Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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I mean it would not surprise me that they would be hated but I hear it all the time. I would think that CO’s would intervene in instances but sometimes I would think things would happen to quickly. Are they ever in separate hosing or protective custody?

Asked by Kyle over 4 years ago

Sometimes sex offenders are placed in specialized housing where pretty much everybody there is a sex offender. I think they call it "special needs" now rather than "protective custody." The department tries real hard not to load up on special needs housing because the administration of such housing is a pain in the ass.

Do you ever watch Officer 401 on YouTube

Asked by Hot dog eater over 4 years ago

Nope. Never. Never even heard of it until now.

Do inmates celebrate Christmas?

Asked by Andy over 4 years ago

The Christian ones do. The Muslims and Jews, not so much. Pagans celebrate the Winter Solstice which happens near Christmas, but not right on Christmas.

Hi, I know this is a sensitive question for you but I am curious have you ever for any reason killed someone on the job either accidentally or on purpose and why

Asked by Tina over 4 years ago

No. It ALMOST came up once but by the time I got the rifle up the situation had resolved itself.

Why are you pointing a gun at me sir?

Asked by Tim over 4 years ago

Somebody has to do it. You could be dangerous.

Have prisoners ever taught you anything?

Asked by Dan over 4 years ago

Not that I specifically recall, no. I am sure it happened, but just wasn't very noteworthy.

Are felonies and misdemeanor people share the same prison cell in Maryland

Asked by Sel over 4 years ago

NO idea. Never been there. In most states there are legal problems with housing misdemeanants and felons together.