School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Why do kids and teens freak out over even a minor change? If it’s not something their used to you will have at least have of them freak out most of the time I noticed. Or have you not witnessed that?

Asked by Good person about 5 years ago

It depends on the kids and the route and the driver. When i was subbing on routes, i got to know several routes regularly as well as the kids on those routes. Once the kids were confident that i knew what i was doing, they often treated me like they did their regular driver.

Should I call the bus barn after the bus took off and the neighbors could not get their lunch because she honked then drove off as soon as they came out. I don't know how much money they have and that driver could have caused them to miss a meal

Asked by Jay almost 5 years ago

Being that some systems are on a certain schedule, it's likely the parent has been notified of when the bus will be there to drop food. If you did witness this, the neighborly thing to do would be to check on the family and ask if you can help them by calling the bus barn. It's hard to say whether or not they've already been told "be out at x time we will be there at y time" just like a normal bus stop. I would err on the side of caution and be polite with a phone call.

Hi what are some things that you think would make school buses more efficient and how do you do your pre trip inspection?

Asked by Merry about 5 years ago

Good question. I would love a way to check brake lights and back up lights without having to have two drivers. Newer buses have an exterior light check button that the driver can press and it flashes all the lights in sequence so you can see that they're active and available. As for other efficiency concerns, that is left up to the individual driver for customization.

How do I not get a certain sub again? I always get complaints on her and she messes with seat controls, changes the radio station, leaves windows down, climate controls, etc. I also get a lot of negative feedback about her.

Asked by Glynn about 5 years ago

So you expect a sub to not adjust a seat and mirrors to help them do their jobs? Things like that are a safety concern for the students. If a sub cannot see adequately out the mirrors and out the dash board you are putting the kids at risk. As far as leaving windows down, the sub should put the windows up. Radio stations are an easy fix. Have the driver put their favorite stations on a separate band. Generally radios have 3 bands of FM radio available. When they plan to be out, simply inform them to switch the band that way their presets are not messed with.

You know every Karen in the neighborhood wants their kid to be the first one home so she can get them to soccer practice

Asked by 7390875r almost 5 years ago

Well Karen, go sit in the parent pick up line yourself. Lol.

Have you been doing any kind of work during this COVID-19 deal? If so what have you been doing meals or parking buses so kids can get on WIFI just things I have heard of

Asked by 02938457 almost 5 years ago

As of now our district is not using us bus drivers yet. We don't have wifi on our buses though i wish we did.

Well bad. I heard she goes on rants, raves, and tirades and that she is really mean. That she has broken things and there are roomers of her putting her hands on people. Any advice thanks. Sorry for making it two questions I wanted to tell the story.

Asked by Ryan about 5 years ago

If she does put her hands on people, that's not okay. But consider your actions on the bus and try to get the other kids on your bus to stop acting out. Being mean for the sake of being mean is one thing but being mean but also being fair is another. If she holds everyone to the same standards then you may find you actually like her.