Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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Is it illegal for a player to touch a referee in between plays?

Asked by Joe DellaVecchio about 9 years ago

That depends. I've had a player talk to me and put a hand on my arm as you might to someone in conversation. That's communicating. I've see players say "Nice call" and tap an official's shoulder or back. That's ok. Intentionally contacting an official - pushing, shoving, bumping - that will draw a flag.

Kind of a a strange question here; if an offensive player in possession of the ball gets tackled by a defensive player so hard that his arm that is cradling the ball is dismembered is this a fumble or down since his arm is still holding the ball?

Asked by Mike F over 10 years ago

You are so right. That is strange. And after I finish throwing up, I'd say it is a fumble since the runner no longer has possession....of the ball or his arm. Where did you come up with that!?

What would proceed if a team don't have more timeouts and the coach call for one.

Asked by LFFE almost 10 years ago

The coach is ignored - no timeout is granted. It is not lije hoops where a tech is called.

While a quarterback is moving down the line giving an audible can the ball be direct snapped to the running back and suprising th defense

Asked by Rush5555 over 9 years ago

Yes. Within limits. He cannot be moving forward at the time of the snap. Everyone must have come to a complete stop before he starts to move sideways. But, the basic answer is, yes.

Who won the coin toss Colts or Jets, aug 7 2014

Asked by Smokestack over 10 years ago


On a pass two feet are required to be in bounds for a pass to be ruled complete. Could a player double hop on one foot, with adequate ball control, before going out of bounds and it be considered complete.

Asked by Rich about 10 years ago

You gave the answer: "On a pass two feet are required". And that's two different feet, otherwise it's one foot.

1.What is the most important piece of equipment you use as a referee?

Asked by Jack almost 9 years ago

Odd question. Most of our equipment is simply clothing. Good shoes help. But the most important thing you take onto the field is your brain.