


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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I have just taken the written exam and was wondering how long before I find out my score and if I don't hear back does that mean I failed

Asked by Datron Battles almost 3 years ago

Depends on agency and they company they have doing it.

Shoulder answer please. Also,Seeking clarification on "function without asthma acting up". Inhaler used more than 1x a day typically & used after exercise like running. Thoughts/knowledge on this asthma working with trying to be firefighter? Thankyou

Asked by Winston over 2 years ago

I work with several FF that had asthma. As long as your meds keep it from interfering during exercise you could achieve your goal.

Thankyou. Well I typically need2 take my inhaler soon after exercise like running. Would that count as "interfering during exercise" Idk the parameter or where the line is drawn. Is it that I need to be able to exercise without then needing inhaler?

Asked by Winston over 2 years ago


so myself and some buddies were at the beach one night and had been drinking some beer and had a small bonfire going. So eventually the cops show up, detain us, and one of them put out the fire by taking a very long piss on it. isn't that illegal?

Asked by geraldmarine 5 months ago


on average how often do you recive mayday calls when fire fighters are down and second question is when you have breathing apparatus on how do you get the children to go to you because do not you say dont hide go outside

Asked by toby 4 months ago


how much mechanical aptitude is required to be a fireman? I'm interested in being one. I like being physical, but I'm geared more toward social aspect or helping people.

Asked by Ryan 4 months ago


I have taken the oral interview for my fire department and was wondering how long does the period usually lasts till you hear back from examiners regarding you moving on in the process and if you don't does that mean that you failed

Asked by Nemo over 2 years ago