, contact an attorney.)

But, if you enter the intersection on anything other than a green, then you are likely violating the laws of your state.  If you enter on a green, it is going to depend on the circumstances and how the laws are written.

If an officer is forced to shoot a criminal, what kind of protocol would the rest of the department take? For instance, would CSI be contacted to investigate the scene? If so, when?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

Every department has their own protocol.  First duty is to protect life:  citizens, officers, criminals (and in that order.)  Until the scene is made safe, no investigation can begin.  Once everything is safe, medical aid is rendered for anybody that is injured.  By this time, a sergeant or lieutenant is on scene and takes command.  Depending on the agency, either they or an outside department will handle the investigation of the use of force.  A CSI unit would probably be involved, but they are only a support unit to document and collect evidence.  They don't do any investigation.

The involved officers give a brief statement to the responding supervisor about what happened and are separated from the other officers who are investigating the incident.  How/when the officers are interviewed varies from department to department.  Officers are entitled to legal counsel as is anyone being investigated for potential criminal acts.


I'm thinking about becoming a police officer. Should I join a small suburban department, or should I join the LAPD, NYPD, or CPD?

Asked by AZlift almost 12 years ago

It is impossible for me to tell you where you might like to work.  If you've never lived in a large city, you might love - or hate- it.  Same thing about working in a smaller area.

From my personal experience, I would prefer a smaller department of 50-75 officers if I was starting all over.  Ideally, it would be suburban to rural.  I've worked for a very urban area and for a smaller department in a suburban bordering on rural area.  You get a lot more of the exciting calls in a short amount of time in the urban areas, but you can also burn out much quicker.

The upside to a large agency is you get a lot of opportunity to work in specialized units that you don't have in smaller areas/departments.  For example, a marine unit, aviation unit, SWAT unit, etc.  But smaller areas will sometimes pool resources for multi-jurisdictional units (like SWAT teams formed with officers from several regional departments.)

I'd suggest doing a few ride-alongs with different departments in different areas and get a feel for what things are like.

i let my sister use my debit card once but new she won't give it back what should i do

Asked by camelia over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

Does a Detective typically drive a police car or does he/she have another type of unmarked car they drive around? Thank You

Asked by edwurd almost 11 years ago

A detective will generall drive an unmarked car provided by the agency.  The type of vehicle varies greatly.  I've seen everything from a Prius to a Mustang.  Most departments will go with a domestic sedan, though that is not always the case.  Sometimes the detective's job will dictate the need for a different kind of car.  For example, a narcotics officer will not be driving a Crown Vic.  Sometimes a vehicle might be seized through civil forfeiture and be used by detectives.  Unless you think the car is integral to the story go with a Ford Taurus or Chevy Impala.

I'm currently a high school Junior in New Jersey. What steps should I take if I am interested in a career in Law Enforcement? What College decisions should I be making if I want to become a police officer?

Asked by HighSchooler25 almost 12 years ago

Get good grades, stay physically fit and stay away from drugs/alcohol/trouble.  I was in high school too, but all of those things will play a role in your hiring process.

If your local department has an explorer program, check on joining that.  It will give you a good amount of experience around police officers and get you some training (plus a foot in the door when you apply for a job.)

Personally, I'd avoid any kind of criminal justice/criminology degree.  Stick to some kind of degree that can make you money - business, computer science, etc.  Don't waste time and money on an expensive degree or go into debt for it.  College debt is a trap.

Can you take college classes while in high school?  I know here in Florida, juniors and seniors can often take college classes and get dual credit:  high school and college for the one class.  I managed to get several of my college classes done for free before I ever left high school that way.

Joining the military (any branch) will help you get hired later and will help pay for advanced education.  

Do detectives participate in raids? If so, when?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

Detectives can participate in a warrant service, and frequently do.

A high risk warrant service is usually handled by a SWAT team, which can have detectives on the team.  Once the scene is secure, non-SWAT officers/detectives will frequently be responsible for the securing and documenting of evidence.

My friend's family called the police on her boyfriend for physical abuse. But when the police tried to ask her questions she didnt say anything. What I wanna know would that go on his criminal record even if there wasnt a follow through investigation

Asked by Anonymous almost 12 years ago

If no arrest was made, then there is no arrest record (at least regarding this incident.)  Without the victim's cooperation, the officers probably were not able to establish probable cause to make an arrest.

i do believe i might have committed fraud what do i do

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

You should probably contact a criminal defense lawyer.  Most attorneys will talk to you free, and only charge you if you have them perform some action (such as contacting the victim) for you.  If you (through your lawyer) act before the company realizes they have been defrauded, there is a possibility you can square things with them before they call law enforcement.  A lawyer can help with this.

is there a law for under age swimming

Asked by james over 11 years ago

There may be one somewhere.  Where and what it says...well, I have no idea.  Try using Google to find laws for your state/locality.  You should be able to find something pretty quickly.

When police officers patrol, do they decide on their own when to turn and where to go within their patrol area? Or is there usually/sometimes/rarely an exact route that they generally follow through their area?

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

No exact routes are ever taken/repeated.  It would be a good way to be ambushed and that's never a good day.

just saying if I seen some one do a hit & run on another car three years ago & didn't report it because it was my boss & didn't want to lose my job over it & would really like to report it now! Would I be in trouble for not reporting it?

Asked by G.F over 11 years ago

I don't know the circumstances of the case or the laws that might apply to your case.  I do know what the right thing is, but it is up to you to do it.

How involved is a police chief in individual cases? Do police chiefs participate in raids or investigations? Is a police chief contacted for cases when they happen? Are they present at crime scene investigations?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

It depends on the size of the department.  For any agency of more than about 15-20 officers, the chief is not likely to be involved in any case other than as a spokesperson in a high-profile incident.

For small agencies, a chief may patrol and handle calls like the rest of the officers.  There are many departments in the US where there are fewer than five officers.  In those areas, the chief handles a lot of the calls and investigations.

Is It Illegal to carry a fake/toy gun on you that looks real? Even If it's to protect yourself In the mean time until you can afford a real one and until you get licensed to carry? Obviously It'll be stupid to flash it, especially In front of a cop.

Asked by Sade' over 11 years ago

Carrying a fake gun may or may not be illegal depending on your jurisdiction.  You should either contact a criminal defense lawyer for your area or the local law enforcement agency.

I'm not sure what kind of "protection" a fake gun provides.  If attacked by a criminal, a fake gun isn't going to offer you any protection.  The notion that you will see a known criminal approaching you and that you will have time to draw the weapon AND that the criminal will suddenly be struck by fear upon seeing it is not a realistic one based on my experiences with both violent encounters and the mentality of predator criminals.

Also, is there anything that can be done about my tire getting slashed? Will it be looked into anymore than when the officer was on the scene, or am I just SOL? I suspect it may have been my neighbor, but didnt witness her do it... thanx again!

Asked by SingleMama almost 12 years ago

If no evidence exists, and no witnesses have presented themselves, then what additional actions would you suggest the officers take (within the confines of the law)?  Maybe your neighbor did it, maybe she did not.  People should never be arrested for "maybe."  

IF you neighbor damaged your tires, and IF she admitted to tampering with your mail, it sounds like your best bet is to file a report with the postal police and see if they develop probable cause to arrest her.  IF they do, then her probation can be revoked also.  

It won't likely keep her in jail for very long, regardless.

When an officer gets a report of underage drinking at a California public beach, does that give the policy enforcer "reasonable suspicion or probable cause" to investigate and conduct a search? (keep in mind its midnight, although closes at 3am..)

Asked by I'm 19 over 11 years ago

Reasonable suspicion and probable cause are built by the totality of the circumstances, which may include a citizen complaint.  It is impossible for me to tell you how the officers in your case established either since I was not there and I am not privy to the details of the investigation.

Is this a possible scenario, a young man gets pulled over and pot is found. He is arrested and taken in where he is persuaded to give up dealer names and then will be set free, no arrest.

Asked by ma over 11 years ago

Its possible, but how valuable is that information to the officers?  Not terribly valuable probably.  The cops either know the names already, or have no way of knowing if the subject being arrested is giving them good info.

A more likely scenario would be the subject provides the officers with very detailed information on the dealers and is given a court date for some time in the future in exchange.  Then the officers can determine if the information is good.  If so, the officers can appear in court an explain to the judge that the subject was cooperative in an investigation and request favorable treatment of the informant.

if you try to steal something and the girl that works there sees you and you put it back with out leaving with it can you get in trouble( just asking never did it)

Asked by emily dumont over 11 years ago

It depends on the laws of the state, but generally attempting to commit a crime is punishable as if you completed the crime itself.  Based on your scenario, the only reason why the item was not stolen was the clerk saw the theft taking place and the thief put the item back.  The intent to commit a theft existed, and the thief took an action to commit the crime, so in many jurisdictions it would be a criminal act (attempted theft or something similar.)

Consider the guy who runs into the liquor store to rob it.  As he begins to demand money, the store clerk pulls out a gun and the robber flees.  The robber did not succeed in the crime, but intended to rob the clerk and took some action to commit the crime.  Therefore, the attempted robbery could be prosecuted.

I hope that makes sense, and these things vary from state to state depending on the laws of each.

How are officers assigned jobs? Is it just whoever's closest to the action or are skillsets considered?

Asked by Anonymous about 11 years ago

Patrol officers are assigned to zones or beats.  These are specific geographic areas that the officer is responsible for.  A non-emergency call in that zone will be held for the zone officer to handle.  Emergency calls will typically fall to the officer assigned to that zone, or if he/she is unavailable, the next closest unit.  

Certain calls may be held for certain officers.  For example, a department with officers who receive specialized training in dealing with the mentally ill may dispatch one of those officers outside of his or her zone to handle an incident that involves someone who is mentally ill.  

if someone has stolen a range of merchandise totaling 3000 pound would one take into consideration a first offence is it an arrest able offence or a caution or a criminal record

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

In my state, the crimes you have described could result in multiple years in prison plus fines and resitution.  I do not know the laws of your country, but I'm sure it is equally serious.  I strongly suggest contacting a criminal defense attorney.

I hit a car at a red light because I was bending down to get something out from under my feet. The cop that arrived did not give me a ticket but can he mail one with the report it 3 to 5 days?

Asked by andy over 10 years ago

Depends on the state. Sounds like you should get one.

Can an Off Duty Police Officer who is out of his jurisdiction come to my place of residency with my landlord as her witness to serve an eviction without giving me his full name and Police Prescient he is offiliated with??

Asked by Melissa over 11 years ago

If the officer is acting as a police officer and provided his or her name (Officer Smith or whatever) and that the department he or she works for, that may be all of the information he or she is obligated to provide.  A specific zone, precinct, or other information may not be required.

If the officer is acting as an employee of the property owner, and not as a representative of the city/county/whatever, he or she may not even need to provide that.

what is the Colorado statue, or what do you know to be law for an officer receiving a citizens arrest. Everything I read said I can make the arrest but where is your authority to "have to receive"

Asked by MH almost 12 years ago

I'm not familiar with Colorado law in that respect.  If you call the local Sheriff's Department, they should be able to tell you.

I have a young son interested in becoming an officer. What are some of the steps I can take as a mom to point him in the right direction?

Asked by sweetbutsassy over 10 years ago

Keep him in school. Ensure he learns self discipline. Get him involved in things like Boy Scouts and martial arts. Teach him about the Constitution and what the underlying principles of freedom are.

It sounds like you are a concerned mother, and that goes a long way to ensuring he is on the right track.

To possess either probable cause or reasonable suspicion, an officer must be able to cite specific articulable facts to warrant the intrusion. Please explain to me how a citizens complaint of underage drinking can jeopardize my 4th amendment right?

Asked by i'm 19! over 11 years ago

As I explained, it is a totality of the circumstances.  Sometimes a single fact/observation can amount to RAS or PC.  Other times, an officer may have to build a series of facts/observations to meet the legal burdens.  I'm afraid you cannot present a general scenario and get a specific answer.

I'm meeting with a lieutenant to tell him about some upsetting experiences with some officers. The only time he can meet is at 6:45 a.m. in front of the station, which doesn't open until 8 a.m. Is there video surveillance in front? I'd feel better.

Asked by Carolyn almost 12 years ago

No idea what department it is, or what equipment they have in place.  The agency may have recorded video, but it is impossible for me to know.

If this lieutenant works midnights and gets off at 7 am, the time is pretty reasonable for his/her schedule and doesn't suggest any nefarious activity. 

My husband is going to court next week for his 5th oui arrest. We are in MA, he did not take the breathalizer and his defense is vertigo, and poor police work. If the jury does notknow about prior arrests/ jail time,how likely will he be convicted

Asked by tortured wife over 11 years ago

It would appear that your husband has a serious addiction, and is not taking responsibility for his actions.  Hopefully he hasn't killed or maimed anyone yet, and will not have to opportunity to do so in the future.

Ask his attorney for legal advice, not me.

Sorry about that. What kind of tests do they go through when the are in the academy?

Asked by mauisheriff@gmail.com over 11 years ago

There are written and oral tests that cover everything from law to criminal procedure to firearms to first aid.

There are performance tests where the recruit has to demonstrate their ability to perform specific tasks such as firearms proficiency, physical fitness, defensive tactics, and medical techniques.

Then there are larger performance tests that measures the students' ability to handle complex scenarios such as investigating a traffic accident, processing a crime scene, investigating a domestic violence incident or responding to a spree killer.

Additionally, the entire academy is a test of the students' mental, emotional and physical ability to complete a long and demanding course of instruction.  Many students quit because of the pressure.

Many states have a comprehensive written test at the end of the academy the student must pass for state certification.

I own a MTD garden tractor and sometimes drive it down the dirt road! I have a drivers permit and I added all the flashing red and orange lights, horn and reflectors and a slow vehicle sign in front and back..am I legal to use as a small tractor?

Asked by Franky over 11 years ago

Most states have allowances for farm vehicles being used temporarily on the roadway when in accordance to your normal agricultural activities.  It sounds like you have probably met most/all of the requirements that many states have.  I would suggest contacting the local sheriff's department or highway patrol to make sure there isn't anything else you need.

I have a sentry safe in my home that contained 2000dollars. The money was stolen which means the safe was broken into but there's no sign of it being broken into can the nypd come and dust for fingerprints

Asked by Sikeisha over 11 years ago

They can, but there are a lot of variables that go into lifting useable prints.  There are no guarantees the officer(s) will be able to recover a print, but they can certainly try.

If pulled over by lets-say two officers, and my car was searched on 'suspicion of drugs' by means of smell (really they didn't) and came up with nothing.What can I do to stop these cops using improper law techniques. It has happened twice,please help

Asked by ProSlayer? almost 12 years ago

If you feel you have been improperly searched by officers, you can contact their agency and file a complaint.

most ppl where im from become products of their environment when i was younger i did some bad things. i sold drugs for a week but i felt so bad i quit, then joined the military to atone. will my past destroy any chances i have as a police officer...

Asked by Young. over 11 years ago

Maybe not.  If you have been convicted of certain crimes, there isn't much you can do about that.  However, without any prior arrests or convictions, you may still be able to obtain employment as a police officer.  A solid military record with an honorable discharge (staying in the active reserves is even better) will go a long way to showing you aren't the person that you may have been in the past.  The longer the time space between criminal activity and when you apply is better.  Also, holding a secret clearance shows you have previously passed a background check, which helps.

Bck w/ more ? 4 book. Intruders in house. Homeowners shoot after intrud. shot the father, attempted to shoot wife. Deputies come in, see two shot, two homeowners holding guns. How would this be handled when deputies entered? They know the homeowners.

Asked by MjD over 11 years ago

In a nutshell, the injured intruders would be transported to the hospital under police guard.  When released, they would be arrested and transported to jail pending trial.

The homeowners would be interviewed on scene but not arrested or charged with any crime based on the facts provided.

If the intruders were killed, pretty much the same as above, but the deputies would be in the house a lot longer and the M.E. would respond and take custody of the corpses.

There are a lot of minute details that go into any investigation, especially major felony cases like this, but that is the quick and dirty.

How do you feel about "safety checks" where a police agency might set up a road block to stop random cars and ask them to produce registration and insurance cards? Isn't the real purpose of these roadblocks to fish for alcohol/drug smells from cars?

Asked by Rndballref almost 12 years ago

Saftey checkpoints are a useful tool for helping to reduce drunk driving, accidents, and removing criminals from the roadways.  Driving on public roadways is a licensed privledge, not a right, and therefore is subject to limited intrusion.  The specific rules on how they are to be run vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and are controled by law, court opinions and department policies.

When adequately staffed so undue delays are not generated, I have no problem with them.  

I was waiting to pull our of a space last night on a 30mph road. I had my indicator on a police car drove by and I had no lights on. I drove for about 10seconds before I put them on. Should I expect anything? it was a total mistake.

Asked by emma over 11 years ago


what are the chances of me and my best friend becoming partners after completing police foundation? were Canadian so we have to take a college course, I'm not sure how it is in the states.

Asked by marc about 11 years ago

I'm not sure I understand your terminology, but if you are asking if you and your friend could be assigned as partners at the same police agency, yes.  However, this would not happen until both of you had a few years of experience on the job.  No sergeant in his or her right mind would assign two inexperienced officers together.  

Can a auto part store order and sell you illegal parts ? I went to O'relly today and the man said he can order me white headlight for my car and im afraid it'll be illegal

Asked by eatbreathcheer over 11 years ago

I doubt there are very many auto parts that are illegal.  What you do with them might be.  For example, selling exhaust cutouts is legal.  Running them on a street car is illegal.  Running them on a track is legal.

Chances are any of the headlights in an autoparts store are legal for your area.  If you have any doubts, contact your local department and talk to one of the traffic enforcement officers.  He or she will be able to give you the exact information you are looking for.

What can I do legally so my mother in law and her family stops posting pictures on facebook without my consent?

Asked by Wilma over 11 years ago

Sounds like a civil issue with no criminal aspect.  Call an attorney for advice on a civil remedy.

If a Police Officer becomes injured and is knocked out during a routine Traffic Stop by oncoming traffic, a unruly citizen, or etc. What should you do as the person who is currently pulled over? Remain in the car?

Asked by Chase over 11 years ago

You can get out and help the police officer.  Sitting in the car while an injured police officer is laying in a lane of traffic is unconscionable.

I'm currently a poolee for the Marine Corps and I am in the process of choosing my MOS. I'm highly interested in being a part of law enforcement after my service and I was wondering if there is an MOS that would possibly give me an edge when applying

Asked by BPraze over 11 years ago

I do not have a military background, but it looks like the USMC has a variety of law enforcement related MOS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_MOS#58_Military_Police_and_Corrections 

That said, I've worked with plenty of officers who were former miltary that did not have a MP background and they did very well in the hiring process.  At my last department, I worked with a former Marine who was an aircraft mechanic, another who was in motor transport and a third who was a machine gunner.  All were good cops.

