Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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Can a defensive player make a play on the football from Out of bounds?

Asked by Crg over 5 years ago


On the on side kick, the kickers no kicking foot is passed the line of scrimmage before he kicks. Why is this not call off sides!!

Asked by Dave about 4 years ago

That is specifically allowed in the rules. With "soccer style" kickers, the plant foot us always in front of the ball.

Are you ever going to clean up your quesitons?!

Asked by asdfasdf about 4 years ago


So in punt in football would it be a unsportsmanlike conduct if i grab the other player and push/pull him into the ball if we arepunting?

Asked by Jake 5 months ago


Ref sends QB to sideline for concussion protocol. Later player reenters game. Big sideline furor. Independent Consultant tells ref he wants player out for rest of game. Team doctor says put him back in. Who has final say? Your call.

Asked by JAMES FRANCIS about 5 years ago


It has always confused me why soccer is called football in other countries however here football and soccer are two different sports?

Asked by Jeff over 4 years ago


Is an ineligible player downfield allowed to be the first of his team to touch the ball if an opposing player has already touched it?

Asked by Jose over 3 years ago