School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

What do you think of walk outs or a day where many drivers don’t go to work? Are you for it or do you think they should do their job or find another one? Have you ever took part in something like that?

Asked by ???? ???? about 5 years ago

Some states do not allow walking off a job or striking. It can be viewed as insubordination and can put someone's job at risk. If you want to make changes, best to petition for them properly through the right channels. I have not participated in a walk out or strike because i value my job and have some dignity.

Hello, is your district ever going to have you deliver meals to kids like the ice cream truck or naw?

Asked by Bro almost 5 years ago

I wish we could but right now the answer is no.

Also, I assume drivers get a lot of days off since they can get subs would I be right or wrong?

Asked by 05689 almost 5 years ago

Even in this crisis we still have a driver shortage.

Is the think gold line flag for bus drivers?

Asked by Cecil almost 5 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what the gold line flag stands for.

Is there a way for bus drivers to satisfy everyone? Parent A: BUS IS TOO LATE AT 7 MY KID HAS BAND PRACTICE AND I GO TO WORK EARLY PARENT B WELL 6:45 IS TOO EARLY MY KID HAS TO DO THIS THIS AND THIS AND IS NOT FAIR TO MAKE HIM GET UP AT 5! then if you switch the route to get a kid home quicker becuase their the last stop then the another parent gets mad. Then more get mad is there a way to make everyone happy?

Asked by 7390875r almost 5 years ago

Unfortunately most bus routes are set in such a way to accommodate the majority of students. Don't like the time the bus comes? Find another ride to school. We live in a "me first" society and parents need to understand that they are not the center of the universe. That being said, I do attempt to accommodate on a case by case basis if its feasible and will not disrupt the route as a whole.

Would my district change the write up system from the drivers would choose how many days off the bus change to it has to got through a administrator who may or may not do anything and could even go all out and give a extreme punishment. I know some drivers have abused the system or not used it at all but how is this better?

Asked by 933738292 over 5 years ago

I wish we had this system. It would cut out the middle man, though I think that some oversight is needed if a driver does abuse it, like if a child has been written up more than 3 times and kicked off the bus, then future issues need to be handled through administration and driver collaboration. The problem facing drivers is that parents refuse to see their child could be a problem.

Is there a shortage becuase most districts are choosing beggars? They want a specific type of person and strict hiring qualifications but don't pay well and have to put up with kids, parents, traffic, and all the rest of it.

Asked by Ninja almost 5 years ago

There's a shortage because it is hard to find someone who is willing to put up with all that we put up with for the low pay we get. Often times we make even less than food service workers and janitorial staff and are expected to have all the qualifications to ensure the children get from home to school and back again safely. Couple that with a severe lack of discipline follow through on the school administration part and it's a vicious cycle.