If there is something specific that interests you, go for it.  If you have a solid service record and even manage to get yourself promoted, it will all work to your benefit when you apply for a civilian law enforcement job.

Remember your oath, stay safe & thanks for your service.

If someone is drunk and you write them a citation, are there things that you have to do to make sure that when they are sober they will know they have to pay a fine?

Asked by 123 over 10 years ago

If they are so drunk they won't remember the citation, they are going to jail.

He has been verbally hit by his stepdad before and choked. Many family members has tried to call DHR before and try to get him out of that house hold but it never works what should we do to help him?

Asked by Breanna over 11 years ago

If an investigation was conducted, it sounds like a lack of probable cause existed.  Probable cause is a legal burden that a law enforcement agency must meet before arresting someone.

Just because a parent hits a child does not mean the child is being abused.  Reasonable corporal punishment is legal in many cases.  

Strangulation is not likely to be considered reasonable.  If you witness violence, you should call the local law enforcement agency.

Even if the state was to remove him from the house, it is exceptionally unlikely he would be allowed to live with you.

Okay so I am 17 years old was smoking a cigarette at my friends sweet 16 party and her aunt who is a cop but was off duty asked my friend and I if we were 18 and if she could see our IDs. We said we were 18 but we didn't have our IDs on (1/2)

Asked by Butch over 11 years ago

(see second part of this question)

do most officers fire their gun at somebody during their career? Is NYPD more dangerous then other departments. I live in NY and I have wanted to be a cop since pre school and I am planning on joining NYPD.

Asked by Matthew over 11 years ago

Most police officers do not shoot another person.  Every police officer has to make life-and-death decisions on a regular basis, including if he or she needs to use force to protect another.  No one wants to shoot another person, but you have to be willing to do so if it is required to protect yourself or another person.

If you can please email me the answer it would be greatly appreciated: thepausemenu@gmail.com

I live in TN. If I break a car window to rescue an animal inside on a really hot day how much trouble am I looking at?

Asked by Daniel over 11 years ago

You should contact a criminal defense attorney in that state.  Just because you see something as the "right" thing, doesn't mean there isn't the potential of having criminal charges filed against you.

if a crime was committed early in 2012 can a person still be charged with that same crime a year afterwards

Asked by monalisa over 11 years ago

Probably - It depends on the crime and the laws of your state.

A lot of murder mysteries on TV have cops interviewed who seem very knowledgable about a lot of stuff! Is it all from experience or do you guys take special classes?

Asked by Anonymous about 11 years ago

Homicide investigators attend specialized training in investigations techniques, interviewing techniques and specialized classes on just death investigations.  They also have a great deal of experience as a street cop and general investigator prior to being promoted to homicides.  Once in homicides, a new investigator will be paired with a more experienced detective who will guide the on-the-job training.

Can you track a criminal through messages with a cellular device to find out where they are at ?

Asked by Jy over 10 years ago


how much paperwork does a police officer have for a charge like assault on a police officer

Asked by tyler almost 12 years ago

It depends on state laws and department policy.  For example, on the above charge I would have to complete an arrest affidavit for the court, an incident report for my department, a use of force report for my internal affairs division and a evidence submission form for any and all evidence I was submitting.  Additionally, each item of evidence would have to be tagged and bagged and then submitted to the property division.

Of course, there is likely another charge that would go along with the above charge.  For example, in the course of investigating a domestic violence call the subject assaulted me.  I would also have to complete an arrest affidavit for each additional charge (such as battery on his wife) plus complete a domestic violence supplemental report.  For something like a DUI, I would also have to complete a variety of additional paperwork including a field sobriety worksheet and any traffic tickets I was giving, in addition to the charging documents for the DUI.  

If the assauit occurred when I was conducting a DUI investigation as part of a motor vehicle accident investigation, I would also need to complete a multi-page accident form plus criminal supplements to that form.

If during the course of the investigation I was injured, there would be additional paperwork.

I think you are starting to get the idea.  There is a lot of paperwork associated with being a cop.  Unfortunately, most of the forms are created by people who don't have to do the job so they wind up being very cumbersome.

There is a visible spade of law enforcement officials engaging in unnessessary violance or other abuse of powers. It is no longer outlandish to conclude that some police may be a threat to my survival. When am I allowed to resist or flee?

Asked by Khannea over 10 years ago

"spade" - I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Oh, and your premise is false.

When you were a sergeant and lieutenant what was your job assignment? I know it depends on the PD, but for you, how did the change in rank change what you did during your work?

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

I was a sgt at one department and a lieutenant at another.  The duties of the ranks were different at each of the two agencies.  For example, one of my duties at both jobs was being the commander of the field training and evaluation program.  Yet one department assigned that to a sergeant and the other agency to a lieutenant.  There are no hard and fast rules.

Does a Cop have to show a badge or can he just Identify himself as a Police officer?

Asked by 6721dd7a@opayq.com over 11 years ago

Thanks for the question.  This has been addressed twice before, so to save a little time, here is one of the answers from above:

"In what context? If an officer is taking enforcement action, then at a reasonable time he or she should identify him- or herself in a reasonable manner. That will likely include a badge and ID card.

If someone knocks on your door and asks to speak with you it is certainly reasonable to request to see identification. Call the local law enforcement agency and confirm the officer's identity if you have any doubts.

Asking an officer to show you his or her badge in the middle of a fight, chase or in the middle of some other dangerous situation might not be feasible. It is all situationally dependent. Unfortunately, everone looks for a simple black and white answer, but life's not that easy. Reasonableness is the key to everything."

If I see a child alone in a car on a hot day.....and notice that the child is struggling....can I break a window in that car to give the child some relief?

Asked by Klondike Cat over 10 years ago

Possibly.  If the child is in actual danger, then yes, you can take reasonable actions to protect the life of the child.  However, the preumption is that you are damaging someone else's property.  You need to be able to prove that your actions were reasonable and necessary to protect the life of the child.  Calling 911 is probably the best bet in the specific scenario you described. As stated elsewhere on this page - this is not legal advice.

Hi I'm in college pursuing my criminal justice degree but I'm worried about getting hired because I used to smoke marijuana and tried ecstasy and cocaine once in high school, does that automatically disqualify me?

Asked by Jessica over 11 years ago

Depends on the department.  Cocaine and ecstacy are serious drugs and can have serious long-term consequences on your brain.  I would suggest contacting the department(s) you are insterested in applying to and speak to one of the recruiters about your situation.  Any department would require a long interval (several years at least) between hiring and your last use of the drug.

if someone has two out of state vehicles with expired everything on them, how do you go about finding out what's really going on with this person? I don't mind helping people but something isnt right!

Asked by amicrazy over 10 years ago

What exactly do you think is going on? Are expired tags considered a heinous crime in your area? If so, let the rest of us know so we can get away from real crime and move there.

In the beep test what is the expected score?

Asked by Jono about 11 years ago

No idea - What's a 'beep test'?

my brother just came home for out of state and been here fore about 2 weeks I did some investigation and found he has a warrant out for hi arrest in another state what should I do

Asked by froggy about 11 years ago

Will the foreign state extradite?  If so, feel free to call the local authorities.  If not, the local cops will not be able to arrest him for the warrant.

Can a California sheriff ask a woman out while he's on duty responding to a 911 call to the residence of the woman even though she was not involved with the 911 incident. She was just a roommate to the people who called?

Asked by sunny71 over 10 years ago

Sounds like he did, so I guess so. Is it in good taste? Maybe or maybe not - I wasn't there.

If I used to cut myself, but was never admitted to a hospital or care unit and never took medications for it, as well as never been diagnosed with any mental illness, will that disqualify me from becoming a police officer?

Asked by Jessica over 11 years ago

Not necessarily.  Psychological screenings and polygraph examinations are standard portions of the hiring process, so be honest about things and things should work out.

Would it be appropriate to call 911 for assistance if a door to door salesman refused to leave your house after you declined his product and you insisted that he leave?

Asked by Citizen137 over 11 years ago


At the very least it would appear that he is trespassing.  But, do you know that he doesn't have something worse planned?  Rape, robbery, murder?

Door to door salesmen are certainly capable of committing very bad crimes.  Additionally, criminals can pose as door to door salesmen with the intent of getting in your house to rape/rob/murder you.

A stranger in your home that is refusing to leave is a serious concern and possibly a very real threat.  Make sure you communicate to the dispatchers that the man is a stranger - not a friend or family member - and he is refusing to leave.  If you have any level of fear, make sure you communicate that as well.

I have a few questions. When just getting out of the police academy what are your options for what department you work for? (like homicide, vice,ect) Also when you get a job at a police department do you have to go through specific training?

Asked by April over 10 years ago

If you go to work for a local police department, you will go to uniform patrol. It is there that you will learn a lot about the job and people. If you become really good at your job, you can earn your way into a specialized position. Some people are really good but enjoy patrol, so they stay in uniform.

When you first get to the department, you go through a field training & evaluation program that will help get you the very basic level of proficiency in doing the job.

When a police officer dies ~ who would normally receive his badge. Is there a law in PA on who can receive it?

Asked by Jamie over 11 years ago

I don't know if there is a law in any of the states specifying what happens to a fallen officer's badge.  Typically, this is covered in the department's standard operating procedures.  Most departments provide the badge to the next of kin.

In your experience, does offering a monetary award for info leading to finding a missing person or a wanted suspect actually work?

Asked by Pivot over 10 years ago


an acquaintance of mine has managed to obtain numerous credit with a range of catalogs using a fake name and contact details nevertheless has used her address is that still fraud

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

Most definitely.  Since there is a pattern of fraudulent activity, this could be treated as a much more serious criminal enterprise akin to organized crime.  The specific laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

If you're traveling in the fast lane of a 3 lane thru-way, and you're passed on the right hand side by a vehicle in the middle lane. The vehicle that passed brakes hard after noticing a trooper, And you get pulled over and ticketed, What can you do?

Asked by Hilliary M. over 11 years ago

You didn't mention if you were speeding.  I'd suggest paying the ticket if you were.  Other people were speeding worse than I was doesn't generate much sympathy from a judge. 

If the trooper was using laser, then you were definitely the person he measured going whatever speed was on the citation.  If he/she was using radar, there could be some doubt that an experienced traffic attorney could bring up in trial.

The above is not legal advice, of course.

Did you know that speed is the #1 contributing factor to traffic fatalities?

If my roomate is a convicted felon (Broward County) and I have guns in the home, will this be an issue for him as I heard it is a third degree felony for a convicted felon to live in a home where fire arms are present

Asked by Concerned Citizen almost 11 years ago

You need to contact an attorney for clarification.  If he has access to them, and since you know he is a felon, then -you- could be exposed to criminal liability.

Thanks for taking the time to help me out sir. Is there a specific subject I should be majoring in? I noticed in earlier questions you regarded a criminal justice degree as being pretty much useless.

Asked by Chris over 11 years ago

I'm no life coach :) but in my opinion, anything that teaches marketable skills and not merely theories.  For example, I love history, but unless there is a specific niche I can move into, its a degree that won't pay the bills.

Business degrees are good - especially if they have any type of entrepreneurial program.  Anything related to vets or medical skills, computer/IT/coding degrees, agriculture programs all would be great in my opinion.  Two other areas of study that would be excellent and apply to nearly any industry are communications and language studies.

Consider what kind of law enforcement you are interested in (city cop, game and wildlife officer, marine patrol, FBI, etc.) and your personal interests.  Then see if there is a program that you can get into that is interesting to you, will provide you with marketable skills outside of law enforcement, and might help with a law enforcement career. 

For example, foreign language studies will help in almost all areas of law enforcement.  Accounting might help with federal law enforcement (FBI, IRS, etc.).  Agricultural sciences could help with Dept of Natural Resources/Wildlife officers.

I hope this helps.  Ultimately, find something that works for you and go for it.

My older sister got into a car accident minor fender bender while driving my moms car . She gave the officer my mothers info cuase her DL is suspendended. She then got a ticket n my moms name for not hving an interloock device. How can she fix it now

Asked by Sissy almost 12 years ago

Your sister needs a criminal defense attorney.  It sounds like she has committed at least two crimes, and once discovered, she will likely be arrested for them.  An attorney can help her navigate through the system and get things corrected before they get any worse.

Do police officers usually have a time limit to how long they can be "out of service"? What exactly does that mean?

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

Out of service means different things to different agencies.  Do you mean off duty?  On break?  On a call?  If you are referring to a break, then yes - a department will likely have some type of policy on that.  Each department will be different.

Hello, my brother whom I live with in our dads house owes me money for helping him at work he is not willing to pay me and I have taken his computer screen he thinks its sold but its in my room can he report me for stealing and selling stolen goods?

Asked by Ashley over 11 years ago

Yes, you could be charged with theft. 

If he owes you money, it is likely a civil situation, not criminal.  Regardless, one wrong will not justify another.

My ex boyfriend is harrassing me about my son. He keeps wanting DNA done but my son has already had it done and of course he doesn't believe me. What do I do? Do I have to go to court over this?

Asked by My ex boyfriend is harrassing over 11 years ago

I'm unclear on your situation, and it is a civil matter regardless.  Your best bet is to contact a family law attorney and talk to him or her.

He will likely have to initiate court proceedings if he wants to obtain parental rights of a child born out of wedlock.  On the other hand, if you are trying to obtain child support from him, you would likely need to start court proceedings.

None of this is legal advice, and you should really contact a family law attorney.

If someone gets access to YOUR pictures and threatens to post them everywhere online, and blackmails you that way, could they be arrested?

Asked by Allyson over 11 years ago

Blackmail is illegal, regardless of who the victim is.  State laws vary on what constitutes blackmail.  

Depending on the nature of the photos and how someone came into their possession there could be other criminal activity.  For example, did someone hack into your computer and steal data (illegal) or photograph you in a public location (legal)?

Can someone be stopped by a police officer just for looking suspicious? Not race or anything. Let's say a guy tries to avoid eye contact with you when you're patrolling in a police car. Can he be stopped for questioning? Can he be followed?

Asked by Red almost 11 years ago

If a police officer can develop reasonable, articulable suspicion that you are involved in criminal activity, you can be detained.  You are not free to leave in this case.

Any police officer can walk up and start talking to you, including asking for ID, without any articulable suspicion.  However, you are free to leave in this circumstance.

If you want to leave, and don't know if you are able to, politely ask the officer if you may leave.  He or she will let you know.

If you are out patrolling an area where you have to pay attention to suspicious activity, and you see someone commit a regular traffic violation (not causing danger), will you ignore it so you can be on the streets patrolling?

Asked by 567 about 11 years ago

One of the functions of a police officer is to enforce traffic laws.  So, while on patrol I would be looking for both criminal and traffic vioations.  Since most criminals use a vehicle in some way (to get to a crime, to flee a crime, to move stolen property, etc.), making traffic stops will frequently result in the discovery of criminal activity.  

I have made major felony cases by stopping people for relatively minor traffic infractions.  Folks like Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy and others have all been located on traffic stops.  I can't tell you how many terrorists, murderers, rapists and others have been arrested after a seemingly small traffic violation. 

Brother was a suspect in a crime. He was killed by officers when my brother shot at them.. This part I do not argue. Since he will never be charged and get a trial . Why wont police tell me what evidence or proof that led to warrant being issued. I

Asked by LORIkAYE over 11 years ago

I don't know why they are withholding information.  It is very possible that it is an open investigation and exempt from open records laws.

Who takes the call from a 911 dispatcher? How do 911 dispatchers relay info to cops? If a 911 call happens at night who is there to take it? Are off duty members of the force contacted as well?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

Many 911 centers have call takers who answer the phones.  They enter information into a computer (often called a call screen because it shows information about all of the active calls for service).  

A dispatcher pulls the information from the call screen and relays it to the patrol officers.  This can be done via computer (many agencies use computer aided dispatching), by voice transmission on the radio, or through a combination of both.

As the call taker gets more information, the call screen is updated in real time.

Depending on the size of the agency, call takers and dispatchers may be separate positions or all of the communication staff may be cross-trained and do all of the jobs.  At a small department, only one or two people may be on duty and have to do all of the call taking and dispatching.  Other departments may employ dozens or even hundreds of communications employees.

Off duty officers are rarely contacted.  In those cases it is typically because of manpower shortages and/or emergencies.  For example, a hostage situation requires the presence of a large number of officers, so off-duty officers could be called in to assist with normal patrol calls.   This tends to be uncommon at most departments.

Are big city police stations more likely to be smaller than suburban stations? Because in the NYPD for example, there are many of them, so they can spread units out. Whereas a suburb has to have all its units working in a few or one station.

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

It varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  There are no rules, and I doubt anyone can make any accurate generalizations.

If someone has an exceptionally prestigious education (i.e. Ivy League college degree), does that give them a better chance for getting into a PD and getting promoted? (Of course in addition to experience and good performance.)

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

Unlikely.  It would indicate to me that the person overspent on education and might be a poor steward of the department budget.

My question can a Muslim woman be a cop if she is citizen? And she also wear hijab

Asked by Dina over 11 years ago

First question - Absolutely.  There are no prohibitions or requirements for any specific religion or absense thereof to be a police officer.  Of course, any religious biases that prevent you from impartially and effectively enforcing the laws of your state should prevent you from pursuing a career in law enforcement.  For example, if you believe sharia law trumps the laws of your state, you have no place in police work.

Second question - I sure hope rules are not changed to allow police officers to wear a hijab.  Police officers are required to wear uniforms, and that means a standard way of dressing.  Clothing visibly worn for religious purposes should not be part of a police officer's uniform.  A law enforcement officer is expected to impartially enforce the law for all citizens, and when there is an obvious bias it undermines the public's trust in the officer and agency.

If you believe you should be able to wear a hijab at work, then law enforcement is not the job for you.  

Keep in mind that the nature of law enforcement does not allow you to regularly take off holy days.  This is the same for Christians have to work Easter, and Jews who work on Yom Kippur.

Faith is very important, and if your faith will cause you conflict in a law enforcement career, you might want to consider an alternative job path.

How would you like me to use your name in the acknowledgement in my book? You've helped with some police procedure questions. Police Officer at Jobstr or BlueSheepdog? Next- Do you mind if I do this? Thanks.

Asked by MJ over 11 years ago

Thanks MJ.  Send me a note via http://www.bluesheepdog.com/contact-bluesheepdog/ when you can.

What is your opinion on police screening? When do you think police screening of recruits should start?

Asked by mauisheri@gmail.com over 11 years ago

Police screening should be mandatory.  It should start when they apply to attend the academy or apply for a job with a department (depending on what the proceedures are for your state.)  Any earlier is called spying; any later would be foolish.

how does policemen help each other

Asked by zay over 11 years ago

In many different ways.  On duty, the officers can go with one another on dangerous calls or when someone might need extra help.  Off duty, many officers help each other with normal activities such as coaching games for their kids.

