Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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What is your personal opinion of females being CO’s?

Asked by Peyton over 3 years ago

Some are very good. Some are hopeless idiots. Most are in the middle. Just like males.

My son seen parole last week. Said the PROBABLY won't make decision till September. Following week is when they moved him. Could that have anything to do with being moved prisons.

Asked by Amber andrade over 3 years ago

Yes. Generally speaking, at least in CA, inmates are paroled to their address of record. It is not uncommon to move inmates closer to where they will be released. If, on the other hand they moved him further away, that MIGHT tend to indicate he will not be paroled. Or not. In CA parole is pretty much automatic for everybody but lifers, Other states work differently. It could mean nothing at all.

I am writing a book and need some help. If two inmates start fighting in thier cell, what is the right procedure taken by the guards? how do other cell mates, from the same cell or others, react?

Asked by mirzokhid over 3 years ago

The system I worked for had almost zero cells that held more than two people. The procedure is pretty much the same. Sound an alarm. WAIT FOR BACKUP. (Inmates sometimes stage fights to draw officers into an area in order to attack them, steal keys, etc.) Often chemical agents are deployed before the cell is entered. When it seems appropriate you go in, separate and restrain (usually handcuff) the combatants and haul them to medical before throwing them into ad. seg.

What are good qualities for someone going into this line of work?

Asked by Peyton over 3 years ago

Good communication skills, a thick skin and to be process oriented (rather than outcome oriented).

Do you need to go through any kind of academy?

Asked by Peyton over 3 years ago

In Ca yes. I think it is 13 weeks right now. I suspect there is some sort of legally mandatory minimum training in all states for peace officers.

What is the minimum age requirement? Under 18? 18+? 21+?

Then what would be a preferred age?

In addition to minimum age is there a maximum?

Asked by Peyton over 3 years ago

Minimum age depends. As far as I know to be a peace officer in the U.S. you must be 21. Often they will hire you at 20 `1/2 so you are 21 when you actually get out of the academy and go to work. If you are a :"jailer" (non peace officer) you can be hired at 18 in most states.

What are types on inmates you will deal with?

Asked by Peyton over 3 years ago

All kinds.