Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

Best Rated

In watching today's game I have seen Dallas let kickoffs go untouched into the end zone. The ball did not go through the end zone. Isnt that a live ball until receiving team touches it

Asked by Shmavy over 5 years ago

Grounded kick in the endzone untouched by R is dead.

I understand in most cases it doesn’t matter. But if it happens at the 5 yard line one team is penalized 2.5 yards while the other team is penalized 15 yards. Doesn’t seem right to me as one team has an advantage when both commit the same foul.

Asked by Dmuellenberg over 5 years ago

if an offensive player is driving towards the end zone and fumbles the ball in the field of play before reaching the end zone and the ball rolls into and then out of the end zone, why is it that the defense is rewarded possession of the football?

Asked by Steve in Motown about 5 years ago

By definition, what you have there is a touchback. And it isn't so much that the defense is rewarded as it is awarded the ball. It was the offense that put the ball into and through the end zone and that's a touchback.

Can a player removed for his helmet coming off return to the game when there is a penalty on the next down

Asked by Ethegreek over 5 years ago

He has to sit out one play, unless his team uses a timeout to keep him in. If there is a foul and the play never goes off (e.g. false start) he can't re-enter since a play hasn't occurred. If a play is run and there is a foul during that play, then yes, he can then return.

I know the rule book completely. So, your answer should be that you cannot answer the question, you can only repeat the rule.

Asked by Steve in motown about 5 years ago

Thank you

In the Ravens playoff loss when the fumble at the 1 yard line went through the endzone he was hit helmet to helmet, if that was called as a penalty where would that infraction be enforced?

Asked by James Heller about 4 years ago

If the foul for illegal contact was called, it would be, in that situation, from the previous spot- where the ball was snapped.

In between plays Game officials utilize a false start signal to communicate what? Secondly, officials use a motion as if each is brushing dust from the front of the shirt, what is being communicated?

Asked by Eric about 4 years ago

The rotating hands - at least in college - reminds everyone it is a 4th down and certain rules apply (e.g. only the ball carrier can advance a fumble, the clock will stop at the end of the play). The brushing the front of the shirt in the NFL signals there is an normally ineligible number (O lineman) who has reported as eligible. In other situations it may be an ask for a number (who fouled).