I'm attempting to write a book, I know, sorry; anyway could you tell me what happens when a dead body of a person is found. Which police force have jusisdiction; the police where the body is found or the police where they originally lived?

Asked by Michelle Pashley over 11 years ago

What happens depends on what happened.  For example, if an elderly person or someone suffering from a known medical condition is found dead inside their home, and there are no signs of criminal activity, a cursory investigation is done to document that information.

If a person is found dead in other circumstances, say with a gunshot wound or ligature marks, the situation is investigated as a homicide.  The results of the investigation could lead to a ruling of wrongful death/murder, suicide, accidental homicide, justified homicide, or undetermined cause of death.  Keep in mind these are all just generalities, and specific determinations vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Generally, the primary investigative agency will be the one where the body is located.  There are provisions in the law that would allow another agency to handle the investigation in certain circumstances.  For example, if a person was kidnapped in county A, was taken through county B, was killed in county C, and was dumped in county D, any of the jurisdictions where the crime took place (all four) could assume control of the investigation.  However, this is governed by state law (which varies) and common sense almost always applies.  For example, county B in the above case would not try to take control of the investigation.  Keep in mind that each state has its own set of laws that may be different that what I described.  Also, transporting someone across state lines during the commission of a crime can now involve two different sets of state laws plus federal law since it is an interstate crime.

Who is present at a police station at night?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

Depends on the department.  There could be a desk officer, detectives and dispatchers in addition to any officers at the station taking a meal break, submitting evidence or completing paperwork.  At other departments, there may be no one at the station.  It just depends.

Does a police officer have the authority to decide not to give someone a ticket for a traffic violation and instead give them a warning with the hope that the offender will appreciate it and take the message?

Asked by In almost 11 years ago

Generally, yes.  Some departments may have policies that restrict the use of discretion.

I've been seeing a girl and if we have a disagreement she uses her sister's officer position as a shield. Is that legal and what do I do?

Asked by Derrick over 11 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "using her sister's officer position as a shield."  Regardless, it would appear you need to find another girlfriend.

I'm writing a novel about abuse, and am wondering about the terminology of serving papers re: a restraining order. Once the judge signs the order of protection from harassment, how would you phrase what happens next?

Asked by NYINME over 10 years ago

Every state uses different terminology. If you are talking about a domestic violence situation, it will likely be called an 'temporary protection order' or something very similar to it. I'd suggest contacting a victim advocate in the jurisdiction where your novel is taking place.

I received a text from someone claiming to be a detective from an out of state department (Florida) and claimed to be on a nation wide task force. Is there a way of verifying this information? I don't believe I have done anything wrong.

Asked by person over 11 years ago

Yes, call the department he/she works for to confirm his/her identity.  It could be a scam.

Is it illegal to fill an application giving fake phone number and name or have post redirected to another adress so they can not send out bills

Asked by Wolf girl over 11 years ago

Yes, it is called fraud.  It is a kind of theft - taking something (a service or property) that doesn't belong to you.  Oftentimes it is a felony.

How are police radio channels used? It seems like if officers are just patrolling, then one dispatcher could handle like 50 units on one channel. But if there's something going on, how is people cutting each other out avoided?

Asked by Name over 11 years ago

Essentially, officers take turns.  It is a team sport and everyone has to share the radio.  Many agencies have more than one channel, so when something comes up, officers can move to different channels if needed.  But fundamentally, everyone has to take turns and officers give right of way to anyone that has emergency or urgent traffic.

Writing a book & have a Q. If an officer is shot on a call, in say, NYC, would someone call the family to inform them the officer's been taken to the hospital or would they send a unit to their house to inform them? Sad question, I know. Thank you!

Asked by Author over 11 years ago

While I cannot speak to the precise policy of NYPD, I can say that almost every agency would send an officer to the spouse/family.  That's really not news someone should get over the phone, and they aren't likely to be safe to drive themselves to the hospital.

What would you say are bully characteristics evident in an offender? What are preventions of recidivism? What recommendations do you have for preventing bullying behavior in children? What about for strategies dealing with parents of bullies?

Asked by Lisa Simmons almost 12 years ago

I'm not an expert on child behavior, nor on bullying.  There is likely a lot of research on the topic that you can find via Google.  I'd treat it all with a serious grain of salt though.  A lot (most?) research is funded by groups with specific goals in mind.

I can tell you from my exeprience, which is not scientific at all and should not be taken as such, that behavior is largely learned.  Kids imitate what they see, so both bullies AND victims are largely learned behavior.  Unfortunately, many parents, schools and even society is teaching people that being a victim is morally superior than standing up for one's self.  Sad really.


How do I become a sheriff

Asked by mark over 10 years ago

Run for the office during the next general election. Becoming a deputy is a little easier, and you should contact the local department and inquire about employment if you would like to give that a go.

I have a friend who has police officers going around town saying she is a drug addict and that she goes out of town to buy drugs and brings them back to sale. I have known this woman for a long time and this is not true.

Asked by Monkey over 11 years ago


I was wonder if you can be an undercover FBI agent or similar but undercover and a doctor at the same time. I love doing investigation but at the same time being a doctor.

Asked by Saad Muhammad almost 11 years ago

Both are full time jobs and it is not reasonable to do both.  You can be an MD working for the FBI in a variety of capacities, though endercover work is not likely to be one of them.

why do i need a lawyer when no one knows what i am doing there is no sufficient evidence on me

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

Get one or don't get one; I don't much care.  I thought perhaps you felt bad about being a thief and wanted to take responsibility for your actions.

So if you find a dead body, and you don't know the victims name. Can't you just take a blood sample and run it through the system or finger prints.

Asked by person over 10 years ago

Running finger prints is one way to possibly ID a corpse. Keep in mind that someone would have had to have been finger printed so be "in the system."

Some states have a DNA registry for sexual predators, which may be a way of ID-ing a corpse if it was someone convicted of rape, molestation or a similar crime.

Can off duty officer call in on duty officer to issue speeding ticket without showing ID to driver? Can off duty officer leave scene (when on duty office arrives) and not sign ticket. How far does an officer have to track to issue speeding ticket?

Asked by Steve Davis over 11 years ago

It depends on the laws of your state.  If I understand your question, it is legal for one officer to issue a citation based on another officer's observations (in at least some states - if not all states.)

A big police station will have some interview rooms, meeting rooms, and rooms dedicated to different teams such as a gang unit room. What will a typical small police station have? (What is the minimum?)

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

There is no minimum standard.  It depends on the size of the building and the needs of the agency.  It may have dozens of rooms with lots of specialized spaces or just a single desk.

my friend put his truck in his moms name cuz his license got revoked. he got pulled over the other day and got DAR. Now when a cop runs the plate or a LPR scans it will it flag and say he drives it?

Asked by absolutely667 about 11 years ago


my friend daughter is sleeping with a older guy and her parents cant get him to stay away how can I take actions on this

Asked by garrett over 11 years ago

The parents should call the police.  You can also call the police.

Between police officers, is it frowned upon to violate a persons fourth amendment rights? or is there a "he was guilty anyways" attitude?

Asked by JOHN about 11 years ago

It's not frowned upon; it is illegal.  Anyone that has a "he's guility of something" attitude has no business being in law enforcement.

should i panic do i need A lawyer

Asked by wolfgirl over 11 years ago

I strongly suggest contacting a criminal defense attorney.

Obviously legal gun owners cannot always be trusted either. If you don't want to take away guns, what about stricter regulation of who can own one?
(Thank you for your service. I have complete respect for you and your opinion, just making a point.)

Asked by Hello about 11 years ago

I'm confused by the concept of "stricter regulation."  There are thousands of laws and regulations on the books now that regulate the purchase and ownership of firearms and ammunition in the United States.  There is an entire federal law enforcement agency dedicated to the enforcement of gun laws (and who gets to make arbitrary regulations regarding the legality of different types of firearms, importation, etc.).  

Murder, which I presume is what you would like to stop, predates the invention of firearms.  It is already illegal, yet it still happens every day.  People have tried to prevent people from murdering others for centuries, yet no one has been able to do so.

What stricter regulation on a firearm do you suppose would stop murder? 

Evil exists.  Real, true evil exists in the world.  Some people don't want to believe it, but it does.  Evil people will not obey laws and will harm and kill others no matter what laws you put into place.

 - I oppose new gun regulations in all forms.  

 - I support the repeal of many current gun laws.  

 - I support the disolving of the BATFE.  

 - I support the right of all citizens to use that force which is reasonably necessary to defend themselves and others from attack and forcible felonies.

 - I oppose anyone who would take away the freedoms of any law abiding citizen including the rights to privacy, speak out, assemble, practice a religion, engage in commerce, and keep & bear arms.  To quote Thomas Jefferson, "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."  In other words, if a man -without reasonable cause- harms another, then the goverment has authority to act.  But, unless and until that happens, a government has no authority to interfere in the lives of free men.  I should not tell another man how to live, nor should he tell me how to live my own life.

Pursuing more restrictions on lawful gun owners serves no moral purpose, but only serves the purposes of evil - preventing people from a legitimate form of defense from criminals and illegal governments.

My sister tried to choke me today ! If I call 911 can she get arrested

Asked by Michelle over 10 years ago


What can you do if your tenant kept ripping off the eviction notice as you are hanging it on her front door?

Asked by Suravit Suphavai over 10 years ago

I don't know - that is a civil issue.

I am working on a project. My topic is police screening. I just want info from a police officer.

Asked by mauisheriff@gmail.com over 11 years ago

Sounds great.  However, I do not understand what you are asking when you state "Is there anything that might pop up in police screening?" as a follow up to the prior question.  If you could rephrase the question, I will answer it the best I can.

My dad is verbally abusive person and sometimes physically but this only involves pushing my mother against a wall and holding her back. I don't want anything else to happen to her. what can i do in order to make him stop with the abuse towards us?

Asked by Anna over 11 years ago

Call the police if violence occurs.

Is there a way for cops to get old texts that have been deleted?

Asked by Kate almost 11 years ago

Yes.  Information can be extracted from the phone itself, and all of the data is stored on the service provider's servers.

My husband was stopped last night for speeding, cop asked him to do sobriety tests.He was under arrest for suspicion of DUI. Did field sobriety test, which he passed. He blew.08. But he didn't speed. Can we get DUI thrown out with a false stop?

Asked by chopsitter over 11 years ago

Sounds like you need to talk to an attorney.  You probably wouldn't like my advice.

How can someone get picked up for public intoxication when they are at their house when the police show up?

Asked by Makayla Oppman over 10 years ago

I don't know. How can someone get picked up for public intoxication...oh nevermind.

(Continued) I reported the neighbors to the county PD (the local one is village PD) and they said they won't investigate something that the village PD can handle themselves. Should I tell them that I suspect wrongdoing by the PD? Or just let it go?

Asked by Jackson over 10 years ago

Are you kidding?  Just because the cops don't do what you want them to do doesn't mean there is any wrongdoing on their part.  You should stop being a pest to your neighbors.

im 18 and i moved out without telling my mom or dad can they call the cops and say im a missing person

Asked by maria almost 11 years ago


there are issues BAD at home. i cant stay here im gunna end up killing myself. i have already got a runaway. what happens next?

Asked by Hailey almost 11 years ago

It sounds like you should talk to a local police officer or deputy sheriff.  If you do not want to talk to someone in law enforcement, call 211 for a referral to non-law enforcement assistance.  If you are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-8255.

In the state of arkansas can a 17 year old move out of her parents house and can the cops do anything about it since she is close enough to 18

Asked by brooklyn about 11 years ago

I do not know what the age of majority is in Arkansas.  You should probably contact the local law enforcement agency.

Oh, and "close enough" is not a legal term that will be recognized by a court or law enforcement officer.

In movies and TV shows, many members of the mafia engage in crime with out being arrested. Is this a realistic picture? If so, what are the factors that keep police from arresting them for simply being members of a criminal organization?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

95% (or better) of the stuff you have learned about law enforcement in the movies or on TV is garbage.  Movies are written, directed and acted by people who have no experience or first hand knowledge of law enforcement or crime.  

Regardless of the type of crime - shoplifting to running a criminal enterprise - law enforcement officers can only arrest someone if probable cause exists.  If this burden of proof does not exist, no lawful arrest can be made.

Is there a ticket or fine for leaving my bumper and license on the street?

Asked by Sean over 11 years ago

Possibly.  You should probably inquire with your local law enforcement agency.

Thank you. And no I have no convictions or arrest and I do have a secret clearance....thanks for your time sir

Asked by Young over 11 years ago

Sounds like you are well on your way.  Good luck and thanks for your service!

(Continued) I would be afraid of them finding out it was me and these kids aren't kids who no one likes who drinks. They are popular and I think they drink mostly to be cool. I'm not sure if I have a responsibility to act in this situation. Thanks!

Asked by Julian about 11 years ago

This sounds like something you should discuss with your parents.  Good luck.

Girl is abused over years long duration by a boyfriend, sexually and mentally. After end of relationship tries to tell people the truth and isn't believed, everyone thinks he's a great guy. Kills herself afterwards - what happens to him?

Asked by Kim over 11 years ago

If the woman made a report with the local law enforcement agency, you should contact them for the status of the criminal investigation.  If she did not, is there any evidence he committed a crime?  If so, that should be taken to the local law enforcement agency.

Criminals cannot be arrested and adjudicated without victims and witnesses contacting law enforcement and being willing to participate in the investigation and prosecution.  

While tragic, if this is a case of:

  -  a woman who did not approach the police,

  -  there are no witnesses, and

  -  the only evidence that the ex-boyfriend sexually abused the woman at some point in the past were statements by the victim made to friends,

then I would expect that there is a lack of probable cause to arrest the ex-boyfriend for anything related to that abuse.


Do police write reports on false allegations and use name of the alleged person?

Asked by SusieQJohnson over 10 years ago

Generally, false allegations are recorded in a report.

I traded a to someone on craigslist. Traded at verizon store it was working at the store I left and they left and now he's calling saying it's not working and wanting me to drive 1 and a half hours to trade back for a phone that he probably broke

Asked by Jon over 10 years ago

Ok. Is there a question?

If I were to get into a confrontation with someone and the police were called. Am I allowed to ask for another police officer to take control of the scene. If the original one had history with the person I got into the confrontation with?

Asked by Machines over 11 years ago

No.  If you believe the officer handles the incident in an improper manner, you can request to speak to his/her supervisor.

(Continued) What do you recommend I do? Are there careers out their that involve law enforcement where my degree will be more useful? And do you think it's worth it to do into Law Enf. if I'm used to a high salary? Thanks for your service.

Asked by Ross over 10 years ago

Only you can make the decision on what to do.  If you want to be a police officer, be a police officer.  If money is a motivating factor, try private enterprise.  Neither the Navy nor police work is a path to riches.  If a LT's salary is considered "high," you might be surprised at what is available if you started your own business or used your degree & experience to land a good career in the private sector.

If you are looking for the best salary in law enforcement, take a look at the federal agencies.  Local departments in the northeast and west coast pay the best, but also have outrageous taxes and costs of living.

How come on "COPS" (a show filming real police officers), I rarely hear people being read their Miranda Rights? Is this what really happens, while scripted TV shows have what does not really happen? Thanks.

Asked by Jorge over 10 years ago

1. There are no "Miranda rights."2. An officer is not required to read you the Miranda warning because you have been arrested.3. COPS is edited. Boring things - such as reading someone a Miranda warning - are cut out.

I was taken to the police station for public drinking. This is the first time I have ever done something like this. I am of legal age. Will this get recorded on my file, and hence affect my future when applying for jobs? I live in Western Australia.

Asked by Daisy about 11 years ago

I have no experience with Austrailian law.

It very well may affect your future employment.  All actions have consequences, and the decisions we make - good and bad - will follow us throughout life.

I was driving home the spend limit 25mph... a truck had his brights on and was tailgating me... he was very close to my car. he then pulled over to the right of me almost hitting my car on purpose. what should I do?

Asked by Devon over 11 years ago

Follow the advice of the officers who responded to the incident when you called them.

Hi I want to get a family member out of my house because she is creating problems in my relationship with my husband but she doesn't want to leave.

Asked by julliana over 10 years ago

Contact your local depaerment and inquire about forcing her to leave. States vary on the requirements regarding residency and tenant-landlord issues.

Hi, I'm determined to become a police officer, but I smoked weed from 17-18. Does that disqualify me? I'm 19 now. Also, does being shot prevent me from be able to join as I have some nerve damage and the bullet is still in me.

Asked by Chris over 11 years ago

Most agencies will look for a significant period of time between your last use of an illegal substance and the current time.  One to two years is not enough time for most departments.  I would strongly suggest joining the military or attending college.  By the time you finish your service or obtain your degree, you will have been clean for 5+ years, which puts you in a much better position.

If the nerve damage isn't debilitating in some way (can you still lift heavy things, run, have a strong grasp, etc.), it shouldn't be a problem.  Just make sure you disclose that before you take a pre-employment physical.  I imagine the bullet will show up on the x-rays.

Hi, please my question is how does the responsibilities of the FBI influence the economy? Thank you.

Asked by Emmanuel about 11 years ago

I imagine the FBI has only a slight impact on the US economy.  It sounds like you have an interesting topic for research though.

1 hour after leaving the recovery room after hernia surgery, the police forced me to drive home. Is this legal?

Asked by MadeInNY over 10 years ago

I'm guessing there is more to this story.

If there is a small village police department with 2 or 3 officers per shift, will they probably use the radio channel and dispatcher of the county PD that also patrols the village?

Asked by Sal about 11 years ago

It depends.  Some small agencies will work off of a county channel.  Others will handle the dispatching, but the county will handle the 911 call answering.  Others will have a full 911 center (take the emergency calls and dispatch.)  I hate to say "it depends" so much, but things vary a lot.

What if you tell a police officer you're suicidal?

Asked by Lacie over 11 years ago

Laws in different states dictate what actions may be required of a police officer, but in general terms he or she would talk to you and try to determine if there was some way to help you.  In some cases, a police officer may be required to take a suicidal person to a hospital or other medical facility if the person poses a risk to anyone.  

If you or someone you know is depressed or suicidal, there are people who can help.  Call 1-800-273-8255 from anywhere in the US and they can provide assistance.  Alternatively anyone can go to a hospital an explain that they are having some problems and need help.

So then how should I go about getting experience for police k9 training? Where do the police officers who train the dogs get their experience from?

Asked by Alessandro Ferri over 10 years ago

Working the road. Where else?

Until you've had to make decisions on when to deploy a dog in a real-life, volatile use-of-force situation, and then justify those decisions to your chain of command, an internal affairs investigation, a city attorney and (probably) a court, how exactly do you figure you will have the credibility to tell others what they need to know?

