


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Is Forestry a good major for a firefighter ?

Asked by Jay over 7 years ago

Are you planning on going into forestry firefighting?

Do you think majoring in enviromental science would help getting a firefighter job?

Asked by Jalen almost 8 years ago

In my honest opinion, No. one of our officers has a BA in Geology for instance and it does nothing for him. If you are going to go to college and be in the fire service get a degree that correlates to the job.

Whatbwould be something good to major in ?

Asked by Jay over 7 years ago

Fire admin, Emergency Medical, Community Relations, public Safety, Emergency Management. Dependent on what your goal is.

I am wondering, how and when do you know when to vent a burning building? I see on you tube, Windows breaking, most popular vent, how do you know where and when to vent a building?

Asked by Christine almost 8 years ago

Once water supply is adequate and suppression teams are in place ventilation is usually started. Some depts use ventilation as a way to locate the fire by providing oxygen to bring out the hidden hot spots. But generally ventilation are done at the same time.

Hi arringnl , I asked the question earlier about the small leak ... we have fixed the leak and replaced the pipe everything has been fine for a few hours . Do you think we should be ok now or should I call someone to come and check ?

Asked by Rtashj123 almost 8 years ago

Sounds like you have removed the hazard

Hi! Thank you for answering all these questions (and fighting fires). In your experience, under what circumstances would a house fire go out on its own? If it started in the kitchen for example?

Asked by Emma about 7 years ago

Seen it happen. Family left a candle burning on coffee table. Set the table on fire and caught the carpet on fire burned the carpet then went out. Depends on what is burning and how much fuel is available.

I'm an amateur writer and currently I'm working on a car crash scene. As an EMT, If you were sent to treat two girls with minor injuries in a major accident, step by step, what exactly would you do? I need to know it like I'm doing it myself.

Asked by Ellie over 6 years ago

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