Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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I was pulled over and told my wife in the passenger seat to record the traffic stop on her phone. When the cop came to our window he told her to stop recording and took her phone away before ticketing us. Are you allowed to record a police stop?

Asked by LA1985 almost 12 years ago

Depends on what state you are in.  Some states have laws that prohibit it.  I'd argue that such laws are unconsitutional, but I'm not a lawyer and I'm not offering legal advice.  Why not call the department and speak with a supervisor?  He or she can clarify the law, if one exists.  If the officer was out of line, they might like to know about that as well.

I just got a ticket three months ago for running a stop sign. I paid some and took defensive driving about a month ago. Well last night i received a ticket for speedin and violated my probation period. Now what will happen?

Asked by alice over 11 years ago

It depends on the conditions of your probation.  For example, if you were placed on probation in lieu of jail time, and now you have violated that probation, it is possible that a judge will revoke your probation and you will serve the balance of the sentenced time in jail.

None of this is legal advice and you should probably consult with an attorney.

I just want to know the procudures that people go through to become a police officer? What kind of records do you guys look at? What about people that have a criminal record?

Asked by mauisheriff@gmail.com over 11 years ago

The best bet is to contact the recruiter at the agency you are most interested in applying to.  He or she can give you the exact details of what they require.  

Every state and department is different.  There are some generallities.

A background check will be conducted to ascertain the general nature of your character, job history, military service, drug use, criminal history and financial history.  Depending on the department, an agency may interview your neighbors, former employers, former co-workers, relatives and other people with knowledge of your work ethic, demeanor and character.

Things like poor credit, large debt, unstable work history, etc. are not automatic disqualifiers, but they can be red flags.

Past criminal activity is a problem.  Felonies, domestic violence, DUIs and other crimes can be automatic disqualifiers.  Misdemeanor, non-violent crimes may not automatically disqualify you, but they are significant red flags.  Mitigating circumstances, the nature of the crime, and other factors can help.  (For example, you passed a bad check your freshman year in college at age 18.  You are now 28 years old, graduated college, have had a stable work history, and are an officer in the US Navy reserves.  Those factors will go a long way to show the prior criminal act was a one-time event.)

Hope that helps.

Intruders first entered home before tenants moved in--were in the process of moving in. Sheriff claimed maybe someone forgot to lock the door. Tenants knew they had locked the door. Would the sheriff take fingerprints with no proof of entry 1st time?

Asked by mjd over 11 years ago

Sounds like the tenants had lawful possession of the home, so anyone entering without their permission should be treated criminally.  The door being locked is not relevant to the crime, other than being a possible/likely point of entry.

If the situation is that the victim "thinks" someone entered the residence, and the backdoor being unlocked is the only evidence to support that belief, then no...the deputy or officer is unlikely to try and collect fingerprints.  If there is something more to the incident, such as something has been stolen, damaged, moved, left, etc, then the responding deputy would be more likely to collect evidence.

It is all going to hinge on the idea of has a crime been committed.  If the victim cannot show or testify to actions that indicate a crime happened, then there is not going to be much of a law enforcement response.  So, the victim (or witness) needs to have seen the intruders, or there needs to be some type of evidence beyond an unlocked door.  Something like dirt tracked into the residence, some trash left behind, things moved around, somethign stolen etc.

My neighbor, who I must add is currently on probation, admitted to me shes been recieving and opening my mail. there was a cop present responding BC both her & my tires had been slashed, & he did nothin. What can i do about this? Than!

Asked by SingleMama almost 12 years ago

Tampering with the mail is a federal offense and the local officer does not have jurisdiction to enforce those laws.  Contact the US Post Office law enforcement division and file a report with them.  They can invesitgate that aspect of things and take whatever enforcement action is appropriate.

Regarding the slashed tires, what evidence do you have that she (or anyone specific) committed the crime?  Just because she may have done it, doesn't mean that the officer had probable cause (a legal burden of proof) to make an arrest for it.

I accidentally passed a school bus with it's stop sign out. I feel terrible about it. No cops were around? Can i still get ticketed? I've only had my license for 3 weeks. This would be my first offence.

Asked by Brad almost 12 years ago

You will not likely get a ticket at this point.

Recently, I have encountered problems with my vision in my left eye. Due to this, my vision is permanently obstructed. However, I can correct this with contacts. Can I still become an officer in these circumstances?

Asked by Michael over 11 years ago

Many departments would still be willing to hire you if your vision is corrected to 20/20.  However, this will vary from department to department, so make sure you ask about vision requirements with the agencies you apply to.