It's one thing to know the law from reading a book or attending a training class, its another to apply it appropriately in the field. It is a bit like training in the dojo vs. a street fight. Or perhaps a better analogy is the guy sitting on the couch watching a football game who has never stepped onto the field, yet thinks he knows better than the players. 

Reality is a harsh, unforgiving mistress. Until you've danced with her a while, you simply don't know what you don't know.

If a former co-worker posed as me and hacked my 401k and savings account ( after I was laid-off ) from a former employer, should I call the police or a lawyer? I don't know if they have stolen anything or not yet as I cannot get into my own account.

Asked by Sherry about 11 years ago

I would call the police.

Can officers investigate an unidentified parked car that your husband is driving without a license?

Asked by Concerned wife over 10 years ago

I'm afraid your question doesn't make sense.  Can you rephrase it?

When do you call in SWAT?

Asked by XatosfX almost 11 years ago

There are different protocols for each agency, but in general for situations in which their specialized skills and equipment can more safely resolve an incident.  


Asked by taysuan over 11 years ago


i had some threatening texts of my half sister, and my mum went to the police about them they asked if i wanted to give a statment but my mum said i dont and not to say anything whats going to happen? will they leave us alone?

Asked by Roxy over 10 years ago

Nothing is going to happen if you don't do anything.  Why contact the police if you don't want to cooperate with the investigation?

Can someone go to jail for resisting arrest if it was found that the suspicion for why they were stopped in the first place was proven to be false?

Asked by Red almost 11 years ago


Do you investigate window screens that have been tampered with and removed?

Asked by Marc over 10 years ago


In a large city, how many sergeants would be based in a particular station? How many at a time would be on duty?

Asked by Writer23 about 11 years ago

It is impossible to say.  A department will generally have guidelines regarding manpower as it relates to the call volume or work load of each unit.

Are there procedures in place that make it so if an officer is in trouble, they can say it on the radio without being blocked by less important use?

Asked by Asd about 11 years ago

Yes.  There are multiple methods.

An off duty cop said my 2 friends were racing just because they were side by side in dropped trucks but he wasnt in his cop car so technically there is no proof what should they do at their court since they were arrested but rights werent read?

Asked by kasskass over 10 years ago

Contact an attorney.

Why are police officers often at the scene of a medical incident? Is this only if there's a security or criminal concern? Or do police officers ever act as medical first responders in some places? (To give aid before the ambulance arrives.)

Asked by Richard over 10 years ago

Reasons vary. Some jurisdictions require a police response.  Other times, medical responders might request law enforcement due to potential problems or safety concerns.  Police officers typically have some level of medical training, so they might be dispatched to the scene to help render aid until paramedics can respond.  In some jurisdictions, officers are cross trained as paramedic/firefighters.

i want to become a police officer but my family have been in jail can that have an affect on me ?

Asked by Michael Bover over 10 years ago

It can, but it depends on the circumstances.

What is the California knife regulations

Asked by tray over 10 years ago

I've no idea.  Try Google.

these people are posting things on the internet and they are making accounts using my name and post inappropriate comment about me on Facebook and making websites about and screenshots my pictures and my statuses and not leaving me alone at all ,

Asked by Gillian almost 11 years ago

If you are a child, talk to your parents.

If you are an adult, you should file an abuse complaint with Facebook.  In some circumstances there may be something criminal associated with the theft or misuse of your personal identifiers.

From the perspective of a police officer, does it worry you or calm you to know that some citizens can legally carry firearms? Sure, they can help stop a shooting before the police show up, but should ordinary citizens have the power to end a life?

Asked by Hello about 11 years ago

Yes - Every citizen is entitled to self-defense, including the use of deadly force when they are in reasonable fear for their life or the life of another person.  What difference does it make if they use a firearm, knife, baseball bat or their own hands/feet?  The difference is that the weak can defend themselves from stronger, younger predators.  No law abiding citizen should be disbarred the use of arms for the defense of themselves and their family.

hi look up angela benjamin

Asked by jayzia over 10 years ago


can you join the police academy in year 11 and 12 or is that to young?

Asked by lozza over 11 years ago

I believe all states require a police officer to be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED as an absolute minimum.  Most departments have more requirements than that (21+, college or military) to be employed.

I would suggest getting involved in the Explorers program at your local department.  It is perfect for someone who is still in high school.

When I was 13 I was caught for breaking and entering but I never went to court and I never has to go to Juvy. Or any other punishment but I did sign a paper and now I want to be a Maine state trooper can I become one?

Asked by Vincent Wade Hehl over 11 years ago

Possibly.  Contact the recruiting division of the Maine State Police.  They will answer all of your questions and assist you with the application process.

I understand that a detective cannot search or seize anything unless he has a warrant or exigent circumstances. Does that also apply to a burn down house? Does an officer need a warrant to search a house that is burnt to the ground?

Asked by Petal almost 11 years ago

I would assume so, but there may be statutory or case law that says otherwise.  I'd suggest contacting a lawyer if this is more than a theoretical query.

Do most police departments in the US have a K9 unit? Or is it mainly the bigger cities?

Asked by Sam over 10 years ago

I think more than half do. Nearly all have access to one through mutual aid.

If a cop tells me to stop speaking spanish do I have to listen? Can he arrest me for not obeying his order?

Asked by Wondering almost 11 years ago

It depends on the situation.

When a police officer is not on patrol, what are they doing at the police station?

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

Any number of things including:  processing evidence, contacting witnesses, writing reports, picking up supplies, talking to a seargent, filling out school requests, showering after being exposed to blood or other bodily fluids, returning a phone call, sending out a subpoena, printing off reports for court, conducting a suspect interview, using the restroom, eating lunch, swapping radio batteries, entering stolen articles into NCIC, completing online or inservice training, submitting to a drug test, being inspected, picking up an item for delivery to another agency or court, etc, etc, etc.

If minor auto accident & both parties agree payment resolution w/o insurance. Exchange bus cards..Later call police to report it. Must the fault party days later report also to police? No proof of accident occurred

Asked by BurnedBentley over 11 years ago

Depends on state law.  Different states have different laws, so contact a local law enforcement agency.

I have stopped going to see my dad as of 12/31/12 and he is dropping me from health insurance. I am also taking a car back that is in his name tomorrow. He keeps calling and trying to argue with my mom and I. He calls repeatedly. What do I do?

Asked by Josh almost 11 years ago

There are a variety of variables in this situation.  For example, you haven't seen your father for more than a year, yet you are still driving his car and he has been paying for your health insurance.  Does this mean you are a minor and incapable of providing for yourself?  Were these things required he provide you by court order?  If so, he may be required to provide certain things to you by law and/or court order.

If you are an adult, I would suggest that you (1) get your own health insurance, (2) get your own car, and (3) don't talk to him if you do not want to.  If you tell him not to call you and he continues to do so, you can change your phone number.

If a court order is in play, you and he need to abide by it.

Of course, none of this is legal advice.  You should contact an attorney for advice.

Hi I'm 16 years old I'm living with my mom & step dad and I want to move out cause I want to live with my boyfriend but my mother keeps saying he's going to do something to me? Am I aloud to move out or no

Asked by Zoey over 10 years ago


And if an officer gave someone a warning, could this be put on a record so if they were pulled over again, the officer would know that they were already warned? Thank you.

Asked by In almost 11 years ago


how do i become a police officer? how long does it take? can anyone do it?

Asked by katelynn about 11 years ago

The best bet is to call your local police recruiter and talk to him or her about the specific requirements in your area.  Generally, you apply for the position, undergo a thorough background investigation, go through a series of mental, physical and medical tests and then complete academy training.

Can people with epilepsy join the police force if they cannot drive?

Asked by Jenna over 10 years ago


My boyfriend is 17 he wants to move out of the house and live with me because his stepdad abuses him an uses him as a slave and his mom lets him. he has to wake up at 4am to crank car he has 2 cook an clean everything even has 2 take care of lil bro

Asked by Breanna over 11 years ago

Getting up early, cooking, cleaning and taking care of a family member are not abuse.  If there is some type of actual abuse going on, he needs to contact the local law enforcement agency.

If something requiring a lot of officer-to-officer communication happens, will officers involved switch to another channel than what officers who are not involved are using?

Asked by Asd about 11 years ago

Yes, that frequently happens.

When a police officer takes a civil service test to be promoted, does it take passing the test AND an appointment to the new rank, or is the test hard enough for anyone who passes it to reach a new rank?

Asked by Eagle almost 11 years ago

No idea - I didn't work at one of those departments.

I would sincerely hope that people were not promoted based on a test score, but when you mix government and unions and there is rarely any room for common sense.  

Promotion should be based on ability.  Most tests are only analyzing a person's ability to memorize a set of facts.

Have you ever heard of a person successfully winning a false arrest lawsuit?

Asked by JOHN about 11 years ago


What are some reasons to not go into law enforcement?

Asked by Emily almost 11 years ago

Getting shot.  Getting stabbed.  Getting broken bones.  Getting killed in an accident.  Being strangled.  Acquiring incurable diseases.  Dealing with rotting bodies.  Telling people that their loved one has been killed.  Horrible hours.  Working weekends.  Working holidays.  Dealing with defense attorneys and other scum.  Low wages.  Poor opportunity for advancement.  Getting sued.  Being rained on.  Being snowed on.  Working in a hurricane while all sane people have long since fled.  Wrestling drunks in the mud.  Dealing with unrealistic expecations of the public.  Dealing with the unrealistic expectations of pencil pushers in city hall.  Stress and related health problems.  Chronic back problems from wearing a duty belt.  Not being able to have normal relationships with non-cops.  Hyper vigilance.  Not being around for your family.  Did I mention rotting bodies?  Polyester uniforms.  People throwing feces and urine on you.  Being spit on.  Fighting for your life as a regular job function.  Dealing with other people's children.  Going to the funerals of your friends.  

<sarcasm>Oh, but the paycheck makes it all worthwhile.</sarcasm>

i want to go back to my country. i come from kenya in africa. i want to go back but my mom doesnt have enough money

Asked by wema over 10 years ago

Ok. I hope you are not looking for someone to hand you a wad of money because you want something. That's not how life works.

When applying to be a police officer you are asked if you had been involved in any criminal activity, if i answer honestly even though I have a clean record could it legally be used to obtain a search warrant or for a criminal investigation?

Asked by MICHEAL about 11 years ago

Depends on the circumstances.  However, I'm not sure that you are describing the ideal police candidate anyway...

Back in the 1970's, my father bought two fake grenades from a surplus army navy store. They look real, and if I throw them in the trash someone could freak out. Is there any way the local police would take them without freaking out if I call them?

Asked by JP over 10 years ago

Yes, they are completely legal.  But, you are right and someone might freak out if someone sees them.  Calling the PD and explaining the situation should be fine.  We helped dispose of all sorts of stuff (ammo, explosives, etc.).

What do o do if my email was hack

Asked by eric over 10 years ago

Change your password.

I have just recently found out that a man that moved in to our neighborhood over a year ago is a convicted sex offender. Is it required for the police department to inform us somehow?

Asked by Concerned Dad almost 11 years ago

Probably not.  Laws vary from state to state, but law enforcement has no duty to protect you.  Law enforcement has a duty to provide general protection to a community, but not to individuals.  Most (all?) states provide a sex offender database online that you can access to check things for yourself.  For example, this is the one in Florida:  https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/

Should a series of prank calls be reported to the police? (In this case I have the numbers of the callers.)

Asked by Jorge over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

I have a grad level question which I at first thought was a basic & silly for MS type work but here goes... U are a rookie cop under the control of a FTO & on your route the FTO stops & sucks down 4 beers, what should you do?

Asked by Renate over 10 years ago

Ask me a serious question.

(Background for my last question regarding education and how you value it): You previously said that you think an Ivy league degree shows someone who can't be trusted to handle PD money properly. Also, assume that this person had a full scholarship)

Asked by ROB almost 11 years ago

Education and college degrees are not the same thing.  Education is highly valued and has little to do with college.  A college degree is an expensive piece of paper that shows you stuck around long enough to get one.  I guess that could be called determination, but I'd much rather hire the guy who showed determination by humped a pack up and down mountains in Afghanistan, rescued idiot boaters as a Coastie or worked the catapult on a carrier for 12+ hours/day.  Those folks have learned hard lessons and know how to make sensible decisions under pressure.

If Uncle Sam paid your way via ROTC, that is a reasonable approach.  Assuming you are active duty upon graduation, you have a paid-for degree and a real education.  If you instead dropped $100k+ at Yale to get a $40-50k/year job as a cop - well, I'd question your reasoning and problem solving skills.  Even more if you went into debt to do it.

All other things being equal, a college degree is better on the application than not having one.  But, all things are not equal.  Few colleges teach anything about real life.  Take a look at the professors in economics and business schools, for example.  How many of them have run a successful business?  How many of the law school professors have spent any time in a courtroom?  

The sad reality is that college is a black hole in which money disappears, but little is returned for it.  

is it ok for women to hit men? what are some consequences?

Asked by Maggie over 10 years ago

Women are no different than men when it comes to the crimes of battery. In other words, any unjustified touching can result in going to jail.

In the past when I've reported my neighbors to the local PD for things like noise and construction violations, they call back and say that they responded and found no violations. Sometimes I see the chief and the neighbor socializing and stuff. cont.

Asked by Jackson over 10 years ago

I don't know why you would call the police for "noise and construction violations."  If the neighbor is playing the stereo too loud, I'll just walk over and talk to him.  If he is building something on his property that I don't like - well, that's my problem.  It is HIS property and he can do what he wants to with it.  Try talking to your neighbor and not calling the police for non-criminal matters.

If I purchase a phone from someone, sent the money through Western Union and he/she collects it, but I don't receive the phone, is there a way of getting back my money?

Asked by Shan almost 11 years ago

Probably not.

In my experience, a significant number of transactions handled via Western Union are scams.  Money sent through Western Union can be picked up anywhere in the world.  So a person sets up a Craigslist ad (or wherever) and says he lives in New York, Atlanta, or wherever.  However, he most likely lives outside the jurisdiction of the US - Europe, Africa, Asia.  He can pick up the money anonymously at any Western Union and you never hear from him again.

Unfortunately, I have seen too many of these cases and none of them are ever solved.

Feel free to file a police report, but do not expect that you will ever get your money back.

Is it jay walking when u cross the street when there's no streetlight?

Asked by Michelle over 10 years ago

Each state has different laws.  Refer to your state's laws.  Google can help you find the official listing of laws for your state.

Ok, I want you to keep in mind I am from Canada. My uncle was killed in a car accident, Is their anyway for me to get my hands on the report they have, pictures and documents. Dont ask me why but I don't think it was an accident!

Asked by Scott about 11 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss.  If you contact the investigating agency, they will be able to tell you what the procedures are to obtain the information and documents you need.

Legally in South Carolina , can you move out of your house at 16 without parental Consent?

Asked by Ashash over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

is it true in Washington state you can hit a kid any way you want as long as you don't kick them with a shoe on, with a closed fits, or block there airway?

Asked by Bobbi Jo Hoover over 10 years ago

Not quite.

so my dad took my cell phone that I bought myself and he wont give it back to me I was talking to my girlfriend and that's why he took it away can I call the cops on him im 17

Asked by nicholas almost 11 years ago

You are a child.  Your father has excercised reasonable discipline.  If you call the police for this, you are the only person who runs the risk of being charged with anything (false report of a crime.) 

Sounds like you've got a lot of growing up to do.

I was wondering is there a way to be a police k9 trainer without being an actual police officer? I work and volunteer with dogs part time but I would love to train dogs the police but I am not sure if the only way is to become a police officer first

Asked by Alessandro Ferri over 10 years ago

Maybe. Consider, however, that your lack of experience may have an impact on your credibility both with the agencies you are providing training to and to the courts when you and they are sued for wrongful use of force. (Yes - even when you do everything correctly, you will get sued and have to defend yourself in court.)

I plan on pursuing in becoming a police officer, I have had juvenile offenses though. I committed a first degree armed robbery, was tried in juvenile court but I now have a sealed ADULT record somehow. Is this still possible for me?

Asked by Julian over 10 years ago

I don't know what your state's laws may be in regard to this.  I would hope that most departments would not hire a convicted armed robber, but that's just me.

Hello officer , I have a few questions regarding becoming an officer .

Asked by travisa over 10 years ago


If a person happened upon a murder crime scene, called 911, and stayed until the police arrived. Would an officer take that persons statement at the crime scene or bring them back to the station and take the statement there?

Thanks in advance.

Asked by edwurd almost 11 years ago

At the scene.

If the caller was believed to have more involvement than just stumbling into a crime scene, investigators might want to interview the person at the PD so the statement can be recorded on video.  However, unless the person is under arrest, transporting the subject to the PD must be voluntary.  If the subject does not want to go, officers would have to collect the statement on scene.

would you be able to track my phone that i lost at work in a customers vehicle earlier

Asked by josh over 10 years ago

No. Call your cell provider.

I have had a roommate since february of 2014. He is now moving out due to some disagreement and false statements. Show I call an officer to my house today, since he is moving out and make sure there is no physical disagreements?

Asked by Katherine over 10 years ago

If you think there will be a problem, you can call an officer.  Keep in mind that officers will not be able to stand by for more than about 15-30 minutes.  The department cannot reasonably justify pulling officers away from protecting the public while your roommate packs and moves.

If you want someone to stand by at your residence for a long period of time, you can contract with the agency to provide an off duty police officer for however long you want.

well my son is 14 i got him a dirt bike i live in nj west new york 07093 is it illigal for him to ride it at the park during summe

Asked by hector about 11 years ago

I don't know, but NY and NJ sure do like to tell people what to do.  It seems just living is either illegal or nearly taxed to death in those states.  You should probably check with the local jurisdiction.

Can I get into trouble or arrested for saying "fuck you" or "go fuck yourself" to a cop over the phone?

Asked by Neis over 10 years ago

It depends on the circumstances.

Is it unfair that NYPD cops make as little as $30,000 per year, whereas in my town there is a small PD where they each make more than $100,000 and the chief makes more than Ray Kelly? (Never violent crimes in my town. And its not because of them.)...

Asked by Student about 11 years ago

Fair is a BS concept typically used by people who covet what other people have.  Life isn't fair.  Life is about choices.  

If a person wants to work for NYPD, they know what the job pays going into it.  If a potential applicant wants better pay, they will go elsewhere.  If the citizens of New York want the best possible people applying to be police officers then they will offer more competitive salaries.  

Hello officer. I am a juvenile (17) who will be 18 in june. Yesterday, I got cut by a mustang while driving... and I began to follow her. After 5 minutes, we both came to a walmart, and she called the cops. I am being charged with stalking? why?

