


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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As, a 16 yr old teen, what requirements would i have have to obtain in order to be a firefighter?

Asked by Keith over 5 years ago

Alot of Fire depts have explorer programs for teenagers to get them whAt they need to be a ff

What’s your IQ

Asked by Big Jim about 5 years ago

Never been tested. But high enough to serve the public lol.

I know the 911 system has always been abused but how bad is it now that the corona virus thing is going on

Asked by Alex almost 5 years ago

I am going to some dumb calls lately I can say.

If you are working at a medical research facility and it so happens a fire starts out and so you start to have everyone evacuate so upon doing so there is a doctor in the lab very close on fing a cure for cancer and dont want to leave what do you do

Asked by Jermaine Elgin almost 6 years ago

He leaves no questions asks

There was a fire in the restaurant that I work in... it was contained but still the entire restaurant smells of smoke and I was wiping things down and the white towel was black when I was done.. I have a headache and my throat hurts is this safe

Asked by ThT chic over 5 years ago

No the headache can be from extinguishing agents if they were used. Should have been wearing a protective masks at a minimum.

When u r fighting a fire inside a structure and u put it out to the best of ur knowledge. Do u leave the nozzle inside the bldg or back it out?? The reason I'm asking is I've always been told to leave it inside for ur primary,secondary, overhaul teams

Asked by Justin King about 6 years ago

If there is active fire hose stays with you. During an overhaul phase the nozzle is usually left in a easy to reach location if more water is needed. Depends on dept procedures on this practice.

What if I call 911 to report a fire, but I put it out before the FD gets here, will they still respond?
And, when I call in a explosion how many engines or trucks will respond ( although it depends on the department)

Asked by Ty over 5 years ago

First off why would you be calling for an explosion, this does send red flags for me so I will not be answering that question. But as for the first one, we will still respond due to you may not have completely extinguished.