Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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When a running back uses a stiff arm to the facemask...Shouldn't it be a penalty?? I've notice that linemen get flagged for hands to the face quite often so what would the difference be between that and a stiff arm to the facemask?

Asked by Scott over 10 years ago

A RB stiff arming usually is pushing away the defender. It is not the upward stretching/straining motion that you're talking about with OLs. If a RB were to grab the facemask and twist or hold onto it, then you have a foul.

Is this holding by the offensive lineman?
Is this "unnecessary roughness" unsportsmanlike conduct when he throws the defensive player to the ground like this?

Asked by SwoLy-D over 9 years ago

Uhhh, yes! You pick him up? That's holding even without a rulebook. And tossing him like that? Could easily be called a personal foul or unnecessary roughness. Shows you what TV guys know.

In High School if you have a fake field goal or extra point if the snap is to the holder and his knee is touching the ground can he get up and run or throw the ball or us he down where the snap was caught?

Asked by Brian over 9 years ago

The holder may come up and become a passer. He can also rise up to get a high snap and return to the ground to be the holder - that would not be a downing of the runner.

Can you snap the ball sideways as long as it goes backwards like a lateral. Not between the legs but standing sideways as long as you keep the ball perpendicular to LOS?

Asked by Bravovictor about 11 years ago

Yup.  Using college rule 2-23-1-g: The snap need not be between the snapper's legs; but to be legal, it must be a quick and continuous backward motion. 

And don't use "lateral". The term "lateral" is not used; it's a backward pass.

If the person who has the football has a knee that touches the ground, is he down?

Asked by Ed Gouge over 9 years ago

Generally speaking, in HS and college yes. In the NFL, the player needs to be "down by contact", so if a player is running free and slips or trips in the NFL, he can still get up and continue. In HS and college, the player is down.

in college when a players helmet comes off is the play blown dead then or is it allowed to continue

Asked by millometter over 10 years ago

There are several scenarios to what you ask.  If a ball carrier's helmet comes off, the play is dead immediately.  That's a safety issue.  If anyone else's helmet comes off, they have an opportunity to step away and not participate; the play goes on.  If a player's helmet comes off and he is already engaged (making a play on the runner, in process of making a block) he may continue.  If a player's helmet comes off, he may not continue to play (beyond a step or two) or it is a personal foul.

Watching the Steelers game. During a punt holding was called on the receiving team, and 10 yard penalty was assessed from the end of the run, how would it be assessed if it was returned for a touchdown? Or even a long return?

Asked by over 9 years ago

NFL rules are different but generally, if the foul is behind the "basic spot" (the end of the run) it's marked off from the spot of the foul.