School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Question, have you ever been in a situation where a blizzard on a long trip has you stranded out of state and they shut the highway down. What did or would you do? Would you drive until they shut it down or pull over when would you feel unsafe to drivers

Asked by Jake From State Farm at 3:00 in the morning over 4 years ago

No i haven't been in that situation but i have been in a situation where immediate weather has forced me to stop driving for a period for the safety of my bus kids. It's always safer to stop and shelter in place or seek out a secure building in those situations.

Why is my kids lunch being delivered late? It was 11;00 but now it is like 1, 2, even 4:00 once

Asked by Dave almost 5 years ago

Sometimes delays happen due to shortages of staff or an inability to function due to more restrictions for the safety of students and drivers and other staff. Just be patient. This covid-19 stuff is all new to us.

What is it like driving in severe weather? I don't know if you live in Dixie Alley or not but I assume you have had storms and I have seen you have in these question. So what is it like?

Asked by Kevin almost 5 years ago

It's scary. Especially since we have children to consider and think about when we are on the bus. I always have a back up plan ready to implement depending on where I am in town in order to keep the children safe.

What is the worst thing that has happend on your bus?

Asked by Tommy almost 5 years ago

I had a fight where I had to call the cops to take the kids off the bus.

Have you ever been in a bad wreck on the bus before?

Asked by Jon almost 5 years ago

No, thank goodness, though I have been involved in a few fender benders. Minor incidents, minimal damage.

I have heard a lot about bus drivers refusing to take protesters to jail. What do you think about it and if you where asked (even though you are a school bus driver not a transit) but would you do it?

Asked by Dianna almost 5 years ago

Truthfully no I wouldn't unless our system paid us to collaborate with officers. Generally they don't mix our professions because of liability reasons.

Should someone complain if kids are being made to sit four to a seat and people in the floors and everything? My friend said his bus was like that and the driver just gave up caring because they would not give them another bus and no one would try and get another ride to school when they could

Asked by funny almost 5 years ago

Yes. They should complain to the district and the bus barn. The driver is not at fault because of the way the district is forcing the overcrowding issues and refusal to accommodate time schedules at the schools. It also doesn't help when parents yell at the driver too. Take it higher and the driver might actually get some relief on the overcrowding.