Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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Is it possible to be a Police Officer and a Realistate Agent at the same time?

Asked by Tristan over 11 years ago

Unless your state has a law prohibitting it, yes.  Most police officers have second jobs, and I've known a few that were real estate agents.  As with anything, you just have to be clear not to mix the two and do any private work on the public's time.

I have another question. What do you htink kabout these police shows such as the three Law and Orders, In The Heat Of The Night, and COPS; COPS in particular? Is COPS real or is it staged?

Asked by Donny over 11 years ago

The fictional TV shows you mentioned bear little resemblance to police work.  They might be interesting stories but are not accurate representations of the job.

COPS is real, but edited.  They film hundreds of hours of activity to get a few 20+ minute shows.  That means the vast majority of the job is never seen, and when something exciting does go down, that is highly edited also.  The officers shown on COPS are criticized for poor police procedure, not reading someone Miranda, atc.  The reality is all of that stuff probably wound up on the cutting room floor.

I don't watch a lot of cops shows fictional or otherwise.  I do the job, why do I want to watch it when I'm off duty?

if a man hits a woman and child what is the maximum and minimum sentance possibe

Asked by darian over 11 years ago

Depends on what state the crimes happened in, what the laws of the state are, the severity of the injuries, what (if any) special circumstances are in play and the defendant's criminal history.

For example, if a man slaps a woman and there are no injuries, prior convictions or other special circumstances, it would likely be a misdemeanor.  It would probably be up to one year in jail.

If the woman is pregnant, elderly, or significantly injured then the charge might be elevated to an aggravated circumstance and be classified as a felony.  Depending on the laws of your state, 20 years in prison is probably the top end.

Likewise, someone with one or more prior convictions for battery might also be charged as a felony.

Hitting a child might start off as physical child abuse and escalate depending on some of the prior concerns (severity, history, etc.)  Most child abuse cases are felonies, so figure up to another 20 years on that one.

It really depends on the specifics of the case and the laws of your state.

Does part of your work involve patrolling areas and 'walking the beat' or is it mostly responding to calls from a station?

Asked by Ian almost 12 years ago

Patrol - mostly in a patrol car.  I'm assigned a section of the city as a patrol zone and I am responsible for all calls that come into that area.  A portion of the time includes getting out on foot and walking through businesses, parks and apartment complexes, but most of my time is spent going from dispatched call to dispatched call via automobile.

No one really responds from the station (like a firefighter).  Sometimes you might be there for paperwork or submitting evidence and then get a call, but it isn't normal procedure.

hey i really want to be a police officer wat can i do

Asked by shadain johnson over 11 years ago

To optimize your chances at being a police officer, there are several things you can do.  These include:

1.  Stay in school, learn proper english and get good grades.

2.  Obtain and hold a steady job.

3.  Join the military, work hard, earn commendations and be honorably discharged.

4.  Complete a higher education degree.

5.  Avoid doing stupid things with stupid people in stupid places.  Or in other words, don't get into trouble, do drugs, drink to excess, go into debt and hang around with the wrong people.

6.  Join a law enforcement reserve program.  This is volunteer work that can give you valuable experience in law enforcement.  Getting into a reserve program requires you to go through the same background investigation and meet the same standards as a full time officer does.

Can a BB Gun be considered a concealed weapon? I wouldn't have it out in public, at the most it would be in my car. (I live in South Carolina.)

Asked by Emily almost 12 years ago

I'd suggesting checking South Carolina law:  http://www.sled.sc.gov/SCStateGunLaws1.aspx  If you don't find what you are looking for, contact SLED for more information.

Can a cop who is "watching" me, talk to other civilians about the case?

Asked by bobby sue over 11 years ago

I don't know what you mean by "watching me."  If you are the subject of an investigation, then yes, the police will definitely talk to other people about you.