Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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Refs throw flags for a "hit on a defenseless receiver" after the catch is made, the receiver turns his head and takes several steps. Why no flag for Emmanuel Sanders when he lays out for an incompletion and gets creamed without seeing it coming?

Asked by Adam about 9 years ago

I can't answer that - I did not see it. Sorry

In last weeks FL LSU game, the kick holder throws a pass from a 'kneeling' position. Legal or not? His knee was down.

Asked by Henry over 9 years ago

As I answered in another question about this play....Legal. If he went up to catch a high snap, he can still return to hold the snap. He could also throw as you describe. If he stands (for no other reason than he wants to) and then returns to the ground, he is down. Dead ball.

When the punting team keeps the ball from going into the end zone, can a player from the receiving team advance the ball?

Asked by Catch 22 over 9 years ago

No. It is still a kick - by definition - and K cannot advance it.

Is it ever legal for a blocker to grab the jersey of a defender? If not, it sure seems like it happens a lot.

Asked by RJ about 10 years ago

Everybody grabs the opponent's jersey. It's what you do after that that makes a difference. If you pull the player down with a handful of jersey, or you grab and turn the player, you're holding. Grabbing a jersey and driving the man straight ahead? No issue. Two men doing grabbing? Philosophically the offense has committed two players to block one -- who is really at a disadvantage?

A blocker is not allowed to put his hands on the opponents face mask, so why can a running use a stiff arm into the face Masks? This seems inconsistent.

Asked by Ace57 about 9 years ago

The runner can't grab and twist. He can push off the facemask. Hands to the facemask usually involves pushing up under the mask, putting pressure on the opponent's neck and head. It's a judgment call.

How can the field goal holder make a forward pass with his knee on the ground?

Asked by Rpwashington over 9 years ago

Because the rules say he can. And he's the only one. A holder can go up off his knee to get a high snap and bring it down for the hold. Likewise, the fact that he's on the ground when he gets the snap would normally make the ball dead. The holder has special rules (college).

Tackling a player by his long hair is a personal foul and thereby precludes the ability of the tackler from grabbing the jersey from behind. Why does the NFL not mandate a hair within the helmet rule and level the field. This is not fair.

Asked by tommdawg over 10 years ago

I didn't see the game or play and I'm not sure of the NFL rule.  That isn't the rule in HS or college.  The hair is just a part of the body.  Based on hw you describe it, I agree with you.