


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

Best Rated

came upon an accident where a driver was t-boned on the drivers side. She was pinned and unresponsive but breathing. People at the scene had called 911
When first reponders got there she was doa.
Should i have tried cpr with her pinned in her seat.

Asked by Justin almost 7 years ago

She probably hands Agonal Respiration’s which is basically dying breathes. There was obvious life ending injuries to call DOA. In hindsight after all details are out you probably wouldn’t start. But when in doubt try

If I had a brass #10, #13, #14, #20, #23, #25, #26, #27, #36 and #43 what do I have?? the #'s are on 3'' diameter sprinkling devices that would fit onto a hose

Asked by halster69 about 6 years ago

Got me bud

If I were to join the military would it give me an advantage of being hired as a fireman?

Asked by Angel over 6 years ago

Yes, Veterans preference but also maturity and discipline that can be lacking in those that have not served. My opinion is that all graduating high school students serve 2 yrs in the military like Isreali teens do.

I wish we can post pictures so I can show you an image of the yard

Asked by Jason over 7 years ago

Email it to

Hey there! My stepdad is a firefighter and for Christmas I plan to get him an engraved halligan beer bottle opener. I can use up to 20 characters including spaces, so I wanted to ask for some funny/punny ideas to use!

Thanks :)

Asked by Rae over 7 years ago


Super Firefighter.

That’s the best with a limit of 20.

Not sure you can answer this as it is re:Canadian law but even your best guess is a good start. If a firefighter has been charge with a criminal offense (aggravated assault), can he remain actively working?

Asked by Poopsie over 7 years ago

Dependent on the level of the assault. Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence would disqualify in the US.

I smell turpentine or something close in my garage how dangerous is this? Can it self ignite? Lots of crap is in my garage LOTS help

Asked by GingerTree over 6 years ago

Yes, ot can self ignite. Can not convey enough get it out of there.