Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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Is it true that people who say are child molesters, rapists, murders, people who do really bad things are beaten, raped, and treated horribly versus people who are in on drug charges and other things that aren’t the end of the world so to speak

Asked by Kyle over 4 years ago

Used to be VERY common in "the old days." Now there are so many child molesters and general purpose sex offenders locked up in relation to the general population the other convicts would spend all day thumping on them and never get anything else done.

Hey homie bro why are so many COs on their high horses and think their better then the prisoners yo? Cuz that don’t make no sense bro we pepppe too bro

Asked by Ramon over 4 years ago

Might be because we are smart enough or "good enough" to not be convicted felons and, at the end of the day, we get to go home to our families while the prisoners don't. That doesn't mean that prisoners aren't people. It does mean that they are criminals and we are not.

Bob, if you had to do it all over again what occupation would you have chosen?

Asked by Neal Bracken over 4 years ago

Same one. It was a different time. I might not do it today.

Do you think not wearing a mask should be a crime or do you think people who create these laws, ordinances, policies, etc should be the ones arrested

Asked by Jamie about 4 years ago

Assuming it can be proven, or at least convincingly demonstrated, that the current level of medical science says mask DO substantially inhibit the spread of Covid-19 I have no problem with it being a law. Of course as far as I know in most locations it is NOT a law, it is an administrative order enacted by a governor, mayor etc. We have been dealing with this for a year now. There is enough time for legislative bodies to have made up their minds and taken action. I have no problem with using administrative or executive action for a relatively short period of time to deal with something new or unexpected. Doing it long-term is not a great idea, for what my opinion may be worth. I also have no problem with property owners saying that YOU MUST WEAR A MASK TO COME INTO MY STORE-RESTAURANT-WHATEVER. If you don't like it, take your business elsewhere.

How do you make prison chips?

Asked by Miya over 4 years ago

since i have no idea what that is, i have no idea. (sounds like the beginning line of a joke in all honesty)

Have you ever had a IA or HR investigation against you? What where complaints usually about? Was it prisoners usually bitter they where locked up so they took it out on you? Possibly other co workers?

Asked by Cole over 4 years ago

Actually NO. Inmates complain Constantly about Everything. Most of those complaints take the form of inmate grievances, filed on a 602 form. This can be anything from I AM NOT GETTING MY LAUNDRY BACK to THE COPS ARE MESSING WITH MY MAIL to THE FOOD SUCKS. I have only had one of these directed go me personally, over a mail issue from when I was working in the mail room. Some guy was writing to a girl on the streets and had her convinced he was a fighter pilot and the prison was actually an Air Force base. She tried to mail him a package, which was sent back as it was unauthorized. She made a beef to the post office who forwarded her beef to the prison. I happened to be the person who responded to the beef, which resulted in her finding out that he was a prisoner and NOT a fighter pilot at an air force base. He was pissed and filed a 602.

Did you get to pick what area you did or did they pick for you?

Asked by Carla over 4 years ago

I am not sure I understand the question. If you mean a particular job assignment, once you get enough seniority you get to bid for a particular job. Not all jobs are open for bid, and you do need a fair bit of seniority to bid for the good ones.