Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

Best Rated

i just got on house arrest today 2-25-17 aound 6PM today, it is currently 12AM. I had said to the judge i do not have a set schedule for work, i go in at 2pm and get out at 2am. the release paper they gave me does not have any achedule on it. ???

Asked by Key about 8 years ago

I see question marks.  I don't see any question.  Not my field of expertise anyway.

As a future Correctional Counselor how would I know when an inmate is being used as another inmate's punk or kid? How would I be able to stop it?

Asked by Neal Bracken over 8 years ago

If the relationship was consensual it might be difficult.  If not you might be able to read body language or pick up on other clues.  Observational skills are important.  Simply separating them, i.e. changing jobs or housing, will sometimes do the job.  Tossing the aggressor into segregation pending investigation will also often deal with the trouble, at least short term. 

I have been trying to get information on the structured living program for inmates can you give me any info on what it is and how it benefits the inmate

Asked by Mrs.Thompson about 8 years ago

Sorry but no, I can't. I have been out of the system for 12 years now and I have zero information on it.  I am GUESSING that it is a halfway-house type environment for prisoners who are nearly at their release date or who are in fact out on some form of supervised conditional release, but that is only an educated guess. 

I was arrested and taken to county jail at around 5 pm one day. I wss in holding, not yet "booked in". A bail bondsman was already there for me. As I was getting booked in and out simultaneously, an officer came to escort a prisoner from holding

Asked by V3ngeance over 8 years ago

Sorry, but I don't see a question there.  Hard to respond without a question to respond to.

I expect I'll be going to CDCR academy at Sacramento, CA for Donovan. Any idea what that's like these days? Are there like day passes or anything or well I be strictly confined to the academy?

Asked by StalwartHero over 8 years ago

It has been a LONG WHILE since I was there but the last time I was cadets were free to leave the academy after hours and on weekends.  If the classes are large enough some trainees used to be housed off-grounds in motels but that was mostly advanced trainees, like basic supervisors academy and advanced training, not rookie officers.

Hi, I received a call from my investigator yesterday, she told me she submitted my folder and that I should be getting a call from the oral psych dept soon, does that mean that my background is clear? Can I b called for December's academy?

Asked by Lace36 over 8 years ago

I don't know for sure but my guess is YES, assuming you clear the psych of course.  Whether you WILL be called for the December academy is another matter.  I don't know how quickly they fill up, what the last-minute no-show rate is or any of that stuff any more.  In any event, congrats, premature though that may be

How would you handle this situation? While making the rounds you discovered an inmate with a bloodied face. He said that he got hurt accidentally while fooling around (horseplay) with his cellmate?

Asked by Neal Bracken over 8 years ago

Call medical.  Get injured inmate out of the cell and get medical attention.  Do a detailed body search of both inmates.  Check especially for damaged knuckles and defensive wounds.  File appropriate report.  Refer to supervisor for possible Ad Seg placement.