


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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I want to be a volunteer firefighter. I've always had a very clean record, but a while back my car insurance coverage lapsed. I'm insured again now, problem solved. But I'm worried this may disqualify me from ever becoming a volunteer?

Asked by John over 11 years ago

No this would no disqualify you.


Also, would being a volunteer FF/EMT help someone's odds for college admissions? Could that be the alternative for an internship or other thing that shows you are a dedicated kid? (Of course I wouldn't join a VFD for that purpose)

Asked by 123 about 11 years ago

Some communities provide housing and income for college students that provide their ability to volunteer with their fire departments. There have been volunteers that have volunteered for years and haven't been hired cause they didn't make themselves more valuable to an employer with education. So don't think volunteering is the only way. Remember fire depts are running 90% medical calls to 10% fire calls

Ok, so you said the ranks and typical responsibilities. How does that (or might it) change if you have a volunteer FD where you don't know who will respond to different emergencies? Is there a system where officers are always on call or something?

Asked by Fred almost 11 years ago

A dept has to have a plan and they usually operate just like a career dept just on a smaller scale. These depts due have duty crews who are responisble for a certain time to ensure response, there are times though that depts rely on mutual aid in that either no one is available or committed on another incidents. But all depts have to operate with a chain of command in that someone has to be in charge of the operation or it will not operate properly. 

Should someone who has had a herniated disc in the lumbar region of the back be a volunteer firefighter? I try to take care of my back. I get a little pain back there once in awhile. But I lift a lot at work with no problem other than what i said. ?

Asked by Steven R. over 11 years ago

To be honest you would be limited to auxillary duties 

I accidentally spilled about 1/2 cup (maybe a bit more, but not a cup) of gasoline down the bathtub drain. Windows are open. Water running a couple hours. Is there anything else I should be doing? Everything I find online is about large spills.

Asked by Beth about 11 years ago

You are fine, just make sure to clean the tub and don't do that again. You can create health issues by exposing others to these fluids in the water system.

How do I put in a station request? I need to change crews. Need a change. Thank you.

Asked by Jon about 11 years ago

Dependant on the size of department you would go to Human Resources at a minimum. Unfortunately you may find your self having to address the issues that create a bad environment with your command staff. Some people have had to resort to seeking employment elsewhere. This question has many answers that could be given but with little information this is the best that I can suggest.

I am interested in becoming a firefighter, i am 19 years old and graduated, only thing is i had surgery on my shoulder and i was wondering if that hinders me from becoming a firefighter.

Asked by Josh Sanders about 11 years ago

Did surgery correct the issue and is their any limitations from that surgery. Majority of Departments have a physical agility test and you can look up firefighter agility test for what is involved. Smaller departments may not. But as long as there is no complications than there should be no reason to not be considered. I do recommend getting your EMT it will put you one stap ahead of others.