


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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I also heard having a EAS radio is as important as having a smoke alarm is that tire?

Asked by Martian over 4 years ago

Yes it is, fortunately the smart phones have the ability to warn us,

What are the main responsibilities of a fire fighter at a road traffic collision

Asked by Ess1 almost 5 years ago

Pt, care, fire suppression, scene safety, haz mat mitigation for starters

I’m doing an assignment on the EAP program in firefighting and I have a few questions
Who’s involved in running the program?
How does an employee reach out to receive assistance?
How long has this program been part of the Fire Department?

Asked by Alexey over 4 years ago

Depends on organization. My Dept uses the county HR department for this. I have never used the program.

Can you listen to the radio in the truck and do you ever?

Asked by Ronald over 4 years ago

Depending on if the unit has a radio.

Do you ever listen to music in your truck? If so what kind? If not why not? Thanks!

Asked by Meghan almost 5 years ago

All Genre's, Also dependent on my partner.

What is fire police? I sort of know what a fire marshal is but what is fire police?

Asked by Dave almost 5 years ago

Fire Police assist with traffic control at fire scenes.

Did you see the video of the firemen beating the commies ass who attacked 60 year old woman ? What do you think? If you have not seen it I recommend it

Asked by Darla over 4 years ago

Not seen