School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Hi so let’s play a game. I am a lot like you I think there is a driver for every route. Just like there is a teacher for every class, a coach for every kid, etc! So can you tell me which driver would belong in the best route. From well behaved routes, to mediocre, to horrible, to special needs, subs, and all the routes in between. Let’s begin.
Driver A: Very mean, old, cranky, and cantankerous old woman. She has been at this job for years and is not getting any nicer. Constantly yelling and writing people up and going on rants, raves, tirades, and breading people. Better not get on her bad side.
Driver B: Very sweet old woman been doing this job for years. She is like the grandmother of bus drivers. Spoiling the kids giving them candy, soda, and pretty much letting them do whatever. As long as they don’t cross that line you know you don’t wanna get spanked by granny so to speak.
Driver C: Overly professional, serious, and very by the book. You mess up your get written up. This driver don’t play but the driver is not l really mean either.
Driver D: This driver is young and tries too hard to be funny. Very nice but also a bit bossy. New driver
Driver E: This lady has been here a few years. This lady is the lady who this job was not all she thought it would be. She constantly complains about her job. She comes at the very last minute to pick kids up and is constantly late. She usually does well with the kids but quick to write people up.
Driver F: This old man former military and is a drill sergeant. That is what he is known for
Driver G: If he is not first he is last. Bus driving is like NASSCAR. Constantly leaves kids, is one of the first buses and the school, and a bit quick to temper. However he is typically pretty nice.
Driver H: Passive aggressive and picks favorites. Your on her good or bad list there is no in between.
Driver H: This lady is just crazy. Always a great story for her kids to tell their friends.
Driver J: Does not like her job and does not even look at the kids. Just rush and get them to school and then back home. Very minimal interaction with the kids.
Driver K: He likes to joke with the kids and play along with what their doing even if it’s a little bad.
Driver L: She thinks she is a boss ass bitch. A self proclaimed strong and independent woman. No one can tell her what to do. If you get on her bad side she will make you suffer.
Driver M: This would be you!
Your the supervisor place drivers on what route you would think would best suit them. Also, for extra fun make more letters.

Asked by Jackson over 4 years ago

Oof that's a lot of types to place. It's hard to say where they should go or what routes they should be on. Some people are just not cut out to drive a bus though.

Oh my gosh do you think this will continue into the future?!

Asked by Jay over 4 years ago

Potentially yes, but remember it's an election year and most of this stuff is due to certain groups getting butthurt.

I have noticed a lot of retired cops are bus drivers. Why is this?

Asked by Andria over 4 years ago

Just like most people, when some retire they still have the desire to work and driving a bus is a fairly easy job overall. The kids can be challenging at times but mostly that is due to lack of behavioral support. Some professions are just better than others at dealing with the higher stress levels of bus driving.

What was the worst route you have ever had?

Asked by Davered almost 5 years ago

Wasn't really a route but a field trip from hell.

Is it normal for a bus driver to have three routes? The Early route which is HS, then your MIDDLE SCHOOL AND JR HIGH and then High School? What are the time frames of this on a medium distance route?

Asked by Ramy over 4 years ago

Yes. With the shortage of drivers many drivers are pulling double and triple loads. Often school times are staggered start to accommodate. It depends on the district the timing of the buses. Generally buses run from 5:30 am till 10 am it just depends on the district. Same for afternoon runs. Usually the kids who went in early will get released early.

What are some types of questions you wished people would stop asking

Asked by question to all almost 5 years ago

All questions are valid and when a q&a is long like mine is noone wants to wade through all the questions for an answer.

Do your passages students what ever you call them seem to like you? Why do kids always talk bad about adults behind their backs>

Asked by Some dude somwhere almost 5 years ago

They seem to like me. Sometimes kids talk behind adults backs because they have to feel better about themselves.