


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Have you ever been to a situation like this?

Asked by Kaylee over 4 years ago

Nope but Cats yes.

Why do most fire men drive trucks as their personal vehicles?

Asked by Kym over 4 years ago

Male macho I guess, most work part time jobs where they come in handy/

Do you work closely with the police

Asked by Barney over 4 years ago

All of the time besides my sons being deputies. We rely on LE for assistance on many calls.

Is there a fire code in Ontario that prevents tenants from storing bicycles on their balcony (wood balcony second floor)?

Asked by minto over 4 years ago

Probably only if it interferes with egress during a fire.

What is the worst thing you ever seen???

Asked by Timmy over 4 years ago

Death of the innocent due to drunk driving.

Is the 911 system commonly abused? What is your more garden variety dumbass calls as well as some of the most outrageous? How do you react when you are called out to people who don’t know how to use 911 say falling for a scraped knee, headache, ride

Asked by Lilith over 3 years ago

Yes, the system is abused and underpaid. People that dont have insurance use the system as their personal doctor and the system wasnt designed for that. The best thing you can do is address the situation and then educate them on issues for future. But it comes down to majority of people know that you call the fire dept when you don’t know who to call, cause they will take care of it.

Hey I am a highschool student and am about to graduate and I am really interested into wanting to be a fire fighter what would you recommend for me to do right after highschool?

Asked by Isma about 4 years ago

Get your EMT and volunteer with a department to gain expierence.