


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

Best Rated

How much protection do turnouts give you? If you put your arm into a small, isolated flame for a second will you be hurt? Is your gear like a powerful oven-mitt for your whole body? [I think oven mitts are really cool to use I pretend I'm a FF :)]

Asked by Robert almost 11 years ago

Sometimes to much. Fire gear is fire resitive not fire proof but will ignite at high temps. The thing about it is that the gear allows us by its protection to work in hitemps. these temps will cause us to stay in unsafe temps at times.

a career national perspective, career state perspective and local

Asked by mel about 11 years ago

It can be rough getting on with bigger departments. But with the right qualifications such as EMT , FF 1, FF2 it gives you a step u. I am from South Carolina and deparments are hiring on a fairly steady rate but understand this is the South so startg pay will not aas be on the op of e scle. It should be noted that the majorty of firefighters do work a partime job. I teach safety classes off duty myself.

How long after the station alarm goes off can the truck leave the fire station? In some FDNY videos it looks like the lights go on and then like two minutes later the truck comes out.

Asked by Dse over 11 years ago

60 secs 24/7/365

If you show up to a fire and the homeowner says that everyone is accounted for, can you decide to skip a search and go straight to attacking the fire? (If a search COULD be carried out without unusual danger, but you didn't want to waste time)

Asked by 42 almost 11 years ago

If the homeowner is confident on his accountability then suppression would be your next action.

When your a firefghter what dose black smoke mean

Asked by erica taylor about 11 years ago

Incomplete combustion, Fire is not at its maximum potential

I am considering joining the local VFD in about 4 years when I'm 17. From your experience, between being a FF and an EMT, which one might be better suited for a teenager still in high school?
Thank you.

Asked by 123 about 11 years ago

There are departments that have explorer programs that start at your age. You can check with the Boy Scouts of America to see if there is one near you. Law Enforcement does the same. I might suggest that you check with your local community college to see if they have dual courses where you get high school and college credit for the class. This can be a signficant boost to a career if you are able to get you EMT in your senior year. Firefighting and EMS are trending to be handled by the fire department.

I live in a city and always see other drivers tossing lit cigarette butts out of their car windows. Does this pose any sort of fire risk? Does a tossed cigarette butt have the potential to cause a house fire?

Asked by mm4884 almost 11 years ago

The answer to that is yes. California is a prime example with the high fire danger they have especially this time of the year. The flung cigarette still is a hot ember when it is ejected. Beside the fact that it is a peice of litter that takes many years to break down in the environment.