


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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What did those places have to do with Mr. Floyd or the police?

Asked by Ndndnd over 4 years ago

Opportunity only to proceed with their agenda

Hello sir I would like to ask you how and where and do you need a fire science degree ?????

Asked by Ron Bobby Stone-Smith-Hernandez over 4 years ago

No you do not but if you are getting into the filed I do recommend getting your EMT

I'm researching training for a book. What is the name and are there any training resources/video for the technique of two attack lines advancing with a center person keeping tempo for both lines? Thanks.

Asked by Michael H Schaefer almost 5 years ago

I forget the the name but look under flammable liquid firefighting techniques,

Have you ever asked someone a question on here? If so do you mind saying what it was?

Asked by QUESTION TO ALL over 4 years ago

I havent had a need to do that. But I have answered a question with a question but generally dont get a reply.

Are the Jobstr guys still doing anything on this site or is it a abandoned project? I sent them a email and they said they read everything and NOTHING. I am worried once the last of you who actually still answer regularly once their gone this site is dead

Asked by Donnie over 4 years ago

Dont know. I got involved with this when on a cruise and this attorney was leaving Law field to do this?

What is the difference between ABC, K, and D fire extinguishers? I heard that it is best because you can put out almost any fire if you have all three. Should I use all three?

Asked by Martian over 4 years ago

Generally use ABC, K is for kitchen grease fires, D is combustible metals that react violently with water.

Where does the pneumatic chisel obtain power?

Asked by Katie Grayson almost 5 years ago

Portable air cylinders that are connected via a hose.