School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Do you work another job(s) besides driving a bus?

Asked by 12qwe almost 5 years ago

At the moment, I don't but in the past I have held side jobs or other part time employment. I do have a few side hustles that bring in a little extra education.

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Asked by DOO TOOO DOO TIE almost 5 years ago

Thanks but I think I'll stick to this platform

Why do bus drivers sometimes bounce in their seats

Asked by bus rider almost 5 years ago

That's due to the driver having an air ride seat. The air ride seat allows the seat itself to cushion against the imperfections in the road. It's kinda like riding a horse if we hit a bumpy part of the road. It saves our backs from hurting as bad after our long routes.

Why is my district going on a firing spree? I read the board minutes and they are just firing people but here is the thing they are hiring as well

Asked by Jason almost 5 years ago

Summer is usually the time for staff turnover. Thats when people retire, find other jobs, transfer from one school to another (middle school to elementary etc) and in the rare case, the district will terminate those who didn't perform to their standards or who left without intentions to return.

Sometimes in other rare instances, a school board might be considering switching contractors. In the case of bus drivers, this happens more often in larger districts where companies like Durham and First Student bid on a contract and most of the time there is informal hiring and firing of employees as they transfer the contract services.

Sorry if this is a bit long but. We had a incident with a driver from the football team a few years back. We had this older lady who was really mean. So what happened was well I guess she yelled non stop at the foot ball players, the few cheerleaders, as well as even one of the adults on the bus all the way to the game. When they coaches, teachers, and sharpens would try to solve a problem so she would not get so mad she would immediately start screaming at whoever they where getting onto. I guess she went on a rant about her job, how bad they all are, and how they think their so rough and cool. This in it of its self is really nothing to write home about because sometimes drivers yell whatever. This lady though was cussing at times and when they got to the school they where going to play at the coach wanted to be let off at a certain point. The driver refused and there was a huge argument. They where screaming and cussing at eachother and told everyone to get the “F” off her bus and threatened to not pick them back up and they can go charter. This gets better after the game she was really upset the game ran late and threw a fit. She also threw a fit because they smelled bad and that they did not take a shower threaten to pull over at a truck stop and make them shower. She also made them go back to the school with the windows down at 70 miles per hour (roughly). She also argued with parents at the school.

Asked by Ryan over 4 years ago

First yes she should be reprimanded or at least told her behavior is unacceptable. Sometimes our jobs suck but it isn't appropriate to take it out on the kids or other adults on the bus. If she really hated her job that much then she shouldn't drive a bus. That being said the only issue where she might be in the right would be where the coach wanted the team dropped off. Sometimes as drivers we are given separate instructions on how to unload and where to safely unload.

What are things that delay buses the most? I would assume weather, maintenance, trains, traffic, wrecks, no sub, bus driver late for work, having to pick up other passengers on other routes, etc. What do you think is the most and did I miss any?

Asked by YOUR BFF LOL almost 5 years ago

Weather, traffic, and trains are my top three followed by shortage of staff issues. It's no secret that there's been a bus driver shortage lately mainly due to the behavior of the kids and the low pay offered to put up with the behavior issues. Rarely a maintenance issue pops up, but it does happen. Even the most "on time" bus driver can be late.

Is there any districts or bus companies that don’t require and diploma OR equivalent? It seems like most do and I understand wanting people to have it but I figure the more requirements the less people they will have to pull from with shortages

Asked by Calhon over 4 years ago

Equivalent is experience. Most bus driving jobs and jobs today in general require a minimum of a highschool diploma. This should be industry standard across the board.