Asked by Gus almost 11 years ago

Since I was not there, nor did I conduct an investigation in the incident, I don't know what the probable cause was for your charge.

However, I suspect it might have something to do with your statement "and I began to follow her."

Getting angry about some perceived slight while driving, and then chasing the woman, is likely the source of your problems.

During the police officer application, if a person admits to a past crime they were not caught doing would they get arrested?

Asked by InquiringMind almost 11 years ago

It depends on a number of factors including jurisdictional authority and the statute of limitations.

How do i find about trying to become a state dot. cop

Asked by Butch over 10 years ago

Go to the department's website and find the recruiting information there.  You can also call them for information.

My dad sold all of my things that he bought for me 4 years ago without my permission. Can I file a police report against him?

Asked by Joshua Raketich almost 11 years ago

Maybe.  Are you an adult and can you show the property in dispute was clearly owned by you?  There are too many factors for me to make any kind of determination on what you might be able to do.  Why don't you got talk to a local police officer?

I am writing a screenplay and I have a few questions:

1. Can a suspect of a murder case that took place 4 years earlier, look at the crime scene photos & the crime scene evidence?

Thanks in advance

Asked by Edwurd almost 11 years ago

If the case is still open (unsolved), no.  A detective may show some piece of evidence or a photo of the crime scene to the suspect during an interview to get some type of response or information about the crime.  Other than that, no one outside of the officers working the case, medical examiner and prosecutor are looking at the evidence.

i live in oregon and im 17 , im kinda shy so this is a big step for me. if i run away from home, now , will i get into legal trouble? will they send me home? back to the place i want to leave?

Asked by derika over 10 years ago

If you are not an adult, you have to obey your parents.  If you leave without permission, you can be detained, returned to your parents or taken to a juvenile detention facility (jail).

Why are cops rarely held criminally responsible for police brutality?

Asked by Shannon R almost 11 years ago

An interesting, but loaded, question.

The term "police brutality" is a subjective one that is likely to inflame the conversation.  I'll presume that you are referring to the unlawful use of force, which is any time a police officer uses force - regardless of the perceived brutality - when it is not legally permissible.

Police officers are permitted to use that force which is reasonable during the performance of their duties.  Many people do not understand what is reasonable because they do not have the training in, or understanding of, the dynamics of a violent encounter.  I'd suggest looking at credible sources such as the Force Science Institute ( http://www.forcescience.org/ ) for a better understanding of the application of force.  Anything you've seen in the movies is likely crap, by the way.

For a better understanding of when officers may use force, a review of the case law is an excellent starting point.  Graham v. Connor [490 U.S. 386 (1989)] is typically cited as being the defining case regarding police use of force.  Although the case clarified a number of issues, the court essentially said that things were pretty clearly stated in their earlier decision in Tennessee v. Garner [471 U.S. 1 (1985)].  Both cases offer remarkably insightful opinions, and they should be read in full.  Summaries of the cases in Wikipedia and elsewhere fail to give the true scope and color of the opinions.

An additional problem with your question is the unstated assumption that there are frequent incidents of police officers unlawfully using force.  I believe the premise is false, and every credible study on police use of force I have seen shows that officers are very hesitant to use force.  In fact studies have shown that even when clearly justified, officers still are slow to use force.

Are there times when an officer unlawfully uses force and are not criminally prosecuted?  Sure.  There are a variety of reasons this may be true.  For example, the unlawful use of force may be charged at the federal level if the officer was acting under "color of law," or at the state level for the charge of battery (or similar).  Just like any other case, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused officer committed the crime and that he or she intended to commit the crime (mens rea).  Lacking the ability to prove those things, the prosecution will not proceed.

i have multiple questions for a school project to ask?

Asked by Alicea about 11 years ago


Hi! I'm Vanessa and I was wondering if it is hard being a police officer

Asked by Vanessa over 10 years ago

It can be.  Time away from the family, physical danger and dealing with other people's problems are just some of the downsides to the job.

Can I got to the police station and find out if I can legally buy/own a firearm instead of going to a firearm store?

Asked by Ralph about 11 years ago


Commercial firearms transactions go through a special FBI database.  The database used is not one that is available to other law enforcement agencies.  Some of the information in the database is available to outside agencies through other files, but not all of it.  For example, if a police officer was to run a "normal" criminal history on a person, it would show prior felony convictions but not other things like if you had been adjudicated mentally ill, renounced your citizenship, etc.

Chances are you are the best person to know if you are no longer allowed to own a firearm.  If you have a specific question about a possible prohibition, feel free to ask.

what is the importance of math to a police?

Asked by shun over 10 years ago

Math is important for a variety of reasons.  Everything from budgeting to accident reconstruction requires math.  Street officers investigating any number of financial crimes have to be able to do simple to advanced math.

Can someone who wears hearing aids become a police officer?

Asked by Oberyn almost 11 years ago

Yes.  Some departments may not allow it, but I know of some that do.  Check with the recruiter at the agency you apply to.

Are you getting paid to answer this Q&A, or volunteering? Also, have you seen the show Alaska State Troopers? My dad and I watch the show (he's OSHP), and every time he watches it, he tells me that he wants to lateral over there.

Asked by Joe about 11 years ago

No, I am not paid to participate here.  I don't think I've seen the Alaska Satte Trooper show.  I tend to avoid cop programs.

Me and my friend have always wanted to get cuffed to see how it feels so can we ask a police to cuff us for a second

Asked by Lily over 10 years ago

You can ask, but don't expect to get a positive reaction.


For how many days a Dog can sniff the smell left in the air. Eg a dead body is dragged through mud on a rainy day and its a rainy season. For how many days sniffer dogs can search

Asked by Jinu18 over 10 years ago

I don't know.  I did a lot of things as a cop, but I was never a K9 handler.

Can an officer openly greet a defendant (a.k.a. friend), if he or she will be dealing with a complaint about him or her?

Asked by Marieli18 almost 11 years ago


i just wanna ask you a quick question about something if you could help that would be so great

Asked by quan over 10 years ago

I can only answer questions when they are asked.

if you got caught in a parking lot "parking" and you didnt sign a paper or anything does that show up on a record anywhere?

Asked by sydney over 10 years ago

Your information and the details of the contact are probably stored in the local department's database.  If they are networked with other agencies, they all departments in that network would have access to the information as well.

If you were not charged with a crime, then the information would not be in a national criminal database.

(Follow up)

In other words, if anyone with a license can carry a gun, that gives them the power to kill people. Even if they only use their gun for the right reasons, they still have so much power without necessarily that much training.

Asked by Hello (follow up) about 11 years ago

The "power to kill" people does not come from a concealed carry permit.  If you believe that, you are very mistaken on the law - both natural and statutory.  


My wife gave our old car to my brother-in-law. But I want the car and the registration is under her name. How could I get the car? We are still married and he didn't want to give me the car. Should I report to police as stolen car?

Asked by Shwange almost 11 years ago

I don't know if you should.  You can certainly call the police and talk to them about your circumstances.

I was stopped by police when walking home from a St Pat's party a couple of weeks ago. I don't remember it clearly but I wasn't taken to station. They looked at my driver's license and actually drove me home. Could I still receive a citation?

Asked by Pete almost 11 years ago

For what?  Walking in public?

If you were intoxicated to the point of being charged with something it is unlikely the officers would have dropped you off at home.

I'm the son of a sex offender if and I live at the sex offenders residents can still own a gun if I keep it im my vehicle

Asked by jacob cannon over 10 years ago

I would highly recommend contacting the state attorney general's office and the BATFE for information on the related state and federal laws.

Which agency do you think wears the best uniform? I think OSHP, but I'm biased lol. But I will admit to being slightly jealous of the Texas State Troopers who wear those custom Stetson cowboy hats!

Asked by Joe about 11 years ago

Texas Rangers for non-patrol.  LAPD-type for patrol (though with two shoulder patches)

I bought an iphone from a local store and and I want my money back I lost 500 dollars and the store owner told me to come back later and later and later and I'm tired of it every time an excuse and sometime even closed I had it with this 3w late

Asked by Jay about 11 years ago

I'm not sure if there is a question in there.  However, you have not described anything criminal.  Law enforcement does not investigate civil issues.

I have a question

Asked by Gillian almost 11 years ago

"Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself."

Bonus points for anyone who knows from where that quote derives.

(Similar question) So after reading your other responses, you clearly oppose gun control. I get it. But just look at this:


(to be continued)

Asked by Hello about 11 years ago

Nice jpg on an opinion blog.  But there is no context to it, and it is therefore meaningless.

When a police officer pulls over someone, what are they doing in the police car with the computer after they get the license and registration? What specifically are they doing on the computer? Why does it take 10-20+ minutes if they are using a CPU?

Asked by ABC about 11 years ago

A "CPU" is only part of the computer system, and typically not the slow part.  If the officer is using some type of computer, it is networked via cell data service.  The network is likely 3G or slower, so sending a request (such as a check on the validity of your license) is not as fast as you might hope.  Also, since many of the computers are running some type of Windows OS, crashes are common.  Frequently, I have sat on the side of the road while waiting for the system to reboot.  Also, if there is someone that has a warrant who has a similar name, the officer will do additional research to make sure he or she shouldn't arrest you.  10-20 minutes isn't a long time for you to be stopped.

Hello, I was wondering if over a year ago while being broken up with I told my girlfriend I was gona stab myself and she called 911 and I willingly went to hospitol slept off my drunkines and went home if that would disqualify me from becoming a cop?

Asked by TCA over 10 years ago


Hello. I live in an area policed by a county department. But my village has its own small police department of 6 or 5 men. Apparently, it's staffed 24/7. How could shifts possibly be organized to make that possible? (They answer their own calls.)

Asked by Name over 11 years ago

I don't know.  You should pop in to the local department, introduce yourself and ask.  They might even have a citizens academy where they go over all of the department's functions.

That's very interesting that the study showed that about having a partner or not. Do you know why that is? Or is it just a statistic? Thanks again. (By the way, I'm 16 and thinking of going into law enforcement and this Q&A is great.)

Asked by Jet over 10 years ago

I'm afraid I cannot explain the why, just take a few guesses.  I believe the first study was conducted in San Diego during the 1970's.  There may have been additional studies since then.  Put Google to work - I imagine that you should be able to find the study published online.  Also, there may be newer studies that support or contradict the original.

My daughter's friend has been staying with us. She says her mom and brother are abusive and hate her. Her mom tells her she doesn't want to talk to her. Now her mom is coming to get her. I love her being here with us. She is safe and loved. Can I ssn

Asked by mandy over 10 years ago

You want to be extremely careful when getting involved in other people's affairs.  You are only getting one side of things, and she is probably not giving you the entire story.  

If you honestly believe that her mother is abusive, then call the police.  If, on the other hand, you think that it is just a case of a teen who doesn't want to follow house rules, then do not call the police.

You certainly cannot keep her from her mother.

Should I report that three vehicles at different times in a gym parking lot will follow me home? I was able to get their license plate numbers. There has been a strange man who does not like that I work out there! This is a somewhat small town in WI,

Asked by Jane over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

Lately there has been a lot of Abuse to synthetic cocaine, is there anything that police enforcement can do to get it off market?

Asked by nancy over 10 years ago

As soon as we figure out how to stop all natural cocaine, we should immediately apply the same strategy to synthetic cocaine.

if me and my man break up do i haved to give him the phone he gave me as a gift back????

Asked by britster about 11 years ago


is an officer of the law ever classed as off duty

Asked by kelly fuller about 11 years ago

Unless he/she is being paid, the officer is off duty.  Different states have differant laws on what authority an off duty officer has.

How can my father become my legal guardian if I'm 15 and no longer want to stay with my mother.

Asked by mar over 10 years ago

Contact a family law attorney.

Would getting a degree in forensic science be useful for policing? I hear that everything you need to know will be taught during the academy? THX for your time.

Asked by Jimmy over 10 years ago

A forensic science degree may be useful for certain specialized duties.  The academy teaches the absolute basics needed to begin a policing career.  It does not teach you everything you need to know.  It is a starting point only.

I have a friend that has 2 warrants on file in TN. One for failure to pay fines for dui and the other a violation of probation. The warrants are only for TN, so when he was checked here in FL they don't come up. Could there ever be a way to send h

Asked by Bugette over 11 years ago

I'm afraid your question cut off, can you try the question part again?

if your out with your friend and they do something stupid and you are filming it can you get in trouble if your friend gets hurt?

Asked by Al almost 11 years ago


Are the police that respond to 911 calls usually patrolling before they are called to a scene, or do they sometimes leave from the police station like firefighters do?

I'm assuming that smaller departments might do the second one more often?

Asked by Roger over 10 years ago

Officers respond from whereever they are at the moment.  They might be eating lunch, driving down the street or submitting evidence at the department.  They do not sit around at the PD like the firefighters do.

What courses, should I take in high school, to get into law enforcement?

Asked by Junior over 10 years ago

Talk to your guidance counselor on what options are available at your school.  You want to make sure you have a solid background in english, math and science.  Sports are also something you should be involved in.  If there is a law enforcement explorers unit in your area, you should check it out.

I don't want to bother the 911 call If a child is being verbally abused and fiscally occasionally can they call 911 and leave the home?...I need to leave or I will die...

Asked by Samantha. over 10 years ago

If someone is being abused, please call 911.  If you are suicidal, please call 911.

My former boss loaned me her vehicle so I could watch her children for a few months. They recently got into daycare. She threatened me through text that she would report it stolen since I wouldnt watch her kids Monday due to illness. Is that illegal?

Asked by Deidre about 11 years ago

Sounds like you probably should return the car and find a new friend.

my jewelry was stolen and pawned. detective retrieved it. i didn't see it. 5 weeks later i ask to see it. first told i couldn't see it. then when he brought it out i was told i couldn't touch it. is that true?

Asked by suzan over 10 years ago

I don't know. You are the one telling the story. I'll assume you are telling the truth.

I am considering purchasing a collapsible baton purely for self defense, it is however illegal in the state I live in, how strict will local police officers be if I carry this?

Asked by Aron over 10 years ago

If it is a crime for you to carry the baton, then I would expect that you would be arrested.

Is there any way I can get into my hometown police academy by expressing to them that I need the job and was made for the job. I have been around drugs and done them and am afraid it will hurt me. I want this with all of my being!!!

Asked by Alysia over 11 years ago

You should contact the admissions officer and apply.

I need to talk to a cop not to submit a crime but to see if this is a crime or to much punishment for my age.

Asked by Daisie over 10 years ago

Ok. Call your local police department and ask for their assistance.

What is it like for women in law enforcement? Are they taken seriously?

Asked by Aus over 10 years ago

Its the same as it is for everyone else. Show up and do your job; you'll be fine.

If I were to be physically assaulted by a group of guys as a junior at school, suffer from a back eye, minor concussion, and a cracked rib, along with we bruising, what would happen if I reported it in a police station with my boyfriend?

Asked by Jada over 10 years ago

It would be investigated as any other crime.

I am curious on how this was not reported when you were at the hospital.

Do the police handle illegal sites, videos on the internet? If so why are there so many sites and videos still up? Is there anything that I can do to stop these things from happening?

Asked by Azzy over 10 years ago

Yes, law enforcement addresses illegal activity on the internet.  Jurisdiction is often the largest problem for these cases.  For example, a police officer in the United States cannot prosecute someone who is outside of the USA.

ok i got a question i went to this thing online like a chat and this person showed me a video and i think it was his daughter and him and he forced his daughter to do something i mean it didnt look like she was forced but she looked like she was 5

Asked by nikkali over 11 years ago

Call the police.

I was wondering what could a officer do about this guy who keeps calling me and bullying me in school and trying to get his girl friends to gang up on me and jump me friday he called me 3 times but then stopped and it is messing me up in school

Asked by Carrie over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

I am considering going into law enforcement but i want to get a tattoo on my upper arm. If it it slightly visible when wearing short sleeve shirts would it effect me getting a job?

Asked by Jason about 11 years ago


Is it legal to conceal carry a telescopic baton in Maryland? Baton is a loose label and doesn't seem to be categorized as a dangerous or deadly weapon. As long as it isn't carried with intent to harm my understand is it should be legal.

Asked by Jester714 over 10 years ago

You should contact a Maryland police department for information.

Can the police stop cars with young kids in the front seat to tell them that it is not safe even though in NYS it is not illegal? This is a major problem where I live. Kids as young as 6 commonly sit in the front seat.

Asked by Jo almost 11 years ago

No.  A police officer may not forcibly detain someone without reasonable suspicion of an illegal act.  

Your example would be akin to police officers stopping someone because they had a Big Mac and you believe fast food isn't healthy.  Police officers have enough to do just enforcing criminal laws.  They should not play nanny too.

When cops do prostitution stings, are the arrests always made on the spot? How likely are police to make arrests if the act isn't witnessed in a sting type operation? Been watching a lot of dateline predator stories and the topic never comes up.

Asked by notacop over 10 years ago

Police officers are not required to arrest someone at the time of the crime.  People can be arrested after the crime has been committed.

I became aware of my husband drinking and driving. I have told him that when I am aware that he is doing this, I will report him (and his car license plate) to the police. He is in denial of his problem. Will I be taken seriously?

Asked by momof3 about 11 years ago

If you are asking will your husband take you seriously, I don't know.  Probably not.  It sounds like he has a lack of regard for the safety of himself and others.  Anything you say is unlikely to get him to change his behavior.

If you are asking will the police dispatcher take you seriously, of course they will.

What should I do if I hear that kids my age (13) have drank shots and so have their friends? I think their parents supplied the vodka. I don't know if I have the confidence or sufficient evidence to report them. (To be continued)

Asked by Julian about 11 years ago

see my answer in the follow up question

what does the first responding office do when they arrive at a crime?

Asked by cutiepie18 almost 11 years ago

Every scene is different.  If the crime is in progress, stopping the criminal from hurting others is the first priority.  If the crime is not in progress (or once the criminal has been stopped), providing aid to injured people is the highest priority.

I want join the police academy within the year. I have two concerns; I have epilepsy. It's well controlled with medication and I haven't had a seizure in a year+. I also have a poor driving record. 4 car accidents I have caused. Will this prevent me?

Asked by Justin over 10 years ago

Probably. I'd suggest looking for something related to law enforcement (if that's what you want to do) that does not include driving or the carrying of arms.

My DUI trial was postponed 5 times. The cop didn't show on the 5th and I was in detox which my lawyer forgot to mention resulting in a warrant so it was clearly scheduled. Why would he not have shown and what are his chances of showing to the next?

Asked by Ron almost 11 years ago

I don't know; I am not a mind reader.  It is possible that the court has failer to subpoena him/her properly.  He/She might be out on medical leave.  (etc, etc, etc)  It seems to me that the real question should be why can't your defense attorney tell you what's going on?

