Track and Field Coach

Track and Field Coach


Manoa, HI

Male, 52

I am a track and field coach and my specialties are in the throwing events namely, the shot, the discus the hammer and the javelin. The training involves a lot of strength training as well as technical development. My other responsibility is in recruiting men and women (in this case women only as I am with an all female team), to represent the university in various collegiate competitions.

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41 Questions


Last Answer on November 10, 2013

Best Rated

how can athletes better gain from the off season and should track and field athletes do cross country?

Asked by theseus almost 12 years ago

One way to gain from the off season is to reflect back on your performances during the season. Sit down with your coach, if possible, or by yourself and answer some general questions about your season. Questions to ask;

-what went well

-what did not go as well

-what was my best perofrmance and why

-what was my worst performance and why

-if I could change anything abiut the last season what would it be

-going forwards, what would I want to keep form the last seaon

These general answers will form the basis of what you might want to do in preparation for the next season.

How does anyone learn the pole vault without sustaining major injuries? How do you cushion or protect for botched attempts where the vaulter falls backwards?

Asked by Big Run almost 12 years ago

A Pole Vault coach spends a lot of time explaining the event as well as detailing what an athletes needs to learn inorder to do well...gymnastics, flexibility, running, tumbling, lifting weights are all part of the development for an aspiring pole vaulter.

What are some good colleges for womens long & triple jumpers?

Asked by Jumper over 11 years ago

Any college where the coach has a record of developing champions or improving the performance of athletes. Look at the roster of the triple jumpers and long jumpers on the teams' roster and then research the athletes to see their progression.

Hey ima 14 yr old track star/junior olympian I've only been running since March and my pR's are incredible so judging by my Pr's, at this rate would it be possible in the future for me to go D1?
100: 11.87
200: 23.20
400: 52.69

Asked by Tayvon over 11 years ago

If, and this is a big "IF" you are able to continue to grow and mature and stay interested in Track then there is every possibility that you will be able to compete at the D! level. Most young athletes who are very good in their youth, lose interest, get beaten by other athletes who mature later or just stop for some unknown reason or interest. But the odds favor you if you can maintain your interest.

What do middle school track coaches look for?

Asked by Shorst about 9 years ago


Have you ever been booed and how did/would it feel?

Asked by Jdjdjdjdjdjdjejdjdjd over 5 years ago


Hello! if my 60m high hurdle time is a 8.73 what will my 110 high hurdle time be?

Asked by Ammeir Hardges about 10 years ago