I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.
A great many people only see RACE when you have negative interaction between White people and not-White people. Since they knew each other it is just as possible it was a personal issue, or even simply an asshole cop issue. But a lot of people get political power out of it being a race issue. (Plus maybe it was.)
By taking a civil service exam. For some people it is the family business, some people are just looking for a steady job that isn't likely to go away. The structure appeals to some. Some people get off on thumping prisoners.
I am not mentally deranged nor am I a politician-whore, so NO I do not.
i have no information on the management of Jobstr. Sorry.
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Investment Banker
A few. Ronald Regan once (when he was Governor of CA). Jerry Brown a couple of times, when he was Governor and I was on the Board of Directors of the Correctional Officer's union. Father Kelly, a well-known child molester who was a prisoner at the prison I worked at. A couple of members of the Bechtel family (the construction people). A few higher ups within the DOC in CA. Several other famous (notorious) prisoners a time or two.
Don't get many tornados in CA. Fires are not too much of a problem, it is hard to burn reinforced concrete. Contents can make for a very smoky fire, bad for the guys in the cell, but its not like it will burn the building down. I was there for the World Series earthquake. We did a count right after to make sure nobody was injured, checked the fence for damage, then went on about our business. .
All kinds. Most of the on-going drama was person as opposed to job related. Sick family, dying family, dead family, personal relationships turning to crap, that sort of thing. Work getting in the way of family. Family getting in the way of work. Usual stuff.
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