School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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What is your biggest pet peeves kids or teens do?

Asked by Angela over 4 years ago

Mostly when they outright disrespect the adult in charge. It bugs me because they feel they don't need to face consequences for their behavior and actions. It further irritates me when their parents defend the ugly behavior too.

What do I do about the summer school bus honking waking me up at seven every morning

Asked by Jerry over 4 years ago

Wake up earlier then it won't wake you up?

Do you go by your first or last name? Why with teachers and a lot of other school staff the majority go by the last name but most bus drivers go by their first and only a few go by their last name.

Asked by Tommy over 4 years ago

My first name. Here in the south it's common for kids to call an adult Mr. Or Ms. Firstname as a form of respect.

You live in the south Hu? WILL SWEET PATATO PIE SHUT YOUR MOUTH??????????

Asked by Ndndnjddjj over 4 years ago

Potato. And i prefer pumpkin.

Why did my white woman bus driver wright up a black kid for racism after he said “nigga” to his homie. He was not being racist and the bus driver said “it does not matter and just a shortened version it’s still racist”.

Asked by Jacob Amith over 4 years ago

Gotta side with the driver on this one dawg. Being racist wasn't the issue the issue was inappropriate language. So sit down, shut it, and quit being foul mouthed with your homies

So they moved the date school starts again. This time to Aug. 20. I know summer school is in progress but this seems like it will never blow over will it? These people predicting COVID-19 are worse then weather men liars. Not just for schools but everything

Asked by Concerned citizen over 4 years ago

The date school starts is dependent on each state and individual district. Right now my district is on track to start back but if numbers keep rising, we're going to be back in isolation again.

When do you think schools should start and how? There are so many options such as just do it normal, staggered schedules (many options inside this one), hybrid, use social distancing guidelines but have normal schedules, or something else?

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago

Personally, they should be doing hybrid or virtual where possible. If companies still won't let their employees be in person then why are we asking our kids and teachers to take that same risk?