I have a friend who works for a police department in the records department. Can I call and ask to talk to her directly and be put through

Asked by vicki almost 11 years ago

Yes, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

my mom was at work and another lady that worked with her was provoking her and telling mean stuff also taking my moms stuff away, my mom asked for them nicely so she threw them at my mom and that made my mom mad so she punched the lady in the arm so

Asked by paulina over 10 years ago

I'm not sure what your question is.

My friend was the designated driver, driving someone else's car. She was pulled over and given a ticket for impeding traffic because the brights were on without her knowledge. Can she fight this ticket and win?

Asked by Emily about 11 years ago

I don't know.  She should probably contact an attorney.

Can a Doorman refuse to let a police officer in a building if he does not provide a search warrant or some kind of document?

Asked by joe louis over 10 years ago

It depends on the circumstances. For example, if police received a 911 call from a building and the doorman tried to block the officers' entry, he would be arrested for obstruction.

Do big-city police radio systems sometimes work like a tree where a dispatcher handles say 20 units in a precinct; another dispatcher communicates with 10 of those dispatchers so an officer can comm with an officer on another district or something?

Asked by Sal about 11 years ago

I've not had the chance to observe the dispatch center of a very large agency (such as a NYPD, LAPD, Chicago, etc.)  What I've seen in medium sized departments (100-200 officers), you would have a dispatcher on each channel.  A single channel might be dedicated to a specific area or precinct, while another might be dedicated to records checks.  

So if a department had three precincts, there might be four channels (a dispatcher for each of the three precincts plus one for running warrant checks, license checks, etc.)  Then there would be at least one supervisor who would make sure everything is running smooth.  There would be call takers (people answering the phones) who might be cross-trained to dispatch.

Typically, there will be extra people available to bring up an extra channel if a special event happened.  For example, lets say you had a vehicle accident with a death.  The traffic homicide unit plus the officers working that scene might go to an extra channel to work and keep their radio traffic off of the precinct channels.

I hope that helps.


So I see a lot of videos on YouTube that are recordings of police officers. Apparently this is legal. Would someone recording you make you a little uncomfortable even if you were acting according to the law? Thanks

Asked by In almost 11 years ago

Never bothered me.  

I think I only had to say something to someone once who was recording me.  In that case a pedestrian had been struck by a car and was laying in the road.  The pedestrian was significantly injured.  Some idiot decided he wanted to film the injured person and me.  While distasteful, it isn't illegal.  However, when the cell phone video superstar was standing in the roadway blocking the ambulance crew from getting to the injured party, I was happy to escort him to the sidewalk.

1. Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement?

Asked by kay almost 11 years ago

I hope you are not planning a career in law enforcement.  Even the lowest of ethical standards require you to do your own homework.

Need immediate help, my female friend has just run away from herfamily who has tried killing her before

Asked by aidan over 10 years ago

Call 911.

In Florida, what is the worst case scenario for getting caught with a fake id (just fake in age) for getting into a club (i.e. a 17 year old with an id saying he's 18)? Can you be arrested? Or does the bouncer take your card?

Asked by Silas almost 11 years ago


Hi. I'm 15 and I'm really interested in becoming a police officer. But I have straight-As in school and I hate to say it but I feel like no one with my grades would become a police officer. Any advice? Have you known officers that were very academic?

Asked by Phillip about 11 years ago

I'm not sure why you would think that.  Getting good grades is very important if you want to be a police officer.

I went to a well known university to be an aerospace engineer (you know, a rocket scientist.)  I determined engineering wasn't much of a challenge and discovered law enforcement was a far more challenging career.

Fortunately, I am not the only guy to make good grades to go into law enforcement.  In the states I have worked (Georgia and Florida), most of the officers I have met/worked with are much brighter than the general public.  You have to be intelligent and quick thinking to do the job.  Idiots should not apply.

Do morons get into law enforcement?  Sometimes.  But, most of them are weeded out during training.  The few that are left tend to get promoted rapidly.

I'm a bit perplexed by anyone who thinks that no one smart goes into public safety (or the military.)  I guess it is watching too many movies.

is there a grace period in pa for expired inspection stickers? My registration is up to date but I cant get my car inspected until october 3rd and it expired september 30

Asked by deejay over 10 years ago

No idea.

are plastic knuckle iphone cases legal

Asked by willie about 11 years ago

That depends on your jurisdiction.  You should contact the local prosecutors office and ask them.

someone stole my phone and is is extremely vital with all my social things right now. can you please trace it?

Asked by david lugo over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

My mother in law put my birth certificate along with my brother and my mother's I'm her safe when I first moved in with her son. Now that we no longer live there she does not want to give them back. She's an immigrant. What should I do?

Asked by smalls over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

will a domestic incident report disqualify me from becoming a police officer? no arrest, no charges

Asked by oliver3 about 11 years ago


I am adwaita dandapath
My Q) how can i a police officer?

Asked by Adwaita dandapath over 10 years ago

Contact your local police department and ask them.

30 minutes after leaving the recovery room the VA police for Ed me to drive my car home or they would have it towed from the patient parking lot. I was still woozy from the anestesia and pain meds. We're they right in making me drive?

Asked by MadeInNY over 10 years ago

No, you should not have been driving.  

However, it sounds like you made the choice to drive after you found out that you were parked somewhere you should not have been.  Where was the person who was supposed to drive you home?  No one goes in for surgery and should drive themselves home, so what were your arrangements for getting home?

If you failed to arrange for transportaion, and then you knowingly drove when you were not able to avoid having a car towed is not a reason to blame the officer.  As they say a failure to plan is a plan for failure.

If you believe the officer was out of line, you should be complaining to his or her supervisor and not here anyway.

Hello Bluesheepdog,
My question is: if I see children in a vehicle at the parking lot, is that something I can report on the emergency line? I don't agree with it, but uncertain if it is a cause the police is concerned about.

Asked by Irene Judith Hernandez over 10 years ago

If children are in danger, please call the emergency line.

What would the cops do if a teenager beat another teenager with a baseball bat in broad daylight, with a nearby security guard as a witness to the crime?

Asked by Jessie over 10 years ago

It depends on what the investigation revealed.  Was it an assault or self-defense?  Since I was not there and did not conduct the investigation, it is impossible for me to say what the best action should be for the officers to take.

I am getting ph calls from silent number what do I need too do to stop it it has happened before

Asked by Debbie over 10 years ago

Call the phone company.

can a single father of a daughter younger than five take her in the womens room? theres stuff in the mens she shouldn't see

Asked by Alex over 10 years ago

There is stuff in the women's restroom that you shouldn't see.  Stay out.


Just to add, my window shades were down so when I heard him I went to the window from behind them. Could I have been mistaken for a burglar trying to ambush him? Also, how should I apologize for the false alarm (accidental)? (I'm a kid who was alone)

Asked by DDG almost 11 years ago

Accidents happen and a lot of people mistakenly set off their alarms.  However, the officers don't know which alarms are accidents or real until they investigate them.  If during the course of that investigation, someone surprises them - well, things might get tense for a few minutes.  Calling the PD once you realize a mistake has been made is the best course of action.  They can tell you if they want you to go outside, stay inside or whatever.

How long does it take for a officer to wright a report

Asked by Jamiyssalinn@gmail.com over 10 years ago

It depends on the report.

What do you do when parents don't allow young adults over 21 to go out with others? Is there any restraining order which forces parents to allow young adults to have freedom?

Asked by moonbunnie2012@aol.com over 10 years ago

Ask me a serious question.

If you are an adult - move out of your parents' home. Get a job and make your own way in life.

Does a police station have an onsite medical person like a Nurse in the building?


Asked by Edwurd over 10 years ago

Not usually.  A medium to large size jail will typically have medical staff on duty, however.

Have you ever pulled a school bus over? If so what did they do? And if their are kids on the bus, what are there reaction?

Asked by Carter over 10 years ago


At the beginning of the year I got a MIP misdemeanor down in Florida but paid the fines and got it expunged off of my record. About a week ago I got another one in Michigan. Would this count as my second offense?

Asked by Rob Parker over 10 years ago

I don't know. Contact an attorney in Michigan.

How long do police have record if you are given a warning for speeding

Asked by bella about 11 years ago

Varies from department to department.

What's the policy on illegal aliens. I know one that is living off of hud, food stamps and all sorts of other free government stuff. Has been deported twice and is back again. I'm a vet and can't get the help they are.

Asked by Adam over 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you are asking when you say "what's the policy."  Federal law establishes how the government controls immigration.  The executive branch (the president and his administration) is responsible for enforcement of the law.

You have several problems going on right now.  Among them are:

1.  Few presidents of either party have taken a serious stab at securing our borders.

2.  The current president, through design or sheer foolishness, is making no serious effort to enforce the laws on the books.

3.  A 2008 law significantly expanded the "rights" of an illegal alien OTMs under a certain age to stay in the US.  Look at the numbers of under age illegal OTMs and you will see the numbers have skyrocketed every year since.

4.  Children and others, once they make it into the country, are being temporarily held in detainment camps.  These camps have inhumane conditions, and the executive branch is keeping the press, clergy, charities and even members of Congress from entering them.

5.  Mexican drug cartels are the primary human traffickers along the border.  They routinely fire on Border Patrol agents and local law enforcement offcers with small arms, up to and including .50 caliber machine guns.  Some of these guns were trafficked to the cartels through a ATF program called Fast & Furious, which has resulted in the deaths of dozens (if not hundreds) of foreign nationals, and at least one Border Patrol agent.

6.  The executive branch is shipping illegal immigrants to various parts of the nation and refuses to tell the press or Congress where, claiming the rights to privacy of the illegal immigrants.

7.  Many local cities and counties are required to accept the illegal immigrants due to a clause in block grant fundung provided by the federal government.

So, the situation with illegal immigration has been a long time in the making. I don't care if you are a supporter of Bush, Clinton or Obama - none of them have bothered to secure our borders.

After a suspect is questioned by a Detective, how long is that suspect held for if they are not going to charge him with anything? Is it 24 Hours, 48 Hours? Do they release that suspect(s) right away after questioning?

Thanks in advance

Asked by Edwurd over 10 years ago

If someone is not going to be charged with anything, detectives are not likely to hold the subject for any period of time.  States vary on how long an officer has to charge someone (generally 24 or 48 hours).

Are there procedures that police officers use that are wrong according to their training (not "textbook" perfect) but are still used because they are more convenient and/or make more sense?

Asked by Jes over 10 years ago

Nothing in reality is ever textbook perfect. There are too many variables in every investigation and interaction.  Also, criminals rarely cooperate.

Just want to say thanks for your answers. Yeah I know the police and military are smart despite the stereotypes (which might just exist where I live.) I really want to be a navy officer but I don't know if that'll work out because of my asthma.

Asked by Phillip about 11 years ago

The Navy is a good way to go.  My family has had at least one man in the US Navy continuously since 1943.  You definitely want to talk to a recruiter about the asthma, but I don't think it would bar you from service.

I'm not sure if you're still interested in answering questions, but what's the procedure if a police officer pulls over a car and has to arrest multiple people? Would you call for backup or try to handle four hefty lawbreakers on your own?

Asked by ImaginaryNinja almost 11 years ago

If backup is available, only a fool would try to arrest more than one person at a time.  Even with only one suspect, it is foolish to try to make an arrest without assistance.  This all assumes that there is not an emergency requiring immediate action and that the officer isn't working alone in a remote area.

How can I track my phone that is stolen?

Asked by Kumanan about 11 years ago

If it has already been stolen, and you have not proactively installed tracking software, you are probably out of luck.  You might want to check some of the tech sites for additional information.  Alternatively, you could call the NSA and ask for help, but they might not appreciate the call.

If you have not lost your phone, try installing one of these programs...

iPhone:  http://www.apple.com/icloud/find-my-iphone.html

Android:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alienmanfc6.wheresmyandroid&hl=en 

What are the typical questions a person would ask a murder suspect in an interrogation room?


Asked by edwurd almost 11 years ago

It depends on the circumstances.  Detectives go through a lot of training to learn how to interview people and how to investigate homicides.  It is far to in-depth of a question for me to answer.

Are police officers trained in emergency vehicle driving as part of their academy training? Or are they only trained if they will be driving a police car?

Asked by Jet over 10 years ago

I would imagine most states require police officers to receive emergency vehicle operation training in the academy.

After a suspect is questioned and released from a police station, how does that suspect(s) get back home or to their car if it's parked at another location? Call a taxi or does a Police Officer drive them back to where they need to go? Thank You

Asked by edwurd over 10 years ago

Any of the above.  It could be anything that is reasonable.  Sometimes a suspect will not want to be seen in a police car (looks like a snitch) and will prefer to walk.  Other times a family member might pick them up.

Hi I live in a small town with it's own police force. I want to show some thanks to them but I only see them driving by. They don't have any outreach programs. Is waving a good way to show thanks? Or will they think I'm flagging them down for help?

Asked by Robert almost 11 years ago

Waving is a friendly gesture, and is appreciated.  If they stop, it is a perfect opportunity to get to know the officer and tell them thank you.

I want to become a police officer one day, but i don't know where to start. I am 19 and attending a community college right now.

Asked by Jack over 10 years ago

Contact the local police department recruiter.  He or she should be able to help.

I was selling my Phone on Craig's list and someone ask me for the phones imei so they could check if it was clean so I sent it to them and they never tested back and I tryed to activate again and it said it was reported lost or stolen...what can I do

Asked by abraham over 10 years ago

Contact your cell carrier for help.

I am just curious if a person is under 18 but at legal age of consent is sexually assaulted, do the police have to go to the minor's parents?

Asked by Pixie over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

Hello, I was wondering about the illegal weapons in NY? Is a Sai illegal in New York State?

Asked by Collin about 11 years ago

I don't know.  I'd guess yes for the city of NY, and probably for the rest of the state.  NY dislikes armed citizens who can defend themselves.

What is your opinion about video games that allow the player to harm police officers (Grand Theft Auto, Watch_Dogs, etc.)? Keep in mind that the player is not obligated to harm the police and can finish the game without touching a single officer.

Asked by Xatosfx over 10 years ago

The glorification of violence is an unfortunate situation in modern society.  It desensitizes and dehumanizes people.  Marketing such games to children is abhorrent.

Does being Bilingual help when applying to a police force?

Asked by Mackenzie almost 11 years ago


If someone has an inappropriate video of you, can they get in trouble?

Asked by Devina over 10 years ago

It depends. Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

hi so my ? is that if you bought a car from the dealerships and it is on your name and your wife uses it and she is cheating on you and she brings another person can i call the police

Asked by Walter over 10 years ago

If I understand your statement correctly, you have not described any crime.

What offense or violation would land someone only a 3 month sentence in prison maximum? One of my friends says he went to jail for 3 months but when we ask what he did, silence. I think he's lying. Help a gal win a bet here. Thanks. :-)

Asked by Kali about 11 years ago

Any misdemeanor offense can carry a penalty of three months.  So, pretty much anything from driving with a suspended license to shoplifting to punching his wife.

I was driving through a private parking lot, & received a ticket from a City PO, for failure to yield to a pedestrian. I had stopped and looked, and did not go until I saw the pedestrian stop and wait, before he even got to the crosswalk. What to do?

Asked by Kayla about 11 years ago

You can pay the ticket or go to court and have a trial.  

Im a sophomore at high school & I was suspended from school for 3 days becuz I stole a sweater An officer came in to talk to me & told me charges will be dropped & I wasn't arrested at all & I got off with a warning but will that show up on my record

Asked by HalpMe over 10 years ago

School record - probably. If you were charged with something, then criminal record - yes.

Do unmarked cars usually have a way of showing that they are the police without full emergency lights? (For example, if they want people to see them if they need help.) Also, are there common instances where something like this is used?

Asked by Roger over 10 years ago

It varies from state to state. 

What happens if a police dog bites someone who is later found to be the wrong person?

Asked by Park over 10 years ago

All use of force, including a dog bite, is governed by federal and state law.  There can be civil and/or criminal repercussions for the unlawful application of force. Graham v. Connor (490 U.S. 386 (1989)) is a landmark case that is instructive on this issue. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=490&invol=386

can a older guy get a 17 year old girl locked up for something he thinks she did but she didnt do it ?

Asked by sonjaobando@gmail.com over 10 years ago

All arrests must be based on probable cause.

Okay I guess I should tell my parents. But when I do, what's the next step? I mean I more concerned about them than me. I understand what it means to drink. Does what they are doing violate "Social Host" laws?

Asked by Julian about 11 years ago

I don't know what a 'social host' law is.  However, your parents should be able to provide you guidance on what you should and should not do.  Good luck.

Hey there. I'm approaching my final year in the Navy. (Year 5.) I will be a Lieutenant at that time. I graduated from USNA. I always wanted to go into Law Enf. but I know that chances are, it will take a while for my salary to match my current one..

Asked by Ross over 10 years ago

See below.

Is calling someone fake on Instagram a form of cyber bulling? Or a donkey?

Asked by Kennedi over 10 years ago

I'm not about to make a judgement call on what is or is not a violation of some state's laws on cyber bullying.  However, I would encourage you and everyone else to (1) ignore other people's hurtful words and (2) if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing.

I'm a professional photographer currently a student at a University in San Francisco. I want to join a police force for a day or two and be embedded with them to capture how the officers conduct daily routine. How can I become embedded ?

Asked by ali over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. If they allow it, they will describe the process.

Somebody I know who lives in Michigan just told me he wanted to end his life. I don't know where he lives or any information about him where I can call somebody to tell them. I live in Toronto and feel like Im out of control with this situation

Asked by Desperate over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

I have a video message saved on my phone of a ex friend threatening to hurt me. If I go to the police to submit a report would my phone be taken away ?

Asked by girl22 over 10 years ago

The video is evidence. They will need to seize the phone at least long enough to take the video from the phone.

What can you do if someone steals your petrol ?

Asked by sharna over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

As for the noise violation (which is against the law), they have to excuse to not respond because there is nothing else that they're doing. The last misdemeanor/felony in the area was 2 years ago...

Asked by Jackson over 10 years ago

1.  Noise violations are not crimes.

2.  Just because you think it is noisy, doesn't mean it is a violation of local ordnance.

3.  Calling the cops on your neighbor for a noise violation is a pretty petty thing to do.

4.  Asking the government for permission to do something with your own property (i.e. your obsession with permitting) is repugnant. Even so, it is not likely enforceable by police officers.

I feel sorry for your neighbor.

could you please look up the name doris williams born september 7th 1987 and see if she's a real person please. i met her online and she's asking me to send her money to south africa i am afraid that i am being scammed.

Asked by Johnny Fletcher over 10 years ago

Don't be afraid - you are being scammed.

If a disabled person hits a parked car and the owner calls the cops and when the cops get there the owner tells him it was amestaken call but the next day they wantto put the cops again is that right or no and both cars have insurance

Asked by smiley956956 almost 11 years ago

I have no clue as to what you are talking about.  The application of punctuation may help, but I don't think so.

