


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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When I light a match in my bedroom, it goes out. But when I light it anywhere else in the house, it burns normally. Should I be concerned? Is there carbon monoxide in my room?!

Asked by Belinda over 6 years ago

could be you have a draft in the room or low oxygen levels secondary to increased CO levels. Is there any gas service in that room?

I read that Finland doesn't use a rake to clear underbrush. Do they have some special tool for that?

Asked by Casey over 6 years ago

I have never been to finland so I could not even begin to answer that answer.

Are you often the hero?

Asked by Merle91 over 6 years ago

To kids we are. We didn't get into this career for that most of us got into it to help others and also the not knowing what we will do moment to moment. The thrill of saving someone or bring life into this world in the front seat of a car can be awesome. But it does have it's downsides. That being death and sorrow to pain and suffering of others and even yourself.

My nephew was born with 3 toes and has recently decided that he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up (he’s only 3). Would he be able to do so?

Asked by Cheyenne over 6 years ago

Is there difficulty with walking if not I wouldn't see what would impede him. He diffidently starting ealry

the #'s are on 3'' diameter sprinkling devices that would fit onto a hose. So not wood screws, otherwise I would be on another site.

Asked by hal knudsen over 6 years ago

Are you referring to a distributor nozzle

how do you say thank you to Firemen

Asked by GingerTree over 6 years ago

Plainly stated “Cookies”

How many false alarms and dumb calls do you have to respond to?

Asked by Adolf about 6 years ago

3 today. It varies, there is legit calls and nuisance calls.