Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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I'm writing a novel about abuse, and am wondering about the terminology of serving papers re: a restraining order. Once the judge signs the order of protection from harassment, how would you phrase what happens next?

Asked by NYINME over 10 years ago

Every state uses different terminology. If you are talking about a domestic violence situation, it will likely be called an 'temporary protection order' or something very similar to it. I'd suggest contacting a victim advocate in the jurisdiction where your novel is taking place.

I received a text from someone claiming to be a detective from an out of state department (Florida) and claimed to be on a nation wide task force. Is there a way of verifying this information? I don't believe I have done anything wrong.

Asked by person over 11 years ago

Yes, call the department he/she works for to confirm his/her identity.  It could be a scam.

Is it illegal to fill an application giving fake phone number and name or have post redirected to another adress so they can not send out bills

Asked by Wolf girl over 11 years ago

Yes, it is called fraud.  It is a kind of theft - taking something (a service or property) that doesn't belong to you.  Oftentimes it is a felony.

What would you say are bully characteristics evident in an offender? What are preventions of recidivism? What recommendations do you have for preventing bullying behavior in children? What about for strategies dealing with parents of bullies?

Asked by Lisa Simmons almost 12 years ago

I'm not an expert on child behavior, nor on bullying.  There is likely a lot of research on the topic that you can find via Google.  I'd treat it all with a serious grain of salt though.  A lot (most?) research is funded by groups with specific goals in mind.

I can tell you from my exeprience, which is not scientific at all and should not be taken as such, that behavior is largely learned.  Kids imitate what they see, so both bullies AND victims are largely learned behavior.  Unfortunately, many parents, schools and even society is teaching people that being a victim is morally superior than standing up for one's self.  Sad really.


How are police radio channels used? It seems like if officers are just patrolling, then one dispatcher could handle like 50 units on one channel. But if there's something going on, how is people cutting each other out avoided?

Asked by Name over 11 years ago

Essentially, officers take turns.  It is a team sport and everyone has to share the radio.  Many agencies have more than one channel, so when something comes up, officers can move to different channels if needed.  But fundamentally, everyone has to take turns and officers give right of way to anyone that has emergency or urgent traffic.

Writing a book & have a Q. If an officer is shot on a call, in say, NYC, would someone call the family to inform them the officer's been taken to the hospital or would they send a unit to their house to inform them? Sad question, I know. Thank you!

Asked by Author over 11 years ago

While I cannot speak to the precise policy of NYPD, I can say that almost every agency would send an officer to the spouse/family.  That's really not news someone should get over the phone, and they aren't likely to be safe to drive themselves to the hospital.

How do I become a sheriff

Asked by mark over 10 years ago

Run for the office during the next general election. Becoming a deputy is a little easier, and you should contact the local department and inquire about employment if you would like to give that a go.