


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Do you go in burning house to save me

Asked by Breanna over 7 years ago


Is it hard to becomes a firefighter paramedic?

Asked by .... almost 8 years ago

Learning to be a firefighter is a continuous career that involves training all the time. Paramedic is more intensive in that it usually takes 2 yrs to complete and now is considered a Associates Degree. It is harder to become a paramedic between the 2 in brain knowledge but physically firefighting is more labor intensive.

can you be a firefighter if you have asthma?

Asked by Chuck about 8 years ago

I would have to probably say no. Reason being is OSHA requires us to be tested early to be able to blow in a device that measures total lung capacity. If you can not achieve desire results you are not allowed to use a SCBA thus not fight fire interiorly in a building. But that does not stop you from performing in other areas of a fire dept operation.

How long does it take for someone to actually get the firefighter job after applying ?

Asked by Jay over 7 years ago

There is no certain amount of time. You need to make yourself very marketable with education and exp which can be achieved by volunteering. We have guys coming down to to the South cause they can not get hired up North due to lack of job openings. So it may neccessiate moving out of the area to get a firefighting job.

I would like to know what is chlorodifluormethane and is itt harmfull

Asked by Latrina Flowers almost 7 years ago

It is a cancer causing gas and respiratory depressant. When working around refrigerant leaks Breathing Apparatus should always be used.

My girlfriend is having a baby so my question is what car seat have u seen personally save the most lives. And most infinite/children r killed because the car seat isn't installed correctly can I go to a firehouse and will u show me how to instill

Asked by Jessy Wolsleben almost 8 years ago

The best person to ask that would be the consumer safety commission, they tend to monitor these matters. As for installation a large majority of police and fire depts have employees trained just for that. Our police dept handles thos for us.

Is a firefighter and paramedic the same thing? Do I have to get certified as a paramedic to become a firefighter?

Asked by Ty about 8 years ago

They do the same job but the paramedic is trained more to handle advance medical procedures. Having a paramedic cert makes you a more profitable employee and I highly recommend it if you are entering this field.