Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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Is it true that their letting some really bad people out of prison because of the virus? What do you think about this it made me really mad when I saw a child rapist went free because of it.

Asked by ASDF almost 5 years ago

Depends who you ask. If you were to ask Governor Newsom the people being let out early are all wonderful human beings who are only in prison for singing too loud in church. If you ask anybody else they would say something different. CA judges offenders for their most recent conviction offense. So a person can be a multiple convicted child molester, a murderer and a rapist and if his most recent conviction was for shoplifting they consider that person to be a low risk, non-violent offender. CA is strange.

Are officers issued PPE for this virus?

Asked by asdfasdf almost 5 years ago

Damned if I know. I have been retired for 15 years. Back in the day we did issue gloves but I strongly suspect anything that needed PPE equipment would be handled by medical, not custody.

What do you think of SHOCK treatment and victim impacts panels? Do you think they help people change or just throwing tax dollars at people who are unwilling to change

Asked by Robery almost 5 years ago

A shock treatment is a medical procedure. I have no expertise in that area, though as a moderately well informed non-medical person I think they are of dubious benefit and, as far as I know, are no longer used anywhere. (Unless you mean something else I am unfamiliar with.)

I have no practical experience with Victim Impact Panels. I suspect the bad guys don't give a diddly damn about victims, if they did they wouldn't be bad guys.

What would you do if you got Bill Hilary and Chelsey in your prison?

Asked by JAY almost 5 years ago

Since I have been retired for 15 years, probably nothing. Also, neither Hillary nor Chelsey would come there, it is a male institution. Bill would probably be in protective custody. So I would probably laugh at him a lot, if I was there, which I wouldn't be.

My final question is why can we not do stay at home protests because where killing old people but the BLM and ANTIFA can march in thousands (some without masks) and tear shit up and the cops let them do things like sit in the street and tear up stautues

Asked by Dimmie almost 5 years ago

Because a lot of people in positions of power and authority derive political power from allowing it to happen. Also there is a lot of White guilt and legitimate bad feelings about what is pretty obviously a White cop killing a Black man for no apparent reason.

What do you think of these prisons?

Asked by Malcom almost 5 years ago

I haven't seen the list and do not intend to activate the link. Sorry to be so unhelpful, but my anti-virus software doesn't like it.

What is life like for a prisoner who has alot of money? Can they own video games and buy McDonald's?

Asked by Garm about 4 years ago

Not unless they can get to somebody with some juice who will "approve" non-standard property. Such things have happened in the past. Somebody gets pissed, somebody snitches, somebody gets fired and maybe prosecuted. prisoner gets transferred to someplace a lot less fun. This only works long term if nobody finds out it is happening and obviously that doesn't work so well in that environment.