School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

You know what is crazy I noticed a few drivers got fired from his driving. Why do you think they where fired? Don’t they need drives why would the do something stupid like fire bus drivers?

Asked by Jannie over 4 years ago

It depends on the situation. If the driver made a comment on social media that doesn't line up with the school system's beliefs then the system has the ability to and right to separate from the individual.

By the way people sitting on peoples laps and when you are on a bumpy road it is like getting a lap dance YUCKY

Asked by funny almost 5 years ago


i'm sure over the years you have seen plenty of drivers come and go. What qualities and traits do you see with most drivers who stay verses quit or be fired with in a few years and someitmes mid year. I

Asked by Waylan over 4 years ago

Patience patience patience.

What is the double standard of bus drivers (other adults) to kids, ageist? They can eat, drink, chew gum, cuss, yell, dance in the seat, listen to whatever music, etc while kids can’t do any of that because the bus driver (or other adult) is a adult

Asked by June Bug over 4 years ago

Generally i try to make things fair. I do not do anything that i wouldn't allow my bus kids to do.

Are the Jobstr guys still doing anything on this site or is it a abandoned project? I sent them a email and they said they read everything and NOTHING. I am worried once the last of you who actually still answer regularly once their gone this site is dead

Asked by Bddnndndn over 4 years ago

I have no clue.

Why do some high schoolers who can drive their own selves to school ride the bus just to cause trouble and get mad when there are rules? Like your own car you can make whatever rule you want but you ride the bus sorry you can't eat, drink, cuss, etc

Asked by Entitled Warrior almost 5 years ago

Sometimes kids have parents who take that stuff away and force them to ride the bus. Other times, it's not as common to find a kid who just rides to cause trouble. Usually if they're causing trouble, they did something to deserve being on the bus in the first place.

Also, what is the best thing to call the people who ride your bus? Kids, students, passages or something else? What do you usually call them?

Asked by Dayton over 4 years ago

Passengers, riders, students.