If you were involved in an accident, you might want to contact a civil attorney.

Why would someone take a picture of my car?

Asked by Janna over 10 years ago

I don't know.

I want to get arrested for a day ! What can I do ?

Asked by Kate over 10 years ago

Try doing something useful like working in a homeless shelter for the day.

When police officers graduate the academy, do they go through a period where they are always with a more experienced officer, or are they trained enough to start off on their own?

Asked by Jacob over 10 years ago

New officers go through a period of on the job training called Field Training.  Experienced officers with specialized training take new officers and teach them how to employ the things they learned at the academy in the real world.  This is also a time when the new officer is closely watched in an effort to determine if they are a good officer/person or if they should be terminated because they are unfit for the job.

someone random terrorist has my number and threatening that he will charge me for false things and freeze my account

Asked by Anderson over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

How do you become a K-9 officer? what can i do to prepare in highschool? is there any collage classes i am required to take?

Asked by Ann about 11 years ago

To be a K-9 handler you will need to be in great shape.  I daresay that handlers have to be in better shape than the average SWAT cop because they (the handler) is often running through the dark every night chasing his/her dog who is chasing a suspect.  Then the handler has to be able to fight once the suspect is located.  Imagine running three miles and then getting into a fight for your life.  You need a lot of cardio work to get ready for that.

I'd suggest being involved in sports and finding a local explorer unit to join would be the best two things to do now.  College classes are completely up to you.  Other than certain federal agencies, I'm not aware of any department that requires any specific major or classes in college.

I went to pray over the homes that burnt down last summer and there was a no trespassing sign but the gate was open so I drove 20 feet past the sign and turned around but the sign said I will be fined and my picture was taken. What will happen?

Asked by Mikayla over 10 years ago

No idea.

In washington state legal age of consent is 16 but i read their is a 5 year rule ?, does this mean a 16 year old can legally date or engage in sexual activity with anyone from ages 16 to 21 legally and how old can they LEGALLY date if not?(5/27/14

Asked by jada almost 11 years ago

I have no idea.  You should contact a police officer in the state of Washington about those laws.

Would a Detective wear street clothes to a crime scene or would he/she wear full blue police uniform?

Also, would a detective wear street clothes at the office (Police Station) or wear a full blue police uniform?

Thanks in advance

Asked by edwurd almost 11 years ago

Except in unusual circumstances (police funeral, working a disaster, etc.) a detective never wears a uniform.  They typically wear business attire.

So why are they used instead of regular handcuffs?

Also what's the difference between being detained and arrested?

Asked by Josbtr over 10 years ago

Disposable restraints tend to be lighter and more compact than metal chain or hinged handcuffs.  Depending on policy, an officer may choose to use them instead of traditional handcuffs for the weight and space savings.  Additionally, they can be used in a mass arrest situation since more of them can be carried by each officer.

There is a huge difference between being detained and arrested.  If you have been arrested, you are being charged with a specific crime and supported by probable cause.  If you are being detained, officers have established reasonable, articulable suspicion that you may have committed a crime and they are now investigating to see if a crime has been committed.

If some one is complying with the officer at what point is the officer justified in shooting someone

Asked by Jamiyssalinn@gmail.com over 10 years ago

In general, a police officer can use that force which is reasonable to defend himself or another, to prevent a crime or to detain a subject. Refer to http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=490&invol=386 and http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=471&invol=1 as a starting point for this body of work.

Hello! Im currently on my way to deciding what I really want to do for the rest of my life. At this point im intrested in the Law Enforcement. I just have a couple of questions on how you would decribe being a police officer is?

Asked by Sierra David almost 11 years ago

Feel free to ask anything you like.

Do adhd people have the right to own weaponry

Asked by tank about 11 years ago

Unless they have been adjudicated to be mentally ill, then probably.  Laws vary from state to state, and many states ignore the Second Amendment anyway.  So, check your local laws and don't take legal advice (which this is not) from a guy on the internet.

Ok so my friends ex girlfriend has his ps4 and every time he try's to go over and get it she makes him leave and then tells her grandmother that he hurt her or touched her. But he never has he would never hurt women

Asked by Tyler furfari over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

In your department, how was the city divided up? (Districts, precincts, etc.) And what did those mean as far as how many stations there were in that area, who was in charge at the different levels, etc. Thank you!

Asked by Rob about 11 years ago

At one department, there were three patrol zones and only a single station.  A sergeant plus three or four officers were on duty at any given time. (Not including any specialty units.)

At a larger agency, there were six patrol zones with multiple officers assigned to each zone.  There were three "sector offices" plus the main station.  There were up to 24 patrol officers on the road.  Generally there were 2-3 sergeants on duty at any given time plus a lieutenant and possibly a captain depending on time of day/day of week.  Those staffing numbers did not include specialty units that might have also been working.  For example, three traffic units plus a sergeant, a gang unit plus sergeant, etc.

When did you know you wanted to be a police officer? Was it a childhood dream?

Asked by 2014 over 10 years ago

I was in college and was not happy in the aerospace engineering program I was in.  I explored the possibility of police work, and after riding a few shifts with officers, I decided to go into law enforcement.

how can i report someone on the run from a warrant

Asked by brenda over 10 years ago

By phone is often the easiest for many people. Sometimes walking into the police station is easier.

Can a Individual be accepted into the Police Department if diagnose with Mild Autism (High Functioning) Ex. Able to Drive, Shoot, Communicate and in control.

Asked by Alden over 10 years ago

I don't know.  Contact the agency you are interested in and talk to their recruiter about your situation.

In the police force, how do you value the following: experience (time), education, and someone's natural ability to do the job?

Asked by Josbtr over 10 years ago

I value them all.  If you are asking me to arbitrarily rank them in order of importance, I cannot.  What duty is the officer trying to perform?  Every task is different and requires varying degrees of each of the above.  Also time in grade does not equate to experience.  Also, experiences vary widely.  Are the experiences in roles as a trainer, investigator, narcotics officer, or what?  A highly educated homicide investigator with ten years of violent crime investigations may get his butt kicked the first night he rotates back to patrol and goes to a bar disturbance, while the two-year officer with nothing more than a high school diploma saves him.  There is no neat way of quantifying police officers.  

If you're involved in a police chase and you feel it's appropriate to call in a police helicopter: 1) How do you determine this? 2) Is this up to a supervisor? 3) Are choppers usually available to assist officers on the ground? Thanks.

Asked by Harrison over 10 years ago

The availablility and use of helicopters vary widely from area to area.  Some departments have access to helicopters in a relatively short amount of time, while other departments never have access to their assistance.

At my former agency, I worked in a very urban area with dozens of cities and counties in the immediate area.  We had access to a helicopter that was operated by the sheriff's department, and was normally only up during the evening hours.  It was available during other parts of the day, but would often take some time to get up and to you.

For a vehicle or foot pursuit, we would generally want the assistance of the helicopter, and most often they would be enroute to us before we even asked.  They monitored our radio channels and would start our way if they could be of assistance.  If we had to call for one, that would be cleared through a supervisor.

Hello Sir,

I am checking if a PND issued in a police station for Shoplifting is ever deleted from some ones record? COnsidering this is the only offence the person ever committed.

Asked by Question1 almost 11 years ago

I have no idea what a PND is.

Generally, if you have ever been charged with a crime, then it is part of your official criminal history.

Can anyone be arrested for harrasment, such as telling them to go kill themselves?

Asked by arianna over 10 years ago

People can only be legally arrested if their is probable cause to believe that he or she committed a specific crime.

If while driving through the intersection a person's front wheels were past the stop line when the light turned red, is that breaking the traffic law (running a red light)?

Asked by RH over 10 years ago

It depends on the state's laws.  Some states yes, others no. Additionally, red light cameras typically operate under a different set of laws in each state.  The rules for mailing tickets may be substantially different from on view violaions observed by a police officer.  So, you may or may not get a ticket mailed to you.  I really dont know.  Call the police department in question if it is really bothering you.

Is it possible to become a police officer with an Environmental Science degree?

Asked by Molly P over 10 years ago


what classes do you need take to be a police officer? and what degree should you graduate with? also, what should your major be?

Asked by michael almost 11 years ago

I cover this information further up the page.  Good luck.

I have some tickets in Tennessee. They are for drving without a license. I now live in Indiana im a single mom who goes to school and works full ime. I plan on joining the military. How can i get anything done and be a mom without a license?

Asked by Amber Marsh over 10 years ago

Public transportation. You created the problem, now you must live with the consequences.

My daughter's father is selling pot so he has large amounts and has guns and money in a big safe in his room and I am wondering if I call the police, will they go over there or would anything even happen? I don't wany my daughter going there anymore.

Asked by luna over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

I am trying to get in a police academy in Florida.I have read that traffic violation do not DQ you from getting accepted but i am wondering.I have 4 traffic citations. 3 speeding and 1 from my brakes failing in a wreck but he put following close

Asked by Johnny about 11 years ago

You can probably still enter an academy, but it will be difficult to get a department to hire you.  Three speeding citations and an at-fault accident is a fairly significant indicator of poor driving.  Few agencies would want to put an officer into a patrol car for 40+ hours a week and expose themselves to the potential liability of his or her foreseeable bad driving.

As time passes, the citations become less of a problem for getting hired.  For example, two years since the last citation looks like you have improved your driving.  Five years looks even better.  Different departments will have different guidelines based on the agency's risk tolerance.  

Hello I am in Florida also, and two brothers (out of three) keep calling and harassing my 86 year old mother to let my dad come back from the nursing home to her house, he has CHF and cannot walk well. As h her POA, what can I do?

Asked by Susan over 10 years ago

If you are unable to work things out inside the family, you might want to contact a family law attorney.

Hey, thanks for all the time you take to answer! You mentioned you avoid police shows? Is there any reason why? Also Is this a common thing in law enforcement?

Asked by Ali G almost 11 years ago

When I did the job for 8-12 hours a day, I had no interest in watching more of it on the tv.  

Besides, the way the editors cut the reality shows like Cops up to make them fit between commercials is not realistic.  You only see a fraction of a case, say 10 minutes of something that took the officers hourse to resolve.  It might be exciting, but it builds a very unrealistic expecation in the public.

Oh, and about 95% of what you see in CSI is b.s.  I can't tell you how many times I had someone tell me to do something impossible that they saw in that show.

I sold my moms xbox one and the guy cheated me and I am only 14 and their was nobody else and he was 17 could you get it back for me

Asked by Alex over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

hi my question is : if your manager tells you get the fuck put of here is that againt my rights ?

Asked by maria over 10 years ago

The right not to be offended? I think that is in the Good n Plenty clause of the Constitution.

Sounds like you got fired. Buck up and find another job.

please read and help me and my family this abuse is real and very serious they keep threatening me to kidnap me and they try and kill me daily believe me I would have ran away but THEY GOT MY FAMILY
Have you heard of the problem??? I am anomyou

Asked by anomyous over 10 years ago

You should contact the local police department.  I am not an active officer, nor is this a law enforcement agency.  Dial 911 if there is a true emergency.

In tx is the age of consent 17 ? I've looked it up and everywhere it says 17 but this one post said even if they have sex at 17 the other person involved can still get in trouble if older

Asked by Dershowitz over 10 years ago

I don't know.  Contact a police or sheriff's department in Texas.

um, how many years of college do you have to take to be a police men, or do you even have to take classes for it ?

Asked by kendra owens over 10 years ago

It depends on the agency.  Some departments require no college, while others might require a two or four year degree.  Read through the prior posts and you can get additional information on college and hiring.

So you said you value prior military experience but not expensive college when considering a PO candidate. What if someone went to Yale ROTC (and obviously joined the military.) Then would the edu. only be a plus? (Since it was prob. free?)

Asked by ROB almost 11 years ago

See below.

Are Domestic violence "warning signs" considered something that should be brought to a police officer's attention?

Asked by MZUSMC over 10 years ago

If you believe a crime has been committed, I would encourage you to contact the police.

I am an 18 year old New Jersey resident who was recently charged for public misdemeanor/disorderly conduct for stepping unto a hood of a persons car and stepping off. Will the courts give me leniency to pay in payment plans? I am poor cant afford.

Asked by John over 10 years ago

I don't know.

Blue Sheep dog, I was charged for a crime I didn't commit. I was 16/17 when I was charged for sexual assault on a minor, after a few court visits right before the big one she came clean and said she lied is this on my Criminal record?

Asked by Big T about 11 years ago

Possibly.  You likely can get this sealed, but you should contact a local attorney.

If someone is becoming a police officer and is having an extramarital affair will that be grounds for firing them even if they are separated. This other person has a fiancé. MI

Asked by Kornholeclown over 10 years ago

Probably not.

I am looking to become a cop I have been discharged with a 5-11 epts general discharge from the military I looked online and they say I can't. But I have talked to some police officers and they said that I will be fine can you shine some light on it

Asked by corey over 10 years ago

You should call the recruiter at the agency you wish to work for and ask them.

In response to my first question what makes you do it every day?

Asked by Emily almost 11 years ago

The desire to help people - to make a difference.  All of those things I mentioned above suck the life out of you.  But with good friends, family and faith in God supporting you, the job can be done.

There were many times that I was going to a call that I would have preferred avoid, but I knew I had the skills and disposition to handle it.  Who wants to go to the call where a man just committed suicide in front of his wife by sticking a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger?  No one.  But, as I often questioned myself, "if not me, then who?"

There are upsides to the job, though they are rarely visible to, or understood by, anyone outside of law enforcement. 

In your experience (or in general) if a patrol officer calls for one backup officer for assistance (not a serious emergency), will that person come from another patrol area or will more than one officer patrol one area at the same time? Thanks.

Asked by 456 about 11 years ago

In a smaller department, only one officer may be assigned to a specific area.  In that case, the back up officer will come from another area.  In medium or larger agencies, there may be two or more officers assigned to a specific area.  In that case the backup officer will probably come from inside that area.

If im a 16 year old girl in missouri what can I do to move out and leave my house.

Asked by Sophie over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

I have been in and aced both Psychology and Law Enforcement in my High School. I am considering going to college to study law. The only problem is that it seems like a depressing job. Is there any fun to be had as a Police Officer? Or is it all bad?

Asked by Trent about 11 years ago

There are a lot of good aspects to being a police officer.  If you are interested in the job, I highly recommend doing a ride-along with a few different departments and see what the job is like.

Hi i have a question my husband dropped his wallet full of money it had at least $900 and he had his ID in the wallet. Can the person whom took the wallet get in trouble?

Asked by Angela over 10 years ago

Yes. It is called theft.

My friend found a bullet hole on his car. I keep telling him to call the cop but he says that the cops won't do anything. What should I tell him?

Asked by dan over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

Another question is, can I report license number if I see somebody texting?

Also, when a person is driving in a poor manner (e.g. speeding and moving from lane to lane with no care of those around him/her).

Asked by Irene Judith Hernandez over 10 years ago

You can call. Please don't cause an accident by calling while driving to report someone else on their phone while driving.

In your experience are a lot of police officers former-military? If so, are they usually former enlisted or former officers?


Asked by Johan over 10 years ago

I'd say about 1/4 to 1/3 of the officers I have worked with are former military.  Of those about 90% were enlisted/NCOs.

When becoming a patrol officer what are some requirements you have to know/do before you are able to get a job as one?

Asked by Randi about 11 years ago

Requirements vary from state to state and department to department.  Generally, you would need a GED or high school diploma, good driving record, and a clean criminal history.  Most departments will also require a physical fitness test, a polygraph, drug testing, a stable employment history, excellent references, a psychological evaluation, some form of IQ or mental abilities test, and a credit check.  Many departments also require an applicant to have two years of college (or more) or military service with an honorable discharge.  The minimum age for employment varies, but is normally 18 or 21 years old.  

I gave a neighborhood boy a ride to the mall. When I reached my destination my phone had been removed from my bag on the back floor behind the drivers seat. Is there any recourse I can take toward the boy. He and I were the only ones in the car.

Asked by Barbara over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

How long of a meal break did you get during your career?

Asked by mike over 10 years ago

It varies from department to department.  One agency allowed for a 30 minute break, while another allowed for 45 minutes.  Of course, you were still subject to calls during these breaks.

i need help. i am worry about going to jail. i was accused of speeding in russellville alabama and my leg had a cramp on gas pedal. i mailed cash to courthouse last tuesday and they haven't gotten it yet what do i do i am worried please help me

Asked by Jon over 10 years ago

Contact an attorney. Oh, and never use the "my leg had a cramp" line again.

Is it possible for me to buy a ATV and make it street legal?

Asked by Tanner over 10 years ago

Possibly. Try contacting the state patrol for information.

Why don't people ever have lawyers while being interrogated on TV? I know TV isn't always accurate, but is there a reason why there's never an attorney? (Except for in court)

Asked by Jacob over 10 years ago

TV and the movies rarely portray law enforcement (or anything else for that matter) in a realistic manner.  Even the so-called reality shows are heavily edited to present what the network wants to show you.

As for their reasoning...well it all revolves around $$$.  The better the story, the more viewers they get.  More viewers = more advertising dollars.  Everything on TV is about making money.  That is the reason why "news" programs are sensationalistic rather than objective.

I have received a threat online from a guy that wants to basically "kill me" as he said he was going to do. He knows my address and all and I don't know what to do to be honest. What do I do exactly?

Asked by Highway about 11 years ago

Call the police.

I'm doing research for a novel and i'm wondering if a homicide detective is able to conduct investigations statewide or is he restricted to the jurisdiction of his city/county, even if the investigation may lead him to other parts of the state?

Asked by Kevin The Writer over 10 years ago

It depends on the state. Generally, yes. However, he or she would work closely with the detectives of the jurisdiction he or she wound up in.

what happens after a victim reports a domestic violence case but has no proof so it is just settled as a report?

Asked by ashley113 over 10 years ago

The case remains open but inactive.  Should new evidence be presented in the case (not likely), the case may develop further.

However, the victim can always decide to make a change in his or her life, and even if no arrest is made, there are private and public resources available to help them leave the situation.

Hi I'm wounder what I can do for a death threats there more then 20 of the via text. And she said there a promise and now there driving bye my house and the sit there for a few min. Aldo the death thearrs are a month ago can I still report them.

Asked by shyshy23 over 10 years ago

You should contact the local police department.

Hi my name is susana and I have a question about abuse. My best friend since we were kids is being abused daily and she has 4 kids. She does not have any place to go and mu house is to small. She has tried to leave but he threatened to kill her

Asked by susana over 10 years ago

If she is unwilling to contact local police for assistance, she can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233 for confidential assistance.

a person is threatening to kill me. this person knows where i live and attend school. access to where i live is open for everyone if they produce an identity, what should i do?i only told the person a stupid.

