School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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So do buses have radios that can communicate with other districts transportation. Let’s say there is a trip like sports and multiple buses from various districts are on it. Could they communicate?

Asked by Ryan over 4 years ago

We generally have our radios set to communicate with our own districts drivers but not with other districts. It would be kinda cool if this could be worked out.

Why is my driver is on a tight schedule that he can leave me at my stop but he can pull over all the time to berate us?

Asked by Zack over 4 years ago

Because you're supposed to be at the stop ahead of time.

What is something that other drives do that you drive you up the wall. I know you mentioned drives playing on the CB and arriving at the schools too early. Why and what are some other things?

Asked by Jane over 4 years ago

Tattle on each other for menial things that really are not a big deal in the first place. An example of this is a post on social media that they don't agree with so they take it to the boss to get the other person in trouble. It's childish and stupid.

My school is being the biggest pain in the ass! I have no idea what is going on. So there is the “Social distancing” bullshit and I don’t know what time my kid gets on the bus. Just the secondary routes are 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30!!! Not

Asked by ANGRY PARENT over 4 years ago

Even including pm routes. Confusing and this is a mess I can’t have my child in online for the same reason I can’t homeschool because some people have work!!!!!!! I’m tired of the COVID-19 hoax what about you and what do we do? Me and my husband also have to be at work at 8:00 so I can’t take them. I would prefer a earlier route I mean I don’t want to have to get my kids up at 4:00 in the morning either but I definitely can’t have it too late like 7:00 or later is a no go. (Question continued)

I will answer your full question here. First the virus is not a hoax by any means but massive biological warfare released by people with ill intent. There have been deaths attributed to the virus and there are other things at play that make it more than just political.

Unfortunately we as drivers are only able to do what our districts are allowing us or requiring us to do due to the CDC standards and recommendations for social distancing and other guidelines. This does mean that busing and school as we know it are going to be different and everyone is going to have to make a change. Also with the potential for high risk of infection from this virus there is the very real possibility that children will be quarantined multiple times because either their peer got sick, their teacher got sick, or other mitigating factors. Normal as we once knew it is not going to happen at least not this year and in the immediate future.

Please do not get angry at us as we all try to make adjustments. You can try to politely ask for the route time that best suits your family but keep in mind others are choosing much the same thing or going to request similar. We cannot accommodate everyone perfectly at all times and sometimes it just has to be one way over the other. We all have to be patient as we work out the new normal. Sadly it may come down to you driving your own kids for drop off at the school because riding the bus is a privilege not a right. So please work with us amd and we will try to work with you.

Sorry to add to your interesting jumble of questions lol. So is it appropriate for a driver who has a long country route to let a kid use the bathroom behind a tree? Or let a kid use a relatives bathroom (if nearby)

Asked by Cynthia over 4 years ago

Behind a tree, maybe. It depends on the judgement call of the driver and gaining permission from the parents of the child. Again same with a relative of the child. It also depends on the age of the child and whether or not the child has the cognitive ability to be independent in that matter. I'm less likely to allow a 5 year old to do that as opposed to a 16 yr old.

What is the joke on putting “My Other Vehicle Is A School Bus” that people put on smart cars and motorcycles.

Asked by Dake over 4 years ago

Some people do that to be funny I guess?

why do bus drivers drive so fast?

Asked by Ronnie over 4 years ago

Its a misconception that drivers are driving fast because of the size of the bus. If a bus driver is exceeding the speed limit though please do report them.