


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Hi i would like to know what is chlorodifluormethane is it toxic

Asked by Latrina almost 7 years ago

It is a refrigerant and can be toxic. It is a known carcigen

How can training help in first responder preparation and in overcoming barriers?

Asked by Fernando over 6 years ago

You have to know what you are getting involved with in this career and what the hazards or pros and cons. Training continues through out your career due to changes that occur all the time from medical treatment to tactics and construction.

I know for sure I want to pursue a career in fire fighting. Where do I begin?

Asked by Alex Buckowitz almost 7 years ago

Finish school and go to college and pursue a fire related degree. Also join a volunteer fire sept for exp.

School exam:Making a game where u need to save drunk people.
If a drunk adult person got stuck in a small children's tube-slide, how would the fire fighters proceed to get that person unstuck. PS: it would be great if i could get multiple scenarios.

Asked by David vk almost 7 years ago

We would have to take apart the slide to get them out or cut them out. How about someone get stuck in the center of it by their hair?

If a plug is not plugged in is it okay for the metal prongs to be touching water

Asked by Shanthi almost 7 years ago

should be dried before being plugges in but the prongs will begin to rust if left in water

Thank you so much for answering! May I send you some questions for research I'm doing for a novel?

Asked by Emma about 7 years ago

Hey, so i had a question about how exactly firefighters got assigned to their stations for example, can a FF that lives in One town get assigned to a station two towns over( even if there is one in his town?)I had other questions—drop your email? Pls

Asked by Tj over 7 years ago

Assignments depend on needs and sometimes seniority.