


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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What are some types of questions you wished people would stop asking

Asked by Question to all almost 5 years ago

I dont mind questions but there can be some silly ones that for sure.

What do you think is the scariest situation you have ever been in?

Asked by Don almost 5 years ago

Getting turned around in a closet in a structure fire. It is the simple things that can get you killed.

Is it true that if someone testes positive or inconclusive for COVID-19 and they die no matter how their death is ruled as COVID-19 even if it is just a suspicion that they had the illness?

Asked by dasdfas almost 5 years ago

According to numerous undisclosed sources that is the case with some scrupulous operations since Medicare pays more to the hospitals for a Covid death due to federal reasons than someone that has other issues. This is a very touchy issue but I personally believe it is more political than anything,

Another video I assume you seen it of the bomb squad that blew up fireworks what is your thoughts on that?

Asked by Willaim over 3 years ago

Well it is apparentthat they need a new truck. The investigation has revealed the amount of explosives but in hindsight they loaded it with to much.

Oh one more thing why do they say fire fighters love chili is it true? Kind of like the cops and doughnuts and coffee

Asked by Johnson almost 5 years ago

I don't know cause it isn't my favorite food, Steak is mine.

I had a horrible experience with a garden fire which started when I was asleep. Ended up fine but I keep thinking about what would have happened if it had got into the roof. My roof is insulated with super glass but would this prevent a blaze?

Asked by CD almost 4 years ago

Not quite sure what super glass is?

Bit graphic, but do you deal with the bodies and if you do, do you get used to seeing them?

Asked by Ethan4598 almost 5 years ago

Most are able to build an emotional wall and can concentrate on the tasks at hand. But there are some that can only do it for so long and have to retire and unfortunately there are so who take their own lives. I know of at least 5 co workers who have killed themselves. I have had a few calls that are imbedded in my head but can keep them back in the cave of my mind.