


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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What is the weirdest call you have ever been on? Or dumbest

Asked by Nancy over 5 years ago

Individual that was killed on his last day, last 10 min of his job since he was retiring and was caught in a cement mixer machine. Pretty much sits up near the top, other than delivering a baby during a police chase while riding with my youngest son on his job.

I was just wondering what kind of questions I should be expecting during a volunteer firefighter interview?

Asked by Danika over 5 years ago

why do you want to do this. Do you expectbto be compensated. Know what your longterm goals are and guage your thinking around that.

What are custom options you can put on a fire truck?

Asked by Papa over 5 years ago

Many things from different hose lauouts, compartment layouts. So have special requirements for medical equipment just depends.

Question. How misused is the 911 system misused and abused? Is it realls as bad as I have been told. I have heard of some really dumb calls.

Asked by Dan over 5 years ago

It is abused most definitely. I run legit calls 50% of the time but 50% of them are calls where people thing a sore neck from a carvereck is worth big bucks, call 911 get seen faster, no insurance ER will take care of you no matter what. But yes it is abused.

Years ago my brother was playing with matches and my sisters blouse caught fire. He said he was flicking them. Could her blouse catch fire that way or did he hold the match to her blouse

Asked by Lucy williams over 5 years ago

Yes, based on material, happens frequently with elderly and cooking.

Do you guys really get cats out of trees

Asked by Peter over 5 years ago


Will all the major highways and interstates close or could they?

Asked by Denim almost 5 years ago
