Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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Do you agree with this coach?

Asked by Merry Christmas ???????? about 5 years ago


Hello...the other day after Watt sacked and recovered fumble...he immediately ran about 10 yards and took his helmet off...why wasnt he flagged for that?

Asked by Jasen Fryzol about 5 years ago


Eagles 49ers Sunday night game Oct 4th 2020 2:02 left. 49ers kicking off to the Eagles 49ers onside kick recovered by Eagles. It took 49ers about 3 sec. to touch Eagle after he first recovered/touched the kick. Why did only 1 sec. tick off the clock?

Asked by Rick B over 4 years ago


In the ND vs USC game when ND intercepted late in the 4th quarterthere was a penalty call for an illegal block against USC. I believe called on the USC quarterback. How could that be? Once intercepted USC is now on defense. Who are they blocking?

Asked by Patrick 3 months ago


Why if the kick off lands in the Endzone it is gone over 10 yards so it is a live ball so why couldn’t the kicking team recover it for a touchdown?

Asked by Dux over 5 years ago


In college football, in order to have a legal snap, how many players must the offense have and how many must be on the line of scrimmage?

Asked by 177404 about 4 years ago


Punt team player catches punt in air

Asked by Jim over 2 years ago