


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Here is some questions asked for fire fighters in a interview posted and link Tell us about yourself. (who)
Tell us about your family. (who)
Tell us about your best friend. (who)
When did you decide you wanted to be a firefighter? (why)
Why do you want to be a firefighter? (why)
What have you done to prepare for this job? (what)
What have you done to prepare for this interview? (what)
What is the primary goal of the fire department? (what)
What aspect of the job appeals to you the most? The least? (who)
What is the job of a firefighter? (what)
Do you feel you are qualified to be a firefighter with ______ Fire Department? (what/who/why)
If hired, what would you bring to this job? This department? (what)
Why do you want to work for _____ Fire Department? (why)
Tell us what you know about _______ city/department/district. (what)
What do you feel is your biggest strength? (who)
What do you feel is your biggest weakness? (who)
What would your previous boss say about you? Something positive and negative. (who)
What are the most important attributes of a firefighter? (what/why)
What is the most important trait a firefighter must possess? (what)
Suppose you found drugs in another firefighter’s locker. How would you respond? (how)
Suppose you noticed your Lieutenant was intoxicated. How would you respond? (how)
How would you respond to another firefighter offering you an illegal substance? (how/who)
How would you handle a conflict with another firefighter? (how)
How would you respond if you saw another firefighter steal? (how/who)
How would you handle bullying in the workplace? (how/who)
How would you handle conflicting orders at a scene? (how/what)
How would you deal with an irate citizen? (how)
How would you deal with sexual harassment towards yourself? Towards another? (how/who)
How would you deal with a coworker making racist remarks or jokes? (how/who)
How would you deal with an order against your moral judgment? (how/who)
How would you deal with an order that put you in great danger? (how/what)
When you don’t know an answer, how do you respond? (who/what)
Tell us about a time you disagreed with your boss? A co­worker? How did you handle it? (how/who)
If we offer you the job, when could you start? (why)
Are you on any other hiring lists? (who)
If we were to offer you the job, would you leave if offered a job elsewhere? (who)
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? (who/why)
At the end of your career, what would be an accomplishment you would be most proud of? (who/why)
What are the character traits of a firefighter? (who/what)
Have you ever been in an emergency situation? (who/what)
How do you handle stress? (who)
How do you handle criticism? (who)
What are your hobbies? (who/what)
Why should we select you over the other candidates? (who/why)
What are the roles of a rookie firefighter? (what)
What are your questions for us? (why)
Tell us about yourself in High School? (who)
What have you done since High School? (who)
What do you think are the roles of the firefighter within this city/district? (what)
What do you think the day to day activities/responsibilities of a firefighter are? (what)
What sort of formal education do you have? (who/what)
Tell us what life experience you have that can relate to this job? (who/what)

Asked by Aiden about 4 years ago

Got enough questions at once?

- What are the causes behind big wildfires?

- Do big wildfires have an effect on society?

- What is your point of view of wildfires thats now rising in America?

Asked by ?Question? over 4 years ago

To much building in our urban interface and especially in areas of CA where high fire dangers are explosive.

What is the difference between a public and private fire department and how do they work

Asked by Jerry about 4 years ago

Private is a company that makes a profit as in a business. Rural Metro is a well known private fire dept that started in Scottsdale, AZ

Can you move a sign on wall that says sv

Asked by Helena almost 4 years ago


Why are trucks usually red but sometimes other colors

Asked by Wispwr about 4 years ago

Preference mainly but regulations vary from state to state, but there are sometimes certain designs have to be placed on the rigs.

Is it hard to maintain a healthy relationship with a spouse?

Asked by Austin L over 3 years ago

Well considering I got divorced after 38 yrs with a narcissitic person cant provide a biased answer to this.

What’s with all the wild fires?

Asked by Sam over 3 years ago

Urban interface and community being built in area with limited water among other issues.