Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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What do you guys do if there is a big fight, someone is being bullied, and other violent activities that happen in prison

Asked by Jim almost 5 years ago

We hardly ever hear about bullying, so we seldom do anything about it.

Large fights we gas the crap out of them. It is hard to fight if you can't see and if you are puking your guts out. If that doesn't work we either shoot them or beat them with clubs. Both are effective.

Why does the BLM not care about the Australian- American woman who was shot by police?

Asked by Dimmie almost 5 years ago

Because she was White and the cop who shot her was a Somali Muslim. Also the cop was convicted and sent to prison..

Are the lock down orders constitutional?

Asked by Dimmie almost 5 years ago

I am not a constitutional lawyer. My understanding of the law is that they are very dubious. A quarantine order, which IS constitutional, is issued by a court or by competent medical authority against a specific named person. None of these lockdown orders do that.

Was there anyone you felt bad for in prison? Maybe someone who was just having a rough patch, someone who you did not think deserved to be in prison, someone who you thought or was innocent, or any other reason? Why or why not?

Asked by John over 4 years ago

The only one I felt even a little bit sorry for was a young fellow who was more than a little mentally deficient who had been manipulated by a older girl to kill a younger girl so the younger girl could not testify against the father in a child rape case. Other than that, not really. It is VERY HARD to get into prison. Almost nobody goes to the joint the first time around.

They crawl out from under the bridges to the public libraries and find sites like this to use for a few hours until the libraries close. Looks like the libraries are open again maybe

Asked by Jess over 4 years ago

There is always the mission downtown, but I don't think their WiFi is as good as the library.

How do you contain prisoners at times when they might get out of hand. Say a fight you have people fighting and then you have opportunists who might try to d something while the guards are distracted. How do you manage mayhem?

Asked by Sammy over 4 years ago

Physical containment is actually fairly effective. You only have so many people in a given area and eventually you will be able to find out who they are. If bodies start dropping you know who was there, or at least who could have been there. Poured in place cement walls, detention quality doors and very good fences do that job fairly well. If push comes to shove we thump on people, use chemical agents or them, or shoot them to make them stop. Eventually they stop.

Have you ever been offered a bribe? What did you do? How often this this happen and did anyone actually take it. I hear it happens all the time inmates will pay them enough and their like “I don’t get paid enough for this” and take it and get caught

Asked by Kale over 4 years ago

I was never offered a bribe. Not once. Various staff members have been caught for dealing with prisoners. Mostly smuggling cigarettes or cell phones. It is very dangerous because too many people find out about it and eventually you will get caught. Then you get fired and probably prosecuted. .