Asked by merry over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

i have a possession charge from 2009 that i was unaware of i filed a report and now they want to do a lie detector test and a dna swab saying that they seal their tickets up how true is this and is this proper procedure the signatures dont match at a

Asked by dontae over 10 years ago

You should contact an attorney.

If you got 2 year deffered adjudifacation probabtion can you still be in the law enfrocement when that time is up?

Asked by mari over 10 years ago

You should contact the recruiter for the department you want to work for.

they do one of those eye tracing procedures. This is where you keep your head stationary and they move there finger back and forth and up and down observing your tracking how does this work what are they in specific looking for

Asked by Arthur over 10 years ago

HGN - http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/alcohol/sfst/appendix_a.htm

What can a police officer do if they see a person who is harming themself (or evidence that they have done so recently) but not anyone else or any property? Are they obligated to help that person?

Asked by kaderu over 10 years ago

Different states have different laws. You might want to look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_commitment

If there is a specialty unit such as intelligence in a PD, will there only be one team (as opposed to shifts) so they can be sure everyone is always on the same page?

Asked by 678 about 11 years ago

At very large departments, there may be multiple shifts or squads of officers in a specialty unit.  At small to medium agencies, there is typically only one squad, and they might work varying hours/days of the week as the job requires.

If you are under age, and run from the police what are the consequences?

Asked by jojo over 10 years ago

From a legal perspective, a fine, probation or jail time are all possibilities.

I just started dating an officer. After 4 dates he wants my last name, race, and asked if I am up late at night. Not your usual question I'm sure, but what comes to mind is that he is trying to look me up. What are your thoughts?

Asked by ccmot over 10 years ago

There is no way for me to know why he has asked these things.  However, these are my immediate thoughts:

1.  I'd find it really odd if I had been on four dates with someone and did not know their last name.

2.  It would be really odd if I had been on four dates with someone and wasn't able to figure out her race.

3.  What time of day you are up has nothing to do with checking someone's background or history.

4.  If you are uncomfortable with the guy, consider dumping him and moving on.

whats are some punishments that a minor may face if he or she breaks the law?

Asked by Alias over 10 years ago

Anything from a small fine to a lifetime of incarceration depending on the nature of the crime.

I tried to convince my friends, most/all are underage, to not drink during a trip up north soon. Most of them said they would anyway. I planned to go and still try to convince them not to. But am I guilty of accessory if i go, or don't report them???

Asked by Steven almost 11 years ago

Children drinking alcohol is a really bad idea.  I'd suggest avoiding being where kids are drinking, and talking with your parents if you have any questions about what actions you should or should not take.

Once I accidentally set off my home alarm. I missed the alarm co. phone call so the police were sent. What is the best place to be in this situation so the officer won't be caught of guard when he sees me? Hands-up? Outside?

Asked by DDG almost 11 years ago

I'd call the PD and let them know I was the homeowner and had accidentally set off the alarm.  That way the officers know to expect someone when they get there.  I would wait for them outside, and I would have a driver's license (or other ID with my address) to show them I was the homeowner.

Do officers always radio when they show up somewhere? If a bunch of officers are showing up at a scene and there is a lot of talk on the radio over a situation that is developing quickly, will units arriving wait until later to report their arrival?

Asked by Job about 11 years ago

Yes, any time an officer arrives at the scene of a call, makes a traffic stop, rolls up on an undispatched incident, or does pretty much anything, he/she calls it in on the radio.  It is a safety issue.  Most patrol cars have GPS and are constantly tracked by dispatch also.

I have been accused of slamming a glass door and breaking the glass , yet there was some one on the outside who broke the glass with their hand , all the glass ended up on my side . How can I prove it wasnt me that broke it

Asked by daves almost 11 years ago

Hire a lawyer.

Is it considered disorderly conduct to wear a shirt with a curse word on it?

Asked by Kelli over 10 years ago

Check your local laws.

(continued) Again I have a lot of respect for police officers and I know its both physical and very mental too. I just want to know what you think. Also if I go to a top-rate university how could I use that to become a police officer?

Asked by Phillip about 11 years ago

You can spend a lot of money at a "top rate" university, but it won't help you become a police officer any more than going to a regular state university.  It will help you get deeper in debt, though.

If your desire is to go to a college, please do so.  If your desire is to be a police officer, consider entering military service, getting some life experience and a skill.  Read through my prior answers on this above.

Best of luck.

Can you guys arrest someone after 6 months of talking to someone?

Asked by abby over 10 years ago


What age can I leave my parents house without getting in legal trouble can I leave at17 ?

Asked by to pretty over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

I am 15.5 yrs and I'm permitted. I can get my license in October 2014. I live with a host parent and she is always working. I have to go to school and swimming everyday; I cant find carpools. is there a way i can drive alone?i cant wait until october

Asked by Dani Em over 10 years ago


You might want to try public transportation or a bicycle.

Can shoplifting a candy bar at 14 prevent me from becoming an officer? I am now 25, I have dual degrees in economics and biochemistry and I am entering my third year of service in the Air force. I haven't been in any other legal troubles.

Asked by John almost 11 years ago

It should not be a major issue.  Make sure you are honest about the incident when applying.  Any attempt to conceal or minimize the incident will indicate a lack of honesty.  Questions about honesty will absolutely destroy your shot at being hired.

My friend was messing with his friends who were at a party. His plan was to impersonate a cop by placing red/blue lights in his car and drive up to them. On their property, he turned the lights on. A state cop saw him and stopped him. Was it illegal?

Asked by Bubba76 almost 11 years ago

Sounds like it.  Impersonating a police officer is illegal in most (all?) states.  Installation and use of certain revolving, blinking or flashing lists on a car is also illegal in most (all?) states.

I know that the Secret Service and FBI have authority over local police when it comes to presidential security, but what about in general? Eg, if you are holding someone in jail, do they always have authority to make you hand them over to them?

Asked by Sam over 10 years ago


My parent and I wants my brother out of the house, we're afraid to call the police since we might get in trouble. We NEED HIM OUT THE HOUSE! He don't respect nobody and he damage the house, my mother have to pay for his costs and expenses, plz HELP!!

Asked by Nguyen over 10 years ago

Sounds like you are in a bad spot.  However, if you are unwilling to call the local police for assistance, I don't know what you expect anyone else to do.

Is it better to join the Army as a 31B (Military Police) or go to a university (but be in a TON of debt) and major in CJ to become a police officer? Also, would a two-year degree in CJ be okay, or would a need a full four-year degree? Thank you.

Asked by Joey over 10 years ago

I've touched on these topics before.  In brief:

1.  Every department's hiring standards are different.  Contact the agency you would want to work for and see what their requirements are.  Most are looking for a two year degree or military experience.  A few want a four year degree.

2.  All other things being equal, the military experience is far more valuable than the piece of paper from some college.

3.  A CJ major is not needed to get hired, even if a department requires a college degree.  Consider picking a major with practical application beyond law enforcement.

4.  Debt is bad.  Student debt is extremely bad.  A cops salary will not pay off a student loan very quickly at all.  Student debt is one of the major problems with the economy in this country now.

If I was just starting out, I would join the military and work on my two-year degree while I was active duty.  Then I would come out with a head start on college plus the GI bill if I wanted to continue that.  If I wanted to jump right into police work, I would have the experience plus a two year degree.  Many departments offer a tuition reimbursement program, so you could go to work for a PD, continue college on their dime and save the GI bill for an advanced school if you so desired.

For example, 4 years military gets the GI bill and a two year degree.  4 years as a law enforcement officer and you get your bachelors degree.  Then you could use your GI bill to get a law degree if you wanted.  Just my thoughts.

i live in texas and thinking of going to the angelina college regional police academy as soon as i get fit and when in dont with that would i have to do training and what would i expect in training.

Asked by monica duncan over 10 years ago

This is a good starting point: http://www.sjpd.org/BFO/FieldTraining/home.html

What can I do about my soon to be ex husband selling my personal property without telling or asking me first?

Asked by Chyna Stuart over 10 years ago

Talk to your divorce attorney.

I an epilepsy 3 years ago and now its under 100% control by medication (which has no side effects) according to Neurologist testimony.Could this disqualify me from becoming a police officer? (i live in California).Thank you so much.

Asked by Leoman over 10 years ago

It might.  You should contact the California POST: http://www.post.ca.gov/

I got DQ for the Highway Patrol because I threatened my girlfriends ex. Will this follow me if I apply to other agencies?

Asked by Tony Guzman almost 11 years ago


Can a correctional officer marry someone who went to jail years ago in there past, completed their probation and restitution fine? I used to live with her for 2 yrs while she was on probation. Her past did not affect my hiring process.

Asked by Paris almost 11 years ago

There is no law against it that I am aware of.  You should check with your department regs if you are worried about your job.

I have wanted to become a police officer since I was a child, however I also want to go to university, so I wanted to get a degree that would help. What degree would you recommend?

Asked by Jimmy over 10 years ago

Contact the department you wish to work for and see if they require a degree.  I would recommend the least expensive degree possible, as they will largely be useless in law enforcement.  You can read through my prior answers for additional information on college degrees and law enforcement.

can i go to go if they call me in as a missing person since im 18

Asked by maria almost 11 years ago

Most 18 year olds are considered an adult.  You can still be reported as a missing person.

If you want to avoid problems, you should act like an adult and tell your parents that you are fine, but you have moved out.

If you fall into a variety of special categories (such as under court order), you might not be able to move out.  Chances are you would know if one of those applied to you.

If you have additional questions, you should contact an attorney or the local law enforcement agency.

hi i dont know if you are know the app kik but pedophile messaged me claiming to be a girl and then and when i called him out a miny verbal war started then he started threating me that im going to be shot is it possible to trace him?

Asked by Tyler bennett over 10 years ago

You should report credible threats of violence to the local police.

is it legal in Minnesota for a man to video record my 16 year old son in his own back yard? We find it hard to enjoy our backyard for fear he is recording us.

Asked by cathy mauer over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

Can you go into more detail about the procedures that help officers in trouble get on the radio if there is less important talk going on? (You said "yes" but not examples.) Thank you!

Asked by 123 about 11 years ago

Some things I will not share as it could impact officer safety.  Thanks for your understanding.

Are the police taught to try and arrest armed criminals away from the public at all costs? For example, say the police have tracked a dangerous fugitive to a restaurant, would they wait until he leaves the restaurant to arrest him, or go right in?

Asked by Sam I almost 11 years ago

Officers are trained to protect the public.  Each incident is differerent, and the risk to the public could be greater by allowing him to leave the restaurant.  For example, what if he is parked by the front door and has a bomb in the vehicle?  It might be safer to take him down inside.

There is no way to control a situation and completely protect the public.  That is an unrealistic, but common, view.  Officers will take reasonable actions based on the information they have at the time.  

Is it true that a Police Officers must be tasered and/or pepper sprayed before graduating the police academy?

Asked by Lucas over 10 years ago


In response to my previous question, I was also thinking about an engineering degree. Would that be useful also? I'm sure you don't get this enough, thanks for your service and all that you do. I wish there were more people like you in the world.

Asked by Jimmy over 10 years ago

An engineering degree would be of limited use to a police officer.  If you like engineering, do that (it pays better and is a much safer occupation.)  You can always be a reserve police officer on the weekends.

Just in case you'd be interested (or anyone else) here's the San Diego study/report on single vs. double units: http://www.policefoundation.org/content/patrol-staffing-san-diego-one-or-two-officer-units-0

Asked by Jet over 10 years ago

Thanks for listing it!

My mother in law keeps telling my fiance, her son. That she brought him to the world she can take him out with out being arrested. She has also made threats to me. To the point where we had to move out but she still says this to us. What do I do?

Asked by smalls9292 over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.

If police just show up to a girls house, and speak with their mom, and they tell her she has to come into the police station as a summons, and the mother says that 1 minute before they showed up she saw her ex drive past the house, what is going on?

Asked by DS over 10 years ago

I don't know. You should ask the officers on scene.

Would admitting to welfare fraud, 4 years ago in Pennsylvania state cause a person to be arrested during the florida police officer application process?

Asked by InquiringMind almost 11 years ago

Without the specifics of what you did, I don't know what the statute of limitations are for whatever crime you might have comiitted.  

I was wondering I am 16 and pregnant. I don't think It would be safe to keep my baby at home due to money issues. Is there anyway I can move out with getting caught up with the law in Missouri. I'm wanting to move in with my boyfriend.

Asked by Nikki over 10 years ago

I'd suggest contacting a family law attorney in your state.

So it's okay that they put down concrete on their lawn, 10 feet into my property, which caused water runoff that flooded my basement more than once? Plus they leave lit camp fires outside over night right next to building supplies.

Asked by Jackson over 10 years ago

As was probably already explained to you, it is a civil issue.  Contact an attorney and sue them if you so desire.

I think I ran a red light. It turned red after my front wheels were past the stop line. The camera flashed at that point and another flashed when I was in the middle of the innersection. Will I receive a ticket in the mail?

Asked by Bob over 10 years ago

I don't know.

I don't drive but I am now 21 years old, I have a horizontal learners permit. Is that an ok form of ID?

Asked by collegegirl over 10 years ago

A state issued ID is acceptable for proving your age.

Thanks for the answer. So as far as being highly prepared for a life-threatening incident like the ones I mentioned, how can this be done? (I guess owning a gun would be on the list, but what are some other things?) Thanks.

Asked by 342or over 10 years ago

Criminals are generally lazy.  So, to reduce the chances of a criminal breaking into your home, make things more difficult for them.  Consider things like

- good locks, door and windows

- a security system

- a camera system

- good night time lighting

- trimming back overgrown landscaping that can help conceal them

- own a large dog (or two)

Of course, all of these things are merely persuasive in nature.  A determined criminal won't care about any of them and will still attempt to break in and harm you.  In that case, having a plan and means to protect yourself and your family is needed.  That might include a firearm - but that is a personal decision.

If you own or are thinking about owning a gun for self-defense, get training.  A local concealed weapon class is not training.  Good training will generally run two days or longer and will give you the basic skills needed to use a firearm under extremely stressful conditions.  

There are a variety of trainers out there that can help such as Paul Carlson http://www.safetysolutionsacademy.com/ , Grant Cunningham http://www.personalsecurity.us/ , and Massad Ayoob http://massadayoobgroup.com/ .

What's the purpose of plastic/disposable handcuffs?


Asked by Jobstr over 10 years ago

They are for the temporary restraint of suspects who are being detained or arrested.

I am 18 and live with my grandparents. My grandmother is forcing me to go to church she says if I don't go she will punish me. Is it illegal for her to force me to go to church? "Freedom of religion?"

Asked by Josh over 10 years ago

You need to take responsibility for your own life.  Move out, get a job and your own place.  There is no reason why you should be complaining about any restrictions placed on your continued stay in their house and on their dime.  If you don't like it, hit the door.

Also, you clearly have no understanding of the US Constitution if you think the First Amendment applies to this situation.

My husband is driving a car that's not his. (Without an license)& If it is parked in front of our house can I call the police to come and investigate it?

Asked by Concerned wife over 10 years ago

If you believe you husband is driving a stolen car, feel free to call the police.

In places where open-carry is allowed for guns, are there limits to how these people can hold their guns? (For example, they can't wave them or point them in certain directions/) Thanks.

Asked by John almost 11 years ago

Of course.  Putting others in reasonable fear for their safety could be classified as assault, brandishing or some other crime depending on the state.

A gun in a holster cannot put others in reasonable fear for their safety unless it is combined with some other act on the part of the carrier (like saying "I'm going to kill you" while reaching for it.)  However, waving a gun around or pointing it at someone is not lawful open carry.  It is stupid, reckless and possibly criminal.

If I spent real life money on something online and somebody does not deliver through on their end, can I charge them?

Asked by Jamie over 10 years ago

It could be civil or criminal. You should contact your local police department to see if it is a crime.

If someone calls 911 and they're in immediate danger (home invasion, someone trying to kill them) and seconds count, are there different dispatching methods used than the usual methods to get someone to respond ASAP?

Asked by 342or over 10 years ago

Not really different methods, just a different priority.  In such a circumstance, that call should be prioritized and the next available unit(s) would be dispatched.

Keep in mind that even under the best of circumstances, police will still be minutes away.  You have to be responsible for your own safety and survival.  The old phrase "when seconds count, police are only minutes away" is true.  It is simply impossible for officers to be everywhere, and the idea that they can protect you as an individual is a myth.

would a police department in Maine call a family member in Ohio to find out where the family member in Maine is due to an illegally parked car? He was only at the pond fishing (he says) parked in a no parking zone. We have no relationship with police

Asked by kim almost 11 years ago

Yes, it is completely reasonable for officers to call out of state family members in an effort to find out where someone is.  I don't know what the circumstances were in this case, but if I found a car parked illegally near a body of water, I might be concerned that:

 - someone is broken down and in need of help,

 - someone has a mental health or depression issue and could be a danger to themselves (I've seen a lot of people gravitate toward the water when looking to harm themselves), 

 - the car has been involved in some type of crime where the owner/family member was a victim.

I don't know what the circumstances were, nor do either of us know what the officers were observing on scene.  Sounds like the family member was ok, so it sounds like it all worked out.

Did you go to university? If so what did you study? Has it helped you at all in law enforcement. You are mad swole man my role model next to Jesus

Asked by Trevor almost 11 years ago

I did go to a university to study aerospace engineering.  I changed majors to criminal justice, though that was a mistake.  Some type of college degree may be needed to be hired, but I strongly suggest getting a degree in something not related to law enforcement.  I cover some of the reasons above, but generally, you need skills beyond police work in the event you leave the job (maybe you decide police work is not right for you, you are injured and can't work, etc.)

Thanks for the props.  But, I am just a man, and do not compare to Jesus.  He is the Lord. 

Asked by over 11 years ago


So there isn't an academy or course officers take on how to train the k9s then work as a k9 trainer?

Asked by Alessandro Ferri over 10 years ago


If the issuer of a restraining order (tpo/ violates the tpo to tell the prosecutor to stay 300 feet, and hours after the confrontation the prosecuter breaks the restraing order.(both are minors)

Asked by Ty over 10 years ago


If the issuer of a restraining order (tpo/ violates the tpo to tell the prosecutor to stay 300 feet, and hours after the confrontation the prosecutor breaks the restraing order.what is the punishment for the issuer if she is a minor?

Asked by Ty over 10 years ago


Can I become a German police officer if I am an immigrant?

Asked by parinaz over 10 years ago


my friend Is being abused and held hostal in her own home by an ex boyfriend/also the father of her daughter. He moved out the apartment a few months ago he still has his key and when ever she tries to go out he doesn't let her. What does she do?

Asked by William over 10 years ago


Asked by Julian over 10 years ago


Asked by Jon over 10 years ago