Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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How long does does it take to match a fingerprint at a crime scene to a person whose fingerprints are already on file?

Asked by Bailey almost 11 years ago

It depends on the priority of the case and the technology used to recover and analyze the prints.  If you already have a suspect, you can get a very fast match.  

This is a great thread. I appreciate your high ethics. Is it ethical for an on-duty cop (sgt) to ask for your phone number or ask you on a date? Is that frowned upon or okay? (Not pulling you over, chatting outside a store.)

Asked by Suzie almost 12 years ago

Thanks for the compliments.  I am not an ethical expert, but I have always tried to do the right thing.  Teaching me that is one of the many things I thank my father for, and hope to impart to my own children.

If the situation is a casual encounter, and the officer is not involved in some type of enforcement activity (traffic stop, investigating your involvement in a domestic dispute, etc.) I don't see it as a problem.  I see it similar to a UPS driver who is grabbing a soda at a store and talks to someone in the parking lot.  As with all social encounters, discretion and tact are important.

Of course, some departments might have more restrictive policies.  But, I don't see it as being an ethical problem.

If an officer is forced to shoot a criminal, what kind of protocol would the rest of the department take? For instance, would CSI be contacted to investigate the scene? If so, when?

Asked by Writer23 over 11 years ago

Every department has their own protocol.  First duty is to protect life:  citizens, officers, criminals (and in that order.)  Until the scene is made safe, no investigation can begin.  Once everything is safe, medical aid is rendered for anybody that is injured.  By this time, a sergeant or lieutenant is on scene and takes command.  Depending on the agency, either they or an outside department will handle the investigation of the use of force.  A CSI unit would probably be involved, but they are only a support unit to document and collect evidence.  They don't do any investigation.

The involved officers give a brief statement to the responding supervisor about what happened and are separated from the other officers who are investigating the incident.  How/when the officers are interviewed varies from department to department.  Officers are entitled to legal counsel as is anyone being investigated for potential criminal acts.


I'm in college I already finished my first year. Im trying to do law enforcement as my major.I been goin some online info and it says that I have be good with listening & eyes etc,I have two ears but can only listen with one, would I be disqualified?

Asked by Adrian over 11 years ago

It depends on the agency.  Most departments will require you have at least some hearing in both ears, but this can be augmented by the use of a hearing aid in many places.

If there is a specific law enforcement agency you would like to work for, I suggest contacting a recruiter and discussing the specifics of your case with them.

How old do you have to be to purchase a gun in minnesota?

Asked by Vinny almost 12 years ago

What kind of gun?  A quick Google search shows 18+ for long guns and 21+ for handguns.  Long guns that are scarey looking are still 18+, but require a purchase permit according to Wikipedia.  I can only assume that non-scarey looking long guns do not require the same permit.  You probably want to take a look at MN §624.7131 for more detailed information.

Some kids have been coming to my house and messing around with my water pipes. Am I legally allowed to shoot them with a BB gun?

Additional info:
I live in North Carolina
I am unsure if my gun penetrates, but I will only aim for legs

Asked by Brian over 11 years ago

Why would you think that it would be even remotely ok to shoot children with a BB gun?

1.  None of this is legal advice.  Consult an attorney.  Wrongful use force against another, especially a child, can land you in prison for a long time. 

2.  The use of force is generally resricted to "reasonable" self defense.  Re-read #1.

3.  BB guns are not toys.  They can and have killed people.  Use Google and you will see multiple stories about BB guns killing people.  For example:  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/03/21/florida-boy-10-dies-after-brother-accidentally-shoots-him-with-bb-gun/

4.  BB guns can also take out an eye or do other serious injury even if they were incapable of killing.  Re-read #1.

5.  You're not Alvin York and your aim on a moving target isn't that good.  I don't care how good a shot you think you are, you can't guarantee where you would hit someone anyway.  Re-read #1.

6.  None of this excuses whatever trespass these children may have done, but shooting them with a BB gun sounds way beyond the realm of reasonableness.  What would you do if your child had been shot by an adult with a BB gun?  Re-read #1.

7.  Use of force is generally restricted to the defense of persons, not property.  Re-read #1.

8.  If someone is coming into your home and you feel threatened, things are different.  Re-read #1.

9.  Re-read #1.

i let my sister use my debit card once but new she won't give it back what should i do

Asked by camelia over 10 years ago

Call your local police department and ask for their assistance. They will know what to do.