Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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In the state of arkansas can a 17 year old move out of her parents house and can the cops do anything about it since she is close enough to 18

Asked by brooklyn about 11 years ago

I do not know what the age of majority is in Arkansas.  You should probably contact the local law enforcement agency.

Oh, and "close enough" is not a legal term that will be recognized by a court or law enforcement officer.

In movies and TV shows, many members of the mafia engage in crime with out being arrested. Is this a realistic picture? If so, what are the factors that keep police from arresting them for simply being members of a criminal organization?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

95% (or better) of the stuff you have learned about law enforcement in the movies or on TV is garbage.  Movies are written, directed and acted by people who have no experience or first hand knowledge of law enforcement or crime.  

Regardless of the type of crime - shoplifting to running a criminal enterprise - law enforcement officers can only arrest someone if probable cause exists.  If this burden of proof does not exist, no lawful arrest can be made.

Is there a ticket or fine for leaving my bumper and license on the street?

Asked by Sean over 11 years ago

Possibly.  You should probably inquire with your local law enforcement agency.

Thank you. And no I have no convictions or arrest and I do have a secret clearance....thanks for your time sir

Asked by Young over 11 years ago

Sounds like you are well on your way.  Good luck and thanks for your service!

(Continued) I would be afraid of them finding out it was me and these kids aren't kids who no one likes who drinks. They are popular and I think they drink mostly to be cool. I'm not sure if I have a responsibility to act in this situation. Thanks!

Asked by Julian about 11 years ago

This sounds like something you should discuss with your parents.  Good luck.

Girl is abused over years long duration by a boyfriend, sexually and mentally. After end of relationship tries to tell people the truth and isn't believed, everyone thinks he's a great guy. Kills herself afterwards - what happens to him?

Asked by Kim over 11 years ago

If the woman made a report with the local law enforcement agency, you should contact them for the status of the criminal investigation.  If she did not, is there any evidence he committed a crime?  If so, that should be taken to the local law enforcement agency.

Criminals cannot be arrested and adjudicated without victims and witnesses contacting law enforcement and being willing to participate in the investigation and prosecution.  

While tragic, if this is a case of:

  -  a woman who did not approach the police,

  -  there are no witnesses, and

  -  the only evidence that the ex-boyfriend sexually abused the woman at some point in the past were statements by the victim made to friends,

then I would expect that there is a lack of probable cause to arrest the ex-boyfriend for anything related to that abuse.


Do police write reports on false allegations and use name of the alleged person?

Asked by SusieQJohnson over 10 years ago

Generally, false allegations are recorded in a report.