


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

Best Rated

I am already a firefighter and I am pursuing a firefighter job in the US.
1.What is the process I must go through to get a job
2.Does my previous rank matter?

Asked by stefan over 5 years ago

Previous rank is usually irrelevant. Give me a bit of background on you. Kinda hard to answer a questions without a little detail.

How do fire fighter ranks work?

Asked by Dan the man over 5 years ago

FirefighterEngineer/SergeantLieutenantCaptainBattalion ChiefDivision ChiefAssistant ChiefFire Chief

Generally speaking

I brought some smoke and CO detectors over to my friend’s house in the Virgin Islands because he didn’t have any, but I didn’t have the mounting pieces. Will they still work if simply placed on top of a cabinet or shelf? Is this better than nothing?

Asked by Lish7 over 5 years ago

Co detectors Ahould be no highsr than 3’ off the ground. Smoke detectors on the ceiling


Asked by ???? about 5 years ago

Couldnt tell you other than this is all voluntary, we are not compensated to answer tour questions.

Why are fire trucks usually red or greenish yellow? But then plenty aren’t?

Asked by 64 over 5 years ago

Depends on the departments choice of the color schemes. Studies have been made but nothing is required by law for a specific color of the apparatus.

How do you handle flirts and fire fighter bunnies?

Asked by Riley over 5 years ago

Flattering yes, but maintain professionalism at all times, I chose this career to help people not pick up girls. Badge bunnies are out there that is fo sure.

what do you think of the thin red line?

Asked by dan almost 5 years ago

I have it tattooed on my arm. It is a symbol of solidarity.