


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Are fire extinguishers still or have they ever been kept in glass boxes with little hammers? That seems dangerous with all the broken glass.

Asked by Beth over 7 years ago

They used to be at one point and may still be in some older buildings. The basic concept was it allowed you to see that there was indeed a fire extinguisher in the locker. No they are usually kept in a metal box mounted on the wall with a metal door.

What's the difference between a grease fire and electrical fire

Asked by Ms herbert about 8 years ago

Grease is a flammable liguid that water is not effective unless additives such as AFFF is added.Electrical water can not be applied until power is turned off but also some oils re used in transformers thus putting it under grease catagory.

Hello, Have anyone of you experienced peeling hands from your fire gloves? If so, how can this be managed?

Asked by Corina almost 8 years ago

Can not say I have, Are your gloves new or hand me downs. Is it all gloves or a certain pair. Could be allergies.

After all you need to become a firefighter is complete. How does the whole after porcess work. Do you have an input in which house you will serve with?

Asked by Zoe almost 8 years ago

Plan and simple you usually have no input other than you can hope for a particular house but you are a rookie.

Can a final exit door be left open even if it leads onto your neighbour's property? The door opens inward, but he's claiming his property is private and the door needs to be closed.

Asked by Shay almost 8 years ago

Depends on your ordinances, but why would you leave a final open, or do you mean locked

Hello Sir, my cousin went to Amsterdam and he left his car here. I found a baby kitten living in his cars hood, I can't get him out! It's cold and it's raining! How am I get him out?

Asked by Onenovember over 8 years ago

Contact your local Fire Dept for assistance

What would be a good degree to get to become a firefighter/paramedic?

Asked by Ty about 8 years ago

yes, get your paramedic since a large amount of depts require this.