


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Do you frequently get stopped during your day by admiring people? For example, somebody compliments and praises your work. Has anyone ever asked for your autograph? Do you appreciate these gestures?

Asked by Syd over 7 years ago

Quite frequently while out in public. Yes it does make you feel appreciated. No on the autographg.

Would Fire Ecology and Management be a good thing to major in ?

Asked by Jay over 7 years ago

If you are planning to go into Forestry firefighting yes

Do you think a person torching can instantly his pants catch on fire front and back. Could there have been a leak in the line to cause propane to leak onto his pants. This happened in gresham sc

Asked by Danab over 7 years ago

I am going to try to guess your question. If you are referring to a torching can for setting backfires and a persons pants caught fire quickly, I can only assume there would be a hole in a line. If my guess is not correct rewrite your question please.

If I have a small leak and water is falling on to wires in my basement should I be worried ?

Asked by Rtashj123 almost 8 years ago

Yes, water coming in contact with power can create electrical shorts that can lead to fires or injuries.

What's the difference between a grease fire and electrical fire

Asked by Ms herbert about 8 years ago

Grease involves a flammanle liquid which does not allow the application of water. And electrical fire is the same way until power is turned off.

What about bachaelor degree though ?

Asked by Jay over 7 years ago

It will get you more of an advantage over those that dont

How big of a problem was cars not yielding to approaching firetrucks? My engineering team in high school are exploring this problem and would like to see what firefighters think. Also, filling out this survey would help us too

Asked by Artur about 7 years ago

Major problem, impedes response, creates evasive action that put more of public at risk then there needed to be. Besides it pisses me off.