


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Why is the FD and PD such rivals

Asked by Nsnsnsndndnsndnd about 5 years ago

Competiveness between the groups

Whqat is the best and worst part(s) of your job?

Asked by Ricardo over 5 years ago

Adventure #1Boredom #2Never know what your going to be doing min to min when on duty.

Bushes on my friends property burned up during the night but the fire department never made any attempt to contact them is it possible they might send mail or something to to explain what happened. The fire department did put it out by the way

Asked by Steve almost 6 years ago

If no one was there probably not unless the homeowner was filing a claim they would need to contact the dept. otherwise it was a simple brush type fire and minimal fire reporting would not be required.

When there is a fire emergency, how many people typically ride in the firetruck?

Asked by Paige Brown over 5 years ago

2-6 but generally 4

Hey man do you have any input on this here Corona Virus?!

Asked by Worried almost 5 years ago

Yes, Mass hysteria brought on by media. There will be deaths just like there is with every flu season. Politically motivated plain and simple. Wssh your friggin hands.

Do fire trucks have radios?

Asked by Dan over 5 years ago

Yes 800, VHF, UHF and some have AM/FM and bluetooth etc.

Do fire men and women get paid very much?

Asked by Alan over 5 years ago

Anywhere from nothing to